The compleat midwifes practice, in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth of man. Containing perfect rules for midwifes and nurses, as also for women in their conception, bearing, and nursing of children: from the experience not onely of our English, but also the most accomplisht and absolute practicers among the French, Spanish, Italian, and other nations. A work so plain, that the weakest capacity may easily attain the knowledge of the whole art. With instructions of the midwife to the Queen of France (given to her daughter a little before her death) touching the practice of the said art.
Chamberlayne, Thomas., Boursier, Louise Bourgeois, ca. 1563-1636.

CHAP. I. Of the signes of Conception.

*HAving thus shewed you the Anatomy and use of the parts, it will be requi∣site to discourse of the conception it self, which is the main and chief end of these vessels: And first of the signs of con∣ception.

The signes of conception on the mothers side, are certaine and apparent; first, if after she hath had the company of her husband, she hath recei∣ved more content then ordinary.

Pains in the head, vertigo, dimness of the eys; all these concurring together, portend concep∣tion; the apples of the eyes decrease, the eyes themselves swell and become of a dark colour, the veins of the eyes wax red, and swell with blood, the eyes sink, the eye-brows grow loose, various colours appear in the eyes, little red pimples rise in the face, the veines between the nose and the eyes swell with blood, and are seen more plain; the vein under the tongue looks gree∣nish, Page  45 the neck is hot, the back-bone cold, the veins and arteries swell, and the pulses are obser∣ved more easily; the veins in the breast first look of a black colour, but afterward turn yellowish, the teats looke red; if she drink cold drinke, she feeles the cold in her breast, she loaths her meat and drinke, she hath divers longings, but her naturall appetite is destroyed: continual vo∣mitings follow, and weakness of the stomach, sower belches, wormes about her navel, faintness of the loynes, the lower part of her belly swell∣ing, inward griping of the body, the retention of the seed seaven dayes after the act of copula∣tion; after which act there is a cold and trem∣bling, which seizes the external members; the attractive force of the womb increases, the womb dries up. It is also a certain sign of con∣ception if the Midwife touching with her finger the interiour neck of the womb, shall find it ex∣actly closed, so that the point of a needle will not go between: the womb waxeth round and swels, the flowers cease to flow, for the veins through which they come down, carry the bloud to the nourishment of the birth; the thighs swell with some pain, the whole body grows weak, and the face waxes pale; the Ex∣crements proceed slower out of the body: the Urine is white, a little cloud swimming at the top, and many atoms appear in the Urine. Take the Urine of a woman and shut it up three days in a glass, if she have conceived, at the end of three days there will appear in the Urine certain Page  46 live things, to creep up and down. Take also the Urine of a woman, and put it in a bason a whole night together, with a clean and bright needle in it, if the woman have conceived, the needle will be scattered full of red speckles, but if not, it will be black and rustie.