A profitable and well grounded concordance both fitted for the meanest capacity, and very useful for general good; wherein may be readily found the chiefest words contained in the Scriptures. Also the chiefest doctrinal heads of Scripture, opened and illustrated, both by reason, and argument. Being a subject of the most useful nature yet extant.
Chadwell, William.



Psal. 40.12. Isa. 3.24. Hos. 7.9. Mat. 5.36. Luke 21.18. Mat. 10.30. 1 Cor. 11.14. 1 Tim. 2.9.

Hand, Hands.

Exod. 17.12. Deut. 15.8. Job 17.9. Psal. 24.4. Prov. 3.27. Isa. 1.15. Eccles. 9.10. Psal. 73.13. Dan. 8.25. Mat. 6.3. Luke 9.62. Joh. 10.28. 1 Thes. 4.11. Joh. 3.35. 1 Tim. 2.8. Jam. 4.8.

Right Hand.

Mat. 26.64. Acts 2.25. Rom. 8.34. Acts 7.55. Heb. 1.3. Eph. 1.20. Heb. 8.1. 1 Pet. 3.22.

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Laying on of Hands.

Acts 8.17. Heb. 6.2. Acts 19.6. 2 Tim. 1.6.

Persons which were hanged; Gen 40.22. Deut. 21.23. Josh. 8.29. Esther 2.23. 2 Sam. 18.10. Esther 7.10. Josh. 10.26. 2 Sam. 21.9. Esther 9.14.

Persons which hanged themselves; 2 Sam. 17.23. Mat. 27.5.

Harden Hardened.

Exod. 8.15. 1 Sam. 6.6. Deut. 2.30. 2 Chron. 36.13. Nehem 9.17. Job 9.4. 2 King 17.14. Jer. 7.26. Prov. 28.14. Isa. 63.17. Dan. 5.20. Jer. 19.15. Heb. 3.13. Josh. 11.20. Prov. 21.29. Mark 6.52. Joh. 12.40. Mark 8.17. Acts. 19.9. Rom. 9.18.


Mark 3.5. Mat. 19.8. Rom. 2.5. Mark 16.14. 2 Tim. 2.3.

Hast, Hasty.

Psal. 116.11. Prov. 14.29. Eccles. 5.2. Prov. 29.20. Psal: 119.60. Eccles. 7.9.


Levit. 19.17. 2 Chron. 19.2. Psal. 31.6. Prov. 14.20. Psal. 97.10. Amos 5.15. Psal. 119.104. Micah 3.2.

The people of God in all ages were hated by wicked men; 2 Chron. 18.7. Psal. 25.19. Psa. 66.5.

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They must expect to be Hated in this world; Mat. 10.22. Luke 6.22. John 15.18. 1 John 3.13.

The danger of Hating Gods people; Job 8.22. Psal. 34.21. Ezek. 35.5, 6. Psalm 44.7.

Whom God Hateth.

Psal. 5.5. Prov. 6.16. Psal. 11.5 Prov. 8:13. Isa. 61.8. Zecha. 8.17. Psal. 45.7.


Prov. 16.18. Psal. 131.2. Isa. 3.16. Prov. 18.12. Isa. 10.33. Ezek. 16.50.


Prov. 3.13. Psal. 127.5. Prov. 28.14. John 13.17.

Saints are happy in having the Lord to be their God.

Psal. 33.12. Deut. 33.29. Psal. 144.15. Psal. 146.5.

1 In having pardon for sin; Isa. 43.25. Psal. 86.5. Isa. 38.17. Nehem. 9.17. Isa. 44.22. Psal. 130.4. Isa. 55.7. Micah 7.18. Col. 1.14. Ephes. 1.7. Col 2 13.

2 They are Gods Sons and Daughters, Isa. 56.5. John 1.12. Rom. 8.14. 2 Cor. 6.18. Gal. 4.7. Heb. 2.10. 1 John 3.1.

3 They are Christs Brethren, and Sisters, Mat. 12.50. Heb. 2.11.

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4 They are counted Gods friends, 2 Chron. 20.7. Isa. 41.8. John 15.14. Jam. 2.23.

