A profitable and well grounded concordance both fitted for the meanest capacity, and very useful for general good; wherein may be readily found the chiefest words contained in the Scriptures. Also the chiefest doctrinal heads of Scripture, opened and illustrated, both by reason, and argument. Being a subject of the most useful nature yet extant.
Chadwell, William.
Of the love of God.

He loveth those that love him and seek him early; Prov 8.17.

He loveth such as follow after righteous∣ness; Psal. 11.7. Prov. 15.9. Psal. 33.5.

His love streams forth to all the world; John 3.16.

Wherein Gods love is made manifest.

In that he did not choose a great mighty people, but a poor small remnant; Deut. 7.7, 8.

His love is manifested in the pardon of our sins; 1 John 3.10. Hosea 14.4.

In drawing persons to him with loving kindness, and with bands of love; Jer. 31.3. Hosea 11.4.

In sending his only Son into the world to taste Death for us; John 3.16. Gal. 2.20. Ephes. 5.2.

Greater love hath no man then this, that a man lay down his life for his freind; John 15.13.

But God commended his love to us, in that whilest we were sinners Christ dyed for Page  [unnumbered]us; Rom. 5.8. Ephes. 5.25, 26. 1 John 3.16. 1 John 4.9.

His love is manifested in quickning us by his grace, who were dead in Trespasses and sins; Ephes. 2 4.

Gods people must love him; Deut. Josh. 22.5. Deut. 11.1.19:9. Josh. 23.11. Deut. 30.6. Psal. 31.23. Mat. 22.37. 2 Thes. 3.5.