The ansvver of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, to three papers delivered in to the Councel of State by the lords ambassadors extraordinary of the States General of the United Provinces. As also a narrative of the late engagement between the English fleet under the command of General Blake; and the Holland fleet under the command of Lieutenant Admiral Trump. And likewise severall letters, examinations and testimonies touching the same. Together with the three papers, aforesiad of the said lords ambassadors extraordinary; and the letter of Lieutenant Admiral Trump therein mentioned, translated into English.

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The ansvver of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, to three papers delivered in to the Councel of State by the lords ambassadors extraordinary of the States General of the United Provinces. As also a narrative of the late engagement between the English fleet under the command of General Blake; and the Holland fleet under the command of Lieutenant Admiral Trump. And likewise severall letters, examinations and testimonies touching the same. Together with the three papers, aforesiad of the said lords ambassadors extraordinary; and the letter of Lieutenant Admiral Trump therein mentioned, translated into English.
England and Wales. Parliament.
London :: Printed by John Field, printed to the Parliament of England,

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"The ansvver of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, to three papers delivered in to the Councel of State by the lords ambassadors extraordinary of the States General of the United Provinces. As also a narrative of the late engagement between the English fleet under the command of General Blake; and the Holland fleet under the command of Lieutenant Admiral Trump. And likewise severall letters, examinations and testimonies touching the same. Together with the three papers, aforesiad of the said lords ambassadors extraordinary; and the letter of Lieutenant Admiral Trump therein mentioned, translated into English." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.


The Examination of Cornelius Teby late Lieutenant to the Ship St. Lawrence, taken the same day before the persons aforesaid.

WHo saith, About fourteen days since he came from Flushing and joyned with Admiral Van Trump to the East of Ostend about ten days since, and lay three days between Dunkirk and the North-furlong and came from thence to Dover Road on Tuesday be∣tween ten and eleven a clock, having two and forty sail of Ships, and there they anchored until Wednesday about one a clock, and then weighed Anchor and made towards the Coast of France about four or five Leagues; where he saith, There came a Ship from the West-ward and spake with their Admiral, who there∣upon presently bore up to General Blake, and when he

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came near, General Blake made a shot without a Ball at their Admirals Flag, and after that two more shots, and their Admiral did not take down his Flag, but made one shot at General Blake, and presently after fired a Broad∣side, and then General Blake fired at him; and as soon as their Admiral had fired his Broad-side, he hung out his Red Flag under the States Colours, and upon that their whole Fleet engaged according to Signal and Orders. The Fight began about four a clock, and con∣tinued about four hours. He saith, The said Ship Law∣rence was a Merchants ship hired by the States of Hol∣land for four moneths, at 1300. Gilders per moneth.

Cornelius Teby.

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