5 They are Heirs with Christ, Rom. 8.17. Gal. 4.7. Tit. 3.7.

6 Christ and the Saints are one, Joh. 17.21. Heb. 2.11.

Christ is the head, the Saints are the body, 1 Cor. 11.3. Ephes. 1.22.23. Col. 1.18. Ephes. 4.15, 16. Col. 2.19. Ephes. 5.23.

7 God tenders them as the apple of his eye, Deut. 32.10. Zecha. 2.8.

8 Whosoever despiseth, or murmureth a∣gainst Gods own people, he taketh it as done to himself, Exod. 16:8. 1 Sam. 8.7. Luke 10:16 Acts 5:39. 1 Thes: 4:8.

9 Saints are happy in having such a God to be their God, who though he sitteth in Hea∣ven, and is in glory, yet when his people are afflicted or persecuted, he is touched with the feeling of their infirmities, Isa: 63:9. Acts 9:5. Heb: 4:15.

10 The Saints are happy in having such a patient God, who doth not afflict willingly, nor destroy until there is no remedy, 1 Chron: 36:16. Isa: 28:21. Lam: 3:33.

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They must expect to be Hated in this world; Mat. 10.22. Luke 6.22. John 15.18. 1 John 3.13.

The danger of Hating Gods people; Job 8.22. Psal. 34.21. Ezek. 35.5, 6. Psalm 44.7.

Whom God Hateth.

Psal. 5.5. Prov. 6.16. Psal. 11.5 Prov. 8:13. Isa. 61.8. Zecha. 8.17. Psal. 45.7.


Prov. 16.18. Psal. 131.2. Isa. 3.16. Prov. 18.12. Isa. 10.33. Ezek. 16.50.


Prov. 3.13. Psal. 127.5. Prov. 28.14. John 13.17.

Saints are happy in having the Lord to be their God.

Psal. 33.12. Deut. 33.29. Psal. 144.15. Psal. 146.5.

1 In having pardon for sin; Isa. 43.25. Psal. 86.5. Isa. 38.17. Nehem. 9.17. Isa. 44.22. Psal. 130.4. Isa. 55.7. Micah 7.18. Col. 1.14. Ephes. 1.7. Col 2 13.

2 They are Gods Sons and Daughters; Isa. 56.5. John 1.12. Rom. 8.14. 2 Cor. 6.18. Gal. 4.7. Heb. 2.10. 1 John 3.1.

3 They are Christs Brethren, and Sisters, Mat. 12.50. Heb. 2.11.

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4 They are counted Gods friends, 2 Chron. 20.7. Isa. 41.8. John 15.14. Jam. 2.23.

5 They are Heirs with Christ, Rom. 8.17. Gal. 4.7. Tit. 3.7.

6 Christ and the Saints are one, Joh. 17.21. Heb. 2.11.

Christ is the head, the Saints are the body, 1 Cor. 11.3. Ephes. 1.22.23. Col. 1.18. Ephes. 4.15, 16. Col. 2.19. Ephes. 5.23.

7 God tenders them as the apple of his eye, Deut. 32.10. Zecha. 2.8.

8 Whosoever despiseth, or murmureth a∣gainst Gods own people, he taketh it as done to himself, Exod. 16:8. 1 Sam. 8.7. Luke 10:16 Acts 5:39. 1 Thes: 4:8.

9 Saints are happy in having such a God to be their God, who though he sitteth in Hea∣ven, and is in glory, yet when his people are afflicted or persecuted, he is touched with the feeling of their infirmities, Isa: 63:9. Acts 9:5. Heb: 4:15.

10 The Saints are happy in having such a patient God, who doth not afflict willingly, nor destroy until there is no remedy, 1 Chron: 36:16. Isa: 28:21. Lam: 3:33.

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11 Yet when he doth cast them off, he will mourn for them; Psal. 81.13. Isa. 48.18. Jer. 48.31. Hosea 13.9. Luke 19.41.

12 Saints are happy in having the Lord to be their keeper; Psal. 34.20. Gen. 28.15. Prov. 2.8. Isa. 26.3. Psal. 121.4, 5. Prov. 3.26. Isa. 27.3. 1 Pet. 1.5.

13 In having the Lord to be their guide; Psal. 32.8. Exod. 15.13. Psal. 48.14. Isa. 49.10. Psal. 73.24. Isa. 58.11. Luke 1.79.

