Astrologonaytis or, The astrological seaman directing merchants, mariners, &c. adventuring to sea, how (by God's blessing) to escape many dangers which commonly happen in the ocean. Unto which (by way of appendix) is added, A diary of the weather for XXI. years, very exactly observed in London: with sundry observations made thereon. By John Gadbury, student in physick and astrology.
Gadbury, John, 1627-1704.

First way of making an Election.

The first (and indeed the chief) way, of making or framing an Election, is, from the Genesis or Nativity of the Person or thing, for whom it is designed to be sevicea∣ble, in case that can be but truly known and obtained. And this is the best and most rational way of making or framing an Election, and so approved of by the best and learned of Astrological Writers; because here is a se∣cure ground or foundation for the Artist to build on: It being a most certain, splendid, and ruled truth — That all Progresses and Ends of Things, are Analogous or suita∣ble to their beginnings. And there can be no beginning so absolute and perfect, and, in all respects, so fit to be re∣ly'd on, in these matters, as a Radix or Nativity truly known and proved.

To illustrate this way of making an Election, it is con∣venient, that I descend to a practical Instance.

Know then, that if thou wouldest Elect a time favou∣rable from the Nativity or Birth of any thing, for thy purpose, thou must then make the Figure of Heaven, for thy Election, agreeable thereunto, by framing it in Sextile or Triue unto that; or by making the places of the Fortunate Stars, viz. ♃. ♀. ☉. or ☽. or their Trine and Sextile, places therein, the Ascendant or Mid-Hea∣ven, or the Sun, or Moons, or Part of Fortune's places, in thy Election, ever being careful to avoid the places of Saturn, Mars, or the Dragons Tail in the Radix, or their Opposite or Quadrantal places, as dangerous for either your Horoscope, Medium Coeli, Sun, or Moon, &c. in your Election, and then leave the Issue to providence.

And, here by the way, let not the ingenious Reader mistake me, or think that I assert a Reminiscency in the Stars, as in Animate or Reasonable Creatures; or that Page  19I believe the Planets to wear Socks, * either perfum'd or of an ill scent, as a late Learned Author is pleased, in the room of better matter, to cast scoffingly upon Astrologers. I only assert a Harmony and Similitude in the Sphears of Heaven, and in the Mo∣tions of the Planets; together with an Energy by their Motion, to stimulate Influences, kind, or unkind, in re∣spect of us poor Mortals. And although the Stars should have no knowledge of the places they were in at a Nati∣vity, that they should be presumed to remember what they did there, or what Influences they irritated and emit∣ted the last time they passed their Radical places; yet, certainly, the God of Stars knew well enough, that he had Created them, and appointed them also, to act and do his pleasure (as we must acknowledge they are always performing) when they come there: And that is by as∣suring us, they have in themselves a known and unaltera∣ble Influence in one and the same part of Heaven always; and this as certain as in a Clocks striking, when the hours it directs to, are accomplished.

Thus the Sun when he comes to rise Cosmically with the Stars of the Eagle, always pro∣duceth Rain and Winds. So also, * with Vergiliae, or Seven Stars. And, the like also, when he comes to their op∣posite places. After this manner, when he riseth with the Dog-Star (although some think that Canis non Mordet in Anglia) have we a hot and parching Air, and an in∣temperate Season. Cum multis aliis, &c. And, thus al∣so ♄. or ♂. passing the Ascendant ☉. or ☽. in any ones Nativity, (chiefly, if they oppressed them, or any of them in the Radix thereof) irritates Choller, or in∣creaseth Melancholly; whereas, ♃. ☉. and ♀. passing the same places, exite a Generous, Pleasant, Free and Cheerful humour. And of the truth hereof, can I pro∣duce abundant Testimonies. Nay any Man, that hath Page  20but his Nativity by him, may easily prove the truth hereof in himself, and that frequently.

Let but the Antagonist be so ingenious as to observe a little these matters, and then Character me for an Impo∣stor, and a broacher of Fables to delude the World with, in the room of Truth to inform it, if he do not find these things true. But to our Election again.

I shall give an Example in the Nativity of a Ship, and an Election from it to confirm the Method or Rule fore∣going.

[illustration] [astrological chart]
A SHIP first Launched after Her being Built.

IN an Astrological sence, the first Launching of a Ship to try its ability in the Water, in which Element it is to live, and shew its Force and Activity, and to undergo its Fortune, is its true Nativity, Radix, or Birth∣hour, &c.

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Howbeit, although its General Fate, be written in the particular Position of Heaven; yet, we find that is apt to be either augmented or diminished, by a careful heed∣ing, or a non-observance, of such Times, wherein it is to be Re-launched, or, when it shall weigh Anchor, in or∣der to some particular Service or Action for the future. Now, we know a Ship can be Launched but once, in re∣gard of its Nativity, and in relation to its General Fate: but, it may be Re-launched forty times, in respect of its Particular Fate; which is terminated in every Voyage or Action, for which she happens to be thus particularly fitted.

Therefore, to Elect a time favourable for this Ship to begin any Eminent Action, from its Nativity, is to ob∣serve the same, and the places of the good Planets there∣in; (as before you were taught) and let the Figure of the Election, as near as you can, be under either ♐. ♈. ♊. ♎. Horoscopical: they being the Trine and Sextile places of the Figure. Or else, let it be the same with the Nativity it self. But, if neither of these can be ob∣tained, (as sometimes it may so fall out) then take the places of the Fortunate Stars, or of the Sun or Moon, for the Horoscope; ever observing, to posite the Moon well, and in good Configuration with the principal Significa∣tors; which always are, the Lords of the Ascendant and Ninth Houses, and the dispositers of the Moon and Part of Fortune. Now, in this Nativity foregoing, ♃. ♀. ☉ ☽ are in ♓ ♈ ♉ take therefore those Signs, or the Signs of their Triangles, for the Horoscope, or Moons place, and (faventae Deo) your Election will be success∣ful and happy. But you must always have a care of that part of ♉. which ♄'s . or ♂. his ☍. hurts, least thereby you destroy the hopes of a good Election.

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[illustration] [astrological chart]
A Figure of an Election from the foregoing Nativity

IN this Election you see ♊. to ascend the Horoscope, which was the Eleventh House of the Nativity, and therefore it must be Friendly. The Lord of the Ascen∣dant here, is on the place of the ☽. there, and ♃. here in ✶. to his Radical place, in △. of ☉. and ♄. the ☽. herein on the Ascendant of the Radix; otherwise the ☽. in ♌. is not good in Sea-Affairs. Thus all things (you see) conspire to make it a good and fortunate Election. And, in any the like case, you need not be affraid to trust Page  23unto our Method of Practice. And so you have the first way of Electing, (which is from the Radix) ex∣plained.