The tenth muse lately sprung up in America or severall poems, compiled with great variety of vvit and learning, full of delight. Wherein especially is contained a compleat discourse and description of the four elements, constitutions, ages of man, seasons of the year. Together with an exact epitomie of the four monarchies, viz. The Assyrian, Persian, Grecian, Roman. Also a dialogue between Old England and New, concerning the late troubles. With divers other pleasant and serious poems. By a gentlewoman in those parts.
Bradstreet, Anne, 1612?-1672.
Page  119

The third Monarchy was the Grecian, beginning un∣der Alexander the Great, in the 112 Olimpiad.

GReat Alexander, was wise Phillips son,
He, to Amintas, Kings of Macedon;
The cruell, proud, Olimpias, was his mo∣ther,
Shee to the rich Molossians King, was daughter.
This Prince (his father by Pausanias slain)
The twenty first of 's age, began to reign.
Great were the guifts of nature, which be had;
His Education, much to these did adde.
By Art, and Nature both, he was made fit,
T'accomplish that, which long before was writ.
The very day of his nativity,
To th' ground was burnt, Diana's Temple high,
An Omen, to their near approaching woe;
Whose glory to the Earth, this Prince did throw,
His rule to Greece, he scorn'd should be confin'd:
The universe, scarce bounds his large vast minde;
Page  120
This is the hee-goat, which from Grecia came,
Who ran in fury, on the Persian Ram,
That broke his hornes, that threw him on the ground,
To save him from his might, no man was found.
Phillip, on this great conquest had an eye;
But death did terminate, those thoughts so high.
The Greeks had chose him Captain Generall,
Which honour to his son, now did befall.
(For as worlds Monarch, now we speak not on,
But as the King of little Macedon)
Restlesse both day and night, his heart now was,
His high resolves which way to bring to passe:
Yet for a while, in Grecce is forc'd to stay,
Which makes each moment seem, more then a day:
Thebes, and old Athens, both 'gainst him rebell,
But he their mutinies, full soon doth quell.
This done, against all right, and natures laws,
His kinsmen puts to death without least cause;
That no combustion in his absence be,
In seeking after Soveraignity:
And many more, whom he suspects will climbe,
Now taste of death, (least they deserv't in time)
Nor wonder is't, if he in blood begin,
For cruelty, was his parentall sin.
Thus eased now, of troubles, and of fears;
His course to Asi, next Spring he steers.
Leaves sage Antipater at home to sway,
And through the Hellispont, his ships make way.
Comming to land, his dart on shear he throwes,
Then with alacrity he after goes:
Thirty two thousand made up his foot force,
To these were joyn'd, five thousand goodly horse.
Page  121
Then on he march'd, in's way he veiw'd old Troy;
And on Achillis Tombe, with wondrous joy,
He offer'd, and for good successe did pray
To him, his mothers Ancestor (men say.)
When newes of Alexander, came to th' Court,
To scorn at him, Darius had good sport:
Sends him a frothy, and contemptuous letter,
Stiles him disloyall servant, and no better;
Reproves him, for his proud audacity;
To lift his hand, 'gainst such a Monarchy.
Then to his Lieutenant, in Asia sends,
That he be tane alive, (for he intends)
To whip him well with rods, and then to bring,
That boy so mallepart, before the King.
Ah! fond vaine man, whose pen was taught ere while,
In lower termes to write a higher stile,
To th' river Granicke, Alexander hyes,
Which twixt Phrigia, and Propontis lyes.
The Persians for encounter ready sland,
And think to keep his men from off the land,
Those banks so steep, the Greeks, now scramble up
And beat the coward Persians from the top,
And twenty thousand, of their lives bereave,
Who in their backs did all their wounds receive
This Victory did Alexander gain;
With losse of thirty sour, of his there slaine:
Sardis, then he, and Ephesus, did gaine,
Where stood of late Diana's, wondrous Phane,
And by Parmenio (of renowned fame)
Miletus, and Pamphilia overcame,
Hallicarnassus and Pisidia
He for his master takes, with Lycia,
Page  122
Next Alexander marcht, t'wards the black sea;
And easily takes old Gordium in his way;
(Of Asse-eard) Midas, once the regall seat,
Whose touch turn'd all to gold, yea even his meat:
There the Prophetick knot, he cuts in twain;
Which who so did, must Lord of all remain,
Now newes, of Memnons death (the Kings Vice-roy)
To Alexanders heart's no little joy.