14 In having the Lord to be their Shep∣heard; Psal. 23.1. Isa. 40.11. Ezek. 34.15.

15 In having the Lord to be their sheild; Psal. 3.3. Gen. 15.1. Psal. 5.12. Deut. 33.29. Psal. 28.7. Prov. 30.5. Psal. 33.20. Psal. 84.9. Psal. 115.11.

16 Saints are happy in having the Lord to be their teacher; Exod. 4.12. Psal. 32.8. Job. 36.22. Psal. 94.10. Isa. 48.17. Psal. 25.12. Luke 12:12. John 14:26. 1 John 2.27.

17 The Lord is their strength; Ps. 37:39. Isa. 12:2. Psal. 41:3. Nehem. 8:10. Isa. 25:4. Prov. 10:29. Psal. 138:3. Isa. 40.31.

18 The Lord hears the prayers of his Page  [unnumbered]people; Psal. 65.2. Job 22:27. Psal. 40.1. Prov. 15.29. Psal. 69.33. Isa. 65.24. Psal. 34.17. John 9.31. Psal. 102.17. 1 Pet. 3.12. Psal. 145.19. 1 John 5.14.

19 The Lord is his peoples safety; Psal. 4.8. Deut. 33.28. Psal. 78.53. Proverbs 21.31.

20 The Lord will deliver his people from their enemies; Psal. 27.6. Deut. 33.27. 2 Sam. 22.49. Psal. 138.7. Levit. 26.7.

21 The Lord will be with his people in all their troubles; Psal. 27.5. 2 Chron. 15.4. Psal. 31.7. Job 5:19. Psalm 50.15. Nahum 1.7. Psal. 34.17. Psalm 91 15. Isa. 33.2. Psalm 107:6. 2 Cor. 1:4.

22 The Lord will preserve them in time of famine; Psal. 33.19. Job 5.20. Psal. 37.19. Prov. 10.3. Isa. 41.17.

23 Saints are happy in having peace with God; Psal. 29.11. Isa. 26.3. Psal. 119.165. Prov. 3.17. Isa. 32.17. John 14.27. Rom. 5.1. Gal. 6.16. Ephes. 2.14. John 16.33.

24 The last and chiefest reason to prove the happiness of Saints is, those many pro∣mises of honour, dignity, and glory. Page  [unnumbered]which they shall enjoy in the life to come, Psal. 16:11. Psal. 31:19. Mal. 4:3. Luke 22:30. Psal. 149:9. 1 Cor. 6:2. 1 John 3:2. Rev. 2:26, 3:21.

Of Hearing.

Persons ought to Hear the word of God, Deut. 31:12. Psal. 85:8. Prov. 1:5. Eccles. 5:1. Isa. 55:3. Acts 3:22. Jam. 1:19.

They must take heed who they Hear; John 10:5. Mark 4:24. John 8:47. 1 John 4:6.

People may Hear the word of God very fre∣quently, and with delight, and yet God not ac∣cept them; Isa. 58:2. Ezek. 33:30. Mark 6.20.

The reason is, because those who are Hear∣ers only, are not Justified in Gods sight, but those that practice what they Hear, Mat. 7:26. Luk. 11:28. Rom. 2:13. Jam. 1:22.

The excellency of Hearing Gods word so as to do it. 1 Sam. 15:22. Psal. 81:8. Isa. 48:18. Prov. 8:34. Isa. 55:3. Jer. 17:24. John 5:24. Rom. 10:17.

The manner of Hearing the word of God preached.

It must be Heard diligently, Jer. 17:24. Mark 12:37.

It must be Heard understandingly, Mat. 13:19.23:

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It must be Heard believingly, Heb. 4:2. John 5:24.

It must be Heard effectually, Mark 4:20. 1 Thes. 2:13.

Danger in not hearing Gods word preached, either through neglect, or refusing to Hear it, Levit. 26.14. 2 Chron. 25.16. Psal. 58.5. Prov. 28.9. Psal. 81.11. Jer. 7.26. Hosea 9.17. Jer. 22.5. Zecha. 7.11. Mal. 2.2. Acts 3.23. Jer. 13:10.

Of the Heart.

