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Title:  The abuse of Gods grace: discovered in the kinds, causes, punishments, symptoms, cures, differences, cautions, and other practical improvements thereof. Proposed as a seasonable check to the wanton libertinisme of the present age. By Nicholas Claget, minister of the Gospel at Edmundsbury in Suffolk, M.A. of Magdalen Hall, Oxon.
Author: Clagett, Nicholas, 1610?-1662.
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SECT. 10.10. HElpe is close union to God. The whorish woman at di∣stance 10 Close uni∣on with God is a special help against abuse of grace Pe. didisti for∣nicantem abs te, aliquid su∣pra te aman∣tem. Pelican from her husband played the wanton, Prov. 7, 19. and impure soules fornicate, when they thrust themselves out of Gods presence: wanton spirits distance from God, their choice and delight, Job. 21. 14. Is their damnation, Lo they that are afar from thee shall perish, Thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee, Psal. 73. 27. They that love any thing above God, leave Heavens bed of Loves, for Earthly delights, and shall pay dear for their wantonnesse. The remedy against it was close u∣nion to God, But it is good for me to draw nigh to God, 28. As if he had said, Unchast Fornicators, that leave God the Fountain of living waters for lying vanities, to their eternall losse, shal be in∣dited for whoredome: but my soule enter not into their secret: though they are Wantons behind Gods back, I see it is sfe, it is happinesse to me to get neer his Fce, in his presence is Ae, Purity, and Joy: I dare not be loose, while I see him besore mine Eyes: wil a promoted favourite abuse his Prince, wrong his grace before his Face? the close union of Gods Reverence, Love, Pu∣rity, Joy, Contentment, Admiration, will not be abusive. Appropinquatio ad Deum, elon∣gatio ab omni corruptione. Parisiensis. The neerer to the Holy God, the further from corruption, as the neerer the fire, the further from cold, the neerer the sun, the further from darknesse: it is sinners turning their backs upon God which makes them wantons, the true vision, fruition of, and delectation in Gods face is grave, serious, holy, and heavenly. What Christian that ever had sweet tasts and close viewes of the blessed God, but his experience is sweet testimony, hee fea∣red to thinke, desire, do, say, that evil in close addresses to God, which at other tims of distance hath had too sinful allowance. The happinesse of the next life wil be divine, sweet vision, and union, without darknesse and separation, eternal closures betweene God & souls, wil shut out wantoness: so much as there is of spiritual conjunction now, there is provision against sinne.0