A profitable and well grounded concordance both fitted for the meanest capacity, and very useful for general good; wherein may be readily found the chiefest words contained in the Scriptures. Also the chiefest doctrinal heads of Scripture, opened and illustrated, both by reason, and argument. Being a subject of the most useful nature yet extant.
Chadwell, William.
What we must wait for.

For the consolation of Israel; Luke 2.25.

For the Kingdome of God; Mark 15.43.

For the promise of the Father: Acts 1.4.

For the hope of righteousness by faith; Gal. 5.5.

For the Salvation of God; Gen. 49.18. Lam. 3.26.

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For the redemption of our body; Rom. 8.23.

For the coming of Christ; 1 Cor. 1.7. 1 Thes. 1.10. 2 Thes. 3.5.

The charecters of true waiters upon God.

They keep his way; Psal. 37.34.

In the way of his own Judgments; Isa. 26.8.

They wait upon God, even under Judg∣ments, when he hides his face from them; Isa. 8.17.

To be in a ready posture like servants, waiting for their Lords return from the wed∣ding; Luke 12.36.

They wait earnestly, as servants eyes are upon their Masters, so do they wait until he have mercy on them; Psal. 12.3.2.

They wait with more earnestness, and de∣sire then watch-men do, for the morning; Psal. 130.6.

The manner of waiting on God.

They must wait quietly; Lam. 3.26.

They must wait patiently; Psal. 37.7.40. 1. Rom. 8.25. Jam. 5.7.2 Thes. 3.5.

They must wait believingly; Hab. 2.3. Gal. 5.5.

They must wait earnestly; Psal. 69.3.

They must wait continually; Hosea 12.6. Job 14.14.

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Reasons why we must wait upon the Lord.

Because God waits to be gracious to his people, yea to rebellious sinners; Isa. 30.18. 1 Pet. 3.20.

Because our expectation is from him; Psal. 62.5.

Because of the strength of our enemies; Psal. 59.9.

Because friends may fail, but by waiting upon God he will hear when none else will; Micah 7.7.8.

Because he is a God of judgment; Isa. 30.18.

Encouragements to wait upon the Lord.

Such shall not be ashamed; Psal. 25.3. Isa. 49.23. Psal. 69.6.

It is the way to have our heart strengthen∣ed; Psal. 27.14.

They are blessed; Isa. 30.18.

God is their defence; Psal. 59.9.

They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall walk & not be weary, they shall run, and not faint; Isa. 40:31.

The Lord is good to them that wait for him; Lam, 3.25.

They are blessed; Prov. 8.34.

God will hear their Prayers; Micah 7.7. Psal. 40.1.

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It is a strong plea, for Salvation; Isa. Psal. 25.21.

They understand the Dispensations of God, when others do not; Zech. 11.11.

Such shall be honoured; Prov. 27.18.

They have God to be their help, and shield; Psal. 33.20.

Such who wait on the Lord, shall inherit the earth; Psal. 37.9.

Such who wait on the Lord, and keep his way, shall inherit the Land, when the wicked are cut off, they shall see it; Psal. 37.34.

Such shall be saved; Prov. 20.22.

Ear hath not heard, nor eye seen, but the Lord, what he hath prepared for those that wait upon him; Isa. 64.4.