The Lord will be served with the Heart; Deut. 4.29. Josh. 22.5. 1 Sam. 12.24. 1 Chron. 22.19. Job 22.22. Prov. 4.23. Joel 2.12. Prov. 23 26. Acts 11.23. Col. 3.23. Heb. 10.22. 1 Pet. 3.4.

With the whole Heart.

Psal. 9.1. Josh. 14.14. Psal. 111.1. Jer. 3.10. Psal. 119.2. Jer. 24.7. Psal. 138.1.

With a perfect Heart.

1 King 8.6.1. 1 Chron. 28.9. Psal. 101.2. 2 Chron. 16.9. Isa. 38.3. 2 Chron. 19.9.

With a pure Heart.

Psal. 24.4. Prov. 22.11. Mat. 5.8. 1 Tim. 1.5. 2 Tim. 2.22.

With an upright Heart.

Psal. 7.10. 1 King. 9.4. Psalm 119.7.

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Reasons why.

Because God looketh at the heart; 1 Sam. 16.7. Psal. 33:15.

Because what God doth for his People it is from his heart; Gen. 6.6. Judg. 10.16. Jer. 8:18. Job 7.17. Jer. 32:41.

Because God complains of his People, for not serving him with the heart, but set their heart upon other vanities; Deut. 5:29. 2 Chron. 25:2. Jer. 3.10. Isa. 29.13. Ezek. 33.31. Hosea 4.8. Jer. 12:2. Ezek. 20:16. Jer. 4:18. Ezek. 24.25.

Because Gods wrath is against those who do not serve him with the heart; Jer. 12:11. Hosea 10:2, 15. Isa. 42:25. Mal. 2:2. Isa. 57.11. Deut. 30:17.

Mens heart are deceitful; Numb 15.39. Deut. 11:16. 1 King 8.38. Prov. 19:21. Isa. 44:20. Prov. 28, 26. Jer. 17:9. Heb. 3.12.

Of Heaven.

There is a Kingdome in the Heavens for the people of God; Mat. 25:34. Luke 12.32. 2 Tim. 4:18. Luke 22.29. Heb. 11:16.12.28.

The glory of Heaven, and the happiness of Gods people in being there, consists in these two General heads.

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1. A freedome from all evil.

2. An Injoyment of all good.

They shall be without Sin; Isa. 60:21. Revel. 14.5.

They shall be freed from all sorrow and trouble of what nature soever; Isa. 25.8. Revel. 7:16, 17. Revel. 21.4.

1. They shall see God and Christ face to face; 1 Cor. 13:12. Revel. 22:4.

2. They shall dwell with him; Psal. 140.13. John 17.24.

3. They shall be like Christ in splendor and Beauty; Dan. 12.3. Mat. 13.43. Luke 6.40. Luke 20.36. 1 John. 3.2.

4. There knowledge shall be then com∣pleat, 1 Cor. 13.12.

5. They shall have glorious Company; Luke 13.28. Heb. 12:22, 23.

6. They shall have fulness of unspeakable joy; Psal. 31.19. 1 Cor. 2:9. Psal. 16.11. 2 Cor. 12.4.

7. And lastly, all this is eternal even for ever and ever; Psal. 16.11. Dan. 12.2. Mat. 19.29. 2 Cor. 5.1. 1 Thes. 4.17. Mat. 25.46. 1 Pet. 1.4.

Who shall be the Inhabitants of this King∣dome; Mat. 19.17. Revel. 22.14. Psal. 140.13. Prov. 2.21. Psal. 37.29. Isa. 26.2. Psal. 15.2.3. Isa. 33.15. Psal. 24.4.

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Who they are that shall not; Mat. 5:20. John 3:5. 1 Cor. 6:10. Gal. 5:21. Ephes. 5.5. Revel. 21:27.

Of Hell.

Mat. 5.22. Deut. 32:22. Job 11:8. Psal. 55.15. Prov. 15:11. Mat. 23:15. 2 Pet. 2:4. Mat. 25:41.

The torments of Hell consists in these fol∣lowing Particulars.

1. They shall be separated from God, Christ, and all the Godly; Mat. 25:41. Luke 13.28. 2 Thes. 1:9.

2. Fellowship with the Devil and his An∣gels, and filthy, abominable unclean Per∣sons; Mat. 24:51. Mat. 25:41. Revel. 20.10.

