Intrigues of love: or, The amours and gallantries of the French court, during the reign of that amorous and warlike prince Henry IV. (Surnamed the Great.) Being a true and pleasant history. Newly made English from the French, By Sir Edwine Sadleyr Baronet:
Conti, Louise-Marguerite de Lorraine, princesse de, 1574-1631., Sadleir, Edwin, Sir, d. 1719.
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To his Belov'd Consort THE LADY, S—In return for the Ori∣ginal from Her re∣ceiv'd.

THE first Fruits of my Pen (My Dear) are at thy Feet, The Hi∣story of the Amours of King Page  [unnumbered] HENRY the Fourth, (Sur∣nam'd the Great) of France, as in an English dress, (so far they being properly and genuinely my own) and I hope not unfaithfully render'd from their native French, wherein it is pitty (tho so Ele∣gant a Language) that the Beau∣ties they contain should have so long lain hid; (from such at least who are unseen in that Tongue.) Whether now I have perform'd with an equi∣valent success, and made my Author speak English with the same advantage as he doth his French, I must leave Thee and Page  [unnumbered] my Readers to judge. I know, I have endeavour'd to do him Justice, and so to Copy from the fair Original, as not to leave so much as one good Lineament behind; and if I have fail'd in this Attempt, I shall yet have this honour, to fall a Sacrifice to Thy Self, and the better Sex, (for whom the following Leaves are prin∣cipally intended) and it shall be my Boast that I am such a Sacrifice. But may Thy Self and those Created Dèities, but smile upon this first Essay, and the Encouragement may pro∣duce Page  [unnumbered] some better Services from Thine and Theirs eternally obsequious.

E. S.