WE whose Names are hereunder written, do hum∣bly take leave to certifie the state of the busi∣ness
The ansvver of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, to three papers delivered in to the Councel of State by the lords ambassadors extraordinary of the States General of the United Provinces. As also a narrative of the late engagement between the English fleet under the command of General Blake; and the Holland fleet under the command of Lieutenant Admiral Trump. And likewise severall letters, examinations and testimonies touching the same. Together with the three papers, aforesiad of the said lords ambassadors extraordinary; and the letter of Lieutenant Admiral Trump therein mentioned, translated into English.
About this Item
- Title
- The ansvver of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, to three papers delivered in to the Councel of State by the lords ambassadors extraordinary of the States General of the United Provinces. As also a narrative of the late engagement between the English fleet under the command of General Blake; and the Holland fleet under the command of Lieutenant Admiral Trump. And likewise severall letters, examinations and testimonies touching the same. Together with the three papers, aforesiad of the said lords ambassadors extraordinary; and the letter of Lieutenant Admiral Trump therein mentioned, translated into English.
- Author
- England and Wales. Parliament.
- Publication
- London :: Printed by John Field, printed to the Parliament of England,
- 1652.
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To the extent possible under law, the Text Creation Partnership has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above, according to the terms of the CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). This waiver does not extend to any page images or other supplementary files associated with this work, which may be protected by copyright or other license restrictions. Please go to http://www.textcreationpartnership.org/ for more information.
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"The ansvver of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, to three papers delivered in to the Councel of State by the lords ambassadors extraordinary of the States General of the United Provinces. As also a narrative of the late engagement between the English fleet under the command of General Blake; and the Holland fleet under the command of Lieutenant Admiral Trump. And likewise severall letters, examinations and testimonies touching the same. Together with the three papers, aforesiad of the said lords ambassadors extraordinary; and the letter of Lieutenant Admiral Trump therein mentioned, translated into English." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A82541.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
Page 15
betwixt Us and the Dutch Fleet, (viz.) Upon the Nineteenth of this present May we had Intelligence, That they were off the South-foreland, consisting in the whole of about Forty two sail, we plyed up with our Ships as fast as possible, and being off Foulston, espyed the Dutch Fleet to ride at Anchor near Dover, as soon as the Tide presented we plyed towards them; whereupon they weighed and stood to the Southward, Three Leagues to the windward of our ships: we there∣by imagining they had not any intent to ingage with us, laid our ships about, and within half an hour Van Trump with all his Fleet bore up upon us; and being near, our General gave Order to fire at the Dutch Flag to strike; which they refusing, we shot again; they still refused to strike, but shot a Piece at our Flag, and shot it through, we then being within Musquet shot one of the other: Then the third time we fired a Gun at his Flag, which was no soone done, but he fired his whole broad side at us, and so we engaged, and went on fight∣ing from half an hour past Four that afternoon till Nine of the clock at night, and then we anchored to fit our ship in a posture for the next morning; the Dutch Fleet being to the southward of us Three Leagues, next morning directed their course for France; whereupon seeing of them do so, we plyed up to the Downs: This we humbly certifie, and the truth thereof will upon all occasions testifie, and have hereunto subscribed our hands the 24th of this present May, 1652.