3. It is a place of utter darkness; Mat. 8.12. Jude 13.

4. They will be in unutterable pain, an∣guish, and Torment; Psal. 11.6. Luke 16.23. Rom. 2:9. Mat. 13:42. Isa. 65:14.

5. Their conscience will be alwayes ac∣cusing, and laying open there folly in Re∣jecting Life; Isa. 66:24. Mark 9.46.

6. They will be ashamed, and contemned to all Eternity; Psal. 50:21. Isa. 65:13. Dan. 12.2. Mat: 25:46. Revel. 20:10.

Who are those that shall partake with these Punishments; Psal. 9:17. 2 Thes. 2.12. Page  [unnumbered]Psal. 75:8. 2 Pet. 2:1. Heb. 10:26:27. 2 Pet. 3.7. Jude 15. Jam. 5:1. 2 Thes. 1:8. Revel. 21.8.


Isa. 59:17. Ephes. 6:17. 1 Thes. 5:8.


Psal. 27:9. 2 Chron. 32:8. Psal. 46:1. Isa. 41.10. Psal. 94:17. Hosea 13:9: Psal: 115:9. Heb. 4:16. Psal: 124:8.

Hold, Hald, fast.

Job 2:3. Prov. 4:13. Job 27:6. Isa. 4.1. 1 Thes. 5:21. Phil. 2:16. 1 Tim. 1.19. Heb. 3.6. Revel. 2.25. 2 Tim. 1:13. Tit. 1:9. Heb. 4.14. 2 Thes. 2:15. Heb. 10.23. Revel. 3.3.

Of Holiness.

The People of God must be Holy; Luke 1.75. Rom. 6.19. 2 Cor. 7.1. 1 Thes. 3.13.

Reasons why.

Holiness becometh Gods People; Psal. 93.5.

Because God is Holy; Levit. 11.44. 1 Pet. 1.15.

They are Created, chosen, and called to be Holy; Ephes. 1:4. 1 Thes. 4:7. Ephes. 4.24.

Because Gods People in Old time were Holy; Psal. 86.2. 2 Kings 4.9. 1 Thes. Page  [unnumbered]2.10. Heb. 3.1. Mark 6.20. 1 Thes. 5.27.

Without holiness, no man can see the Lord, Heb. 12.14.

It is dangerous to despise holiness, Pro. 20 25. Ezek. 22.8.

Holy Ghost.

Mat. 3.11. Luke 1.35. Acts 19.2. Rom. 5.5. 1 Cor: 6:19. Heb: 4:6. Rom: 15:16. 2 Pet. 1.21.


Luke 8.15. Acts 6:3. Rom: 12:17. 2 Cor. 8:21. Phil: 4:8. 2 Cor. 13:7. Rom: 13:13. 1 Thes. 4.12. 1 Tim: 2:2. Heb: 13:18. 1 Pet. 2:12.


Exod. 20:12. Prov: 3:9. Psal. 49.20. 1 Sam: 2:30. Prov: 15:33. 1 Chron: 29:12. Psal. 91:15. Prov: 18.12. Isa: 29:13. Mal. 1.6. Mat: 13.57. John 5:44. Acts 28:10. Rom. 12.10. 2 Cor. 6.8. John 12:1 Tim: 5.6.17. 1 Pet. 2.17. Psal. 15.4.1. Thes. 4.4.

Persons which loved self honour, and self exaltation; Numbers 16.10. 2 Samuel 15.4. John 5.44. 1 Kings 1.5. John 12.43. 3 John 9.

Persons which denied self honour, and self exaltation; Deut. 9.14, 19. Page  [unnumbered]Judg. 8.23. John 5.41. 1 Thes. 2.6. Heb. 11.26.

Self exaltation, brings destruction; Ezek: 21:26. Prov: 18.12. Luke 14.11.

True humility, causeth exhaltation; Psal: 37:34. Prov: 15:33. Ezek: 21:26. Prov. 18:12. Hosea 13:1. Luke 14:11. Jam: 4:10. 1 Pet: 5:6.

Of Hope.

The people of God must hope in the Lord, for he is the object of their hope, Psal. 31.24. Lam. 3.26. Psal. 42.5. Joel 3:16. Psal: 71:5. Rom: 28.20. Psal. 130:7. Rom: 12:12. 1 Cor. 13.13. 1 Pet: 1:3.

