Cabala, mysteries of state,: in letters of the great ministers of K. James and K. Charles. Wherein much of the publique manage of affaires is related.
Noble hand.

The Earl of Carlile to the Duke, the 20. of November, 1625.

My most Noble dear Lord,

SInce my Last to your Lordship by Mr. Endimion Porter, there hath not happened any matter of great moment, or alteration here, sa∣ving the resolution (which his Majestie hath taken by the advice of his Councel) for the disarming of all the Popish Lords. In the exe∣cution whereof there fell out a brabble at the Lord Vaux his house in, North-hamptonshire, wherein there were some blowes exchanged between the said Lord, and Mr. Knightly, a Justice of the Peace, who assisted the Deputie Lievtenant in that action. Whereof complaint being made, his Majestie was pleased himself in Councel to have the hearing of the businesse, and upon examination to refer the judge∣ment thereof to the Star-Chamber the next Term. But at the issu∣ing out of the Councel Chamber, the Lord Vanx taking occasion to speak to Sir William Spencer, (who with the rest had given informa∣tion in favour of Mr. Knightly,) told him, that though he neglectect his reputation before the Lords, yet he doubted not, but he would have more care of his oath when the businesse should come to Exa∣mination in the Star-Chamber. Herewith Sir VVilliam Spencer find∣ing his reputation challenged, presently complained, and thereupon the words being acknowledged, the Lord Vaux was committed priso∣ner to the Fleet.

In the disarming of the Lords-Recusants, there was as much respect had of some, who have relation to your Lordship, as you your self would desire.

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The Papists in general here do give some cause of jealousie by their Combinations and Murmurings, wherein it is suspected, that they are as fondly, as busily encouraged by the pragmatical Mounsieurs. But his Majesties temper and wisdom will be sufficient to prevent all inconveniencie, which their follie or passion may contrive. There is one Sir Thomas Gerrard a Recusant brought up hither out of Lan∣cashire, being accused of some treacherous design against his Majesties Person. Rochel is so straightly blocked by Sea and Land, as no In∣telligence can be sent into the Town. We have not as yet any clear Categorical answers touching the restitution of our ships. As soon as any thing more worthy of your Lordships knowledge shall occur, you shall not fail to be advertised from him that is eternally vowed

Your Graces Most faithful friend, and most humble servant, Carlile.