Two ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament,: for thirty thousand pounds with interest, to be paid out of the excize, to the committee of Lords and Commons for the Easterne Association, for the forces of that Association, imployed in reducing of Newarke, and other services.
England and Wales. Parliament.
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Die Martis, 22 Februarii, 1647.

WHereas by an Ordinance of the twenty eighth of Febru∣ary, one thousand six hun∣dred forty five, there was charged upon the Excise in course the summe of twen∣ty thousand pounds with interest, after the rate of eight, pounds per centum, payable for the use of the three Regiments of Horse, date un∣der the severall commands of Major Haynes Major Le-Hunt, and Major Gibb, and of Cap∣taine Wayletts Company of Dragoones raised, sent out, and maintained by the Easterne As∣sociation. And whereas the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Easterne Associ∣ation was contented, and did agree that the same should be issued forth, and disposed of for the present supply of the Army; And by Page  2an Ordinance of the eighth day of December last, it was thereupon Ordained and Declared, That in satisfaction of the said Agreement, the said twenty thousand pounds with interest, due on the first of March next, shall be re∣paid by Sir John Wollaston, and the rest of the Treasurers at Warre out of the Receipts and Assessements for the Army upon the first of March next, to such Treasurers as the said Committee shall appoint. And whereas the present necessities of the Navie are so pressing that the same require a speedy supply of Mo∣nies, without which those affaires cannot be carried on; And the said Committee for the Easterne Association is contented, and doe a∣gree, That the said twenty thousand pounds shall be forborne, and be paid and imployed for the use of the Navie:

Be it Ordained by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, That the said Trea∣surers of Warre shall have hereby power to pay the said twenty thousand pounds unto Sir Henry Vane junior, Knight, Treasurer of the Navie for the use of the Navie, upon War∣rant from the Committee of the Army, or any five of them directed to the Treasurers at Warres; the which Committee of the Army is hereby required to issue their VVarrant to the same purpose accordingly, and that the Receipt or Receipts of the said Sir Henry Vane shall be to the said Treasurers at VVarre their Page  3sufficient discharge. And the said Treasurers at VVarre are hereby Ordered and requi∣red without any further or other VVarrant then as aforesaid, to pay the interest due for the said twenty thousand pounds to the first of March next, unto the Committee for the Easterne Association, or to such Trea∣surer as they shall appoint to receive the same, whose Receipt or Receipts shall be to the said Treasurer at VVarre their sufficient discharge.

And whereas both Houses of Parliament did by their Order of the twenty eighth of May, 1647. charge upon the Receipt of the Grand Excise in course, the summe of one hundred and fifty thousand pounds pay∣able to the said Treasurers at VVarre, for payment of th Arreares due to the inferi∣our Officers, and Souldiers of the Army, un∣der the Command of Sir THOMAS FAIR∣FAX, for which the said Houses of Parlia∣ment having since made other provision, did thereupon Order the first of February last, That the first seventy thousand pounds, part of the said one hundred and fifty thousand pounds as the same shall grow due in course, be paid unto the said Treasurer of the Na∣vie, for the use of the Navie.

Be it therefore further Ordained, and Declared by the Authority aforesaid, That in satisfaction of the said Agreement of the Page  4Committee for the Easterne Association, and for their security the said twenty thousand pounds which was payable to them upon the first of March next as aforesaid, shall be re∣paid by the Commissioners of Excise out of the first Monies of the said seventy thou∣sand pounds assigned to the Navie, part of the said one hundred and fifty thousand pounds charged upon the Excise in course, and formerly assigned to the Army as afore∣said, and that interest for the said twenty thousand pounds after the rate of eight pounds per centum, be paid every six Moneths, and doe begin from the first of March next, and be continued for so long time as the said twety thousand pounds shall be forborne, and till the same shall fall due and be paid in course as aforesaid; And the Commissioners of Excise for the time being shall have pow∣er, and are hereby authorized and required, to make payment of the said twenty thou∣sand pounds, and the interest thereof as above∣said, unto the said Committee of Lords and Commons for the Easterne Association, or to such Treasurer as they shall appoint to re∣ceive the same; whose Receipt or Receipts shall be to the Commissioners of Excise their full and sufficient discharge in that be∣halfe.

And it is likewise Ordained by the Autho∣rity aforesaid; That the said twenty thou∣sand Page  5pounds, and the interest thereof due to the first of March next, and payable by the Treasurers at VVarre as aforesaid, and like∣wise the interest thereof to begin from the first of March next, and payable by the Com∣missioners of Excise as aforesaid, shall be issued and paid out by VVarrant from the said Committee of Lords and Commons for the Easterne Association, or of any five, or more of them, who have hereby a power to grant forth their VVarrants accordingly for payment thereof, as well for the re-imburs∣ment of all such summes of moneys with in∣terest for the same, as shall appeare to the said Committee to have been advanced and lent, or paid for maintaining of the said three Regiments of Horse, and Company of Dragoones in the service against Newarke, upon the Ordinance of 28. February 1645. first above mentioned, and for satisfaction of such dammages as shall also appeare to the said Committee to have been sustained by the Committees of the severall Counties of the Easterne Association, or by any of them in the losse of Horses, Armes, and Furniture by them provided, for the furnishing of the said Horse and Dragoones for the said ser∣vice, as also for payment and satisfaction of the Arreares which shall appeare to the said Committee to be due for the pay of such Officers and Souldiers of the said Regiments of Page  6Horse, and Company of Dragoones as have served in reducing of Newarke, and that the said twenty thousand pounds and interest may be issued and paid according to the true intent and meaning of this Ordinance.

It is also Ordained, That the said Com∣mittee for the Easterne Association, or any five of them shall have power and authority, and are hereby authorized and enabled by themselves, and such as they have or shall appoint, and by such waies and meanes as they, or any five of them shall thinke fit to take; state, audit, and determine as well the Accompts of all the said Officers and Souldi∣ers for their pay, as well due upon the pub∣lique Faith, as for their present pay during the time of their said service; as also the Accompts of all Treasurers, and others that are to receive any proportion of the said summe of twenty thousand pounds, and in∣terest by the appointment of the Committees of the Counties in the said Association as aforesaid.

And it is further Ordained, That the said Committee for the Easterne Association may reward, and pay such person or persons as they have or shall imploy for the better exe∣cution of this service for their paines and charges out of the said summes, or of any other Treasure in their dispose as they shall thinke fit.

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And further it is Ordained; That the said Committee shall administer an Oath, which they have hereby power for to doe, as well to such persons as are to passe their Accompts be∣fore them as aforesaid; as also to all other per∣sons upon all other Accompts within survey of the said Committee for the better clearing the truth thereof.

Provided alwaies, That neither this present Ordinance, nor any thing therein contained shall extend to the prejudice of the making voyd of an Order of the House of Commons, made the three and twentieth of December last past, for the payment of sixteen hundred sixty three pounds unto Captaine Edward Wingate, which said Order is hereby confirmed.

Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

Hen. Elsyng, Cler. Parl. D. Com.