Hope is a perswasion of the mind, to ob∣tain something which they see not; Rom: 8. 24, 25. Heb. 11.1.

The Saints hope, is not on things here be∣low; Job 32.24. 1 Cor. 15.19.

Their hope, is on heaven and heavenly things, Lam. 3.26. Col. 1.5. Gal. 5.5. 1 Thes. 5:*. Rom. 5.2. Tit: 2:13. Ephes. 1.18. Tit. 3.7. Col. 1.27.

The excelency of hope, Psal. 33:18.146.5. Jer. 17:7. Psal. 147.11. Rom. 8.24. Heb. 6.19.

The nature of a true saving hope, Psal. 119.166. Acts 24.15, 16. Rom. 5.5. Page  [unnumbered]Acts 26.7. Rom. 8.25. 1 John 3.3.

Wicked mens hope will perish and come to nought; Job 8.13. Job Pro. 11.7.

The continuance of hope; Psal. 71.14. Heb. 3.6. 1 Pet. 1.13. Heb. 6.11.

The attaining of hope; Psa. 78.6.7. Rom. 5.4. Rom. 15.4.1 Pet. 1.3. Rom. 15.13.


Psal. 26.8. Prov. 12.7. Psal. 69.9. Prov. 14.11. Psal. 84.4. Heb. 3.6. Acts 2.46. Psal. 92.13. 1 Tim. 3.15. Psal. 93.5. Acts. 5.42. Rom. 16.5. Col. 4.15. Acts 20.20. Philem. 2. Acts 28.30.

How long.

Exod. 10.3. Numb. 14.11. Exod. 16.28. 1 Sam. 16.1. 1 Kings 18.21. Psal. 4.2. Pro. 1.22. Jer. 4.14. Psal. 82.2. Hosea 8.5. Hab. 1.2. Zecha. 1.12. Mat. 17.17. John 10.24.

Of Humility.

It is the, duty of Gods people to be lowly, and humble; Deut. 8.16. Micah 6.8. Col. 3.12. Jam. 4.10. 1 Pet. 5.6.

The nature af humility; Gen. 33.3. Psa. 35.13. Job 31.13. Psal. 131.2. Mat. 11.29 Rom. 12.16. Acts 20.19. Ephes: 4.2. Phil. 2.3.

Reasons why.

Because such, who did not humble them∣selves Page  [unnumbered]have been, reproved by God, and his servants; 2 Chron 33.23. Jer. 44.10 2 Chron. 36.12. Dan. 5.22.

Because such as are high and haughty shall be humbled and brought low; Isa. 2:11 Psal. 18.27. Isa. 10.33.

Because God humbleth himself, to behold the things of the earth, Psal. 113.6.

Because Christ humbled himself, even to suffer greivous things for mans sake, Phil. 2.8.

Incouragements to be lowly and humble in heart.

By it destruction, even Gods wrath hath been kept away; 1. Kings 21.29. 2 Chron. 12.7.

By it great deliverances hath been wrought; 2 Chron. 7.14. 2 Kings 22.19. 2 Chron 33.12.13.

God forgetteth not the cry of the humble, Psal.

Honour shall uphold the humble in spirit, Prov. 29.23.

God giveth grace to such; Prov. 3.34. Jam. 4.6. 1 Pet. 5.5.

God will hear their desiret and will save them; Job 22.29. Psal. 10.17.

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God dwels in such to revive and comfort them, Isa: 57.15.

Such are the cheifest persons that God hath promised to exalt and honour; Mat. 18.4. Luke 14.11. Jam. 4.10. 1 Pet. 5.6:

Hunger Hungry.

Psal. 107.9. Prov. 25.21. Psal. 146.7. Isa. 58.7. Prov. 27.7. Mat. 5 6. John 6.35. Rom. 12.20. Mat. 25.35. Phil. 4.12. Rev. 7.16.

Hypocrites, Hypocrisie.

Job Prov. 11.9. Job 15.34. Isa. 9.17. Job Isa. 33.14. Job 36 13. Mat. 6.2. Luke 12.1. Mat. 24.51. Jam. 3.17.