The compleat cook: or, the whole art of cookery Describing the best and newest ways of ordering and dressing all sorts of flesh, fish, and fowl, whether boiled, baked, stewed, roasted, broiled, frigacied, fryed, souc'd, marrinated, or pickled; with their proper sauces and garnishes. Together vvith all manner of the most approved soops and potages used, either in England or France. By T.P. J.P. R.C. N.B. and several other approved cooks of London and Westminster.

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The compleat cook: or, the whole art of cookery Describing the best and newest ways of ordering and dressing all sorts of flesh, fish, and fowl, whether boiled, baked, stewed, roasted, broiled, frigacied, fryed, souc'd, marrinated, or pickled; with their proper sauces and garnishes. Together vvith all manner of the most approved soops and potages used, either in England or France. By T.P. J.P. R.C. N.B. and several other approved cooks of London and Westminster.
London :: printed, and sold by G. Conyers at the Golden Ring in Little-Britain, over against Bartholomew's-Close-Gate,

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Subject terms
Cookery, English -- Early works to 1800.
Cookery, French -- Early works to 1800.
Recipes -- Early works to 1800.
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"The compleat cook: or, the whole art of cookery Describing the best and newest ways of ordering and dressing all sorts of flesh, fish, and fowl, whether boiled, baked, stewed, roasted, broiled, frigacied, fryed, souc'd, marrinated, or pickled; with their proper sauces and garnishes. Together vvith all manner of the most approved soops and potages used, either in England or France. By T.P. J.P. R.C. N.B. and several other approved cooks of London and Westminster." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.


Or thus:

Set Vinegar over the Fire, and give your Buds a walm or two therein, with Salt, Pepper, large Mace and Lemon-pill cut in pieces, then drain your Buds from the li∣quor and let them cool, then put them in∣to a Pot, and put your liquor, when cold, unto them.

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