For in that Peer, more valour did abide;
Then in Darius multitudes beside:
There Arsemes was plac'd, yet durst not stay;
But sets one in his roome, and ran away.
His substitute, as fearfull as his master,
Goes after too, and leaves all to disaster.
Now Alexander all Cilicia takes:
No stroake for it he struck, their hearts so quakes.
To Greece he thirty thousand talents sends;
To raise more force, for what he yet intends.
And on he goes Darius for to meet;
Who came with thousand thousands at his feet,
Though some there be, and that more likely, write;
He but four hundred thousand had to fight,
The rest attendants, which made up no lesse;
(Both sexes there) was almost numberlesse.
For this wise King, had brought to see the sport;
Along with him, the Ladyes of the Court.
His mother old, beautious wife, and daughters,
It seemes to see the Macedonians slaughters.
Sure its beyond my time, and little Art;
To shew, how great Darius plaid his part:
The splendor, and the pompe, he marched in,
For since the world, was no such Pageant seen.
Page  123
Oh 'twas a goodly sight, there to behold;
The Persians clad in silk, and glitt'ring gold;
The stately Horses trapt, the launces guilt;
As if they were, now all to run at tilt.
The Holy fire, was borne before the Host:
(For Sun and Fire the Persians worship most)
The Priests in their strange habit follow after;
An object not so much of fear, as laughter.
The King sat in a chariot made of gold,
With Robes and Crowne, most glorious to behold.
And o're his head, his golden gods on high;
Support a party coloured canopy.
A number of spare horses next were led,
Least he should need them, in his chariots stead.
But they that saw him in this state to lye;
Would think he neither thought to fight nor fly,
He fifteen hundred had like women drest,
For so to fright the Greekes he judg'd was best,
Their golden Ornaments so to set forth,
Would aske more time, then were their bodys worth.
Great Sisigambis, she brought up the Reare;
Then such a world of Wagons did appear,
Like severall houses moving upon wheeles:
As if she'd drawne, whole Sushan at her heeles.
This brave Virago, to the King was mother;
And as much good she did, as any other.
Now least this Gold, and all this goodly stuffe,
Had not been spoile, and booty rich enough,
A thousand Mules, and Camels ready wait.
Loaden with gold, with Jewels and with Plate,
For sure Darius thought, at the first sight,
The Greekes would all adore, and would none fight.
Page  124
But when both Armies met, he might behold,
That valour was more worth then Pearls, or gold,
And how his wealth serv'd but for baits t' allure,
Which made his over-throw more fierce, and sure.
The Greeks come on, and with a gallant grace,
Let fly their Arrowes, in the Persians face;
The cowards feeling this sharp stinging charge,
Most basely run, and left their King at large,
Who from his golden Coach is glad t' alight,
And cast away his Crown, for swifter flight;
Of late-like some immovable he lay,
Now finds both leggs, and Horse, to run away;
Two hundred thousand men that day were slaine,
And forty thousand Prisoners also tane;
Besides, the Queens, and Ladies of the Court,
If Curtius be true, in his report.
The Regall ornaments now lost, the treasure
Divided at the Macedomans pleasure.
Yet all this grief, this losse, this over-throw,
Was but beginning of his future woe;
The Royall Captives, brought to Alexander,
T'ward them, demean'd himself like a Commander;
For though their beauties were unparalled
Conquer'd himself (now he had conquered)
Preserv'd their honour, us'd them courteously,
Commands, no man should doe them injury,
And this to A'exander is more a fame,
Then that the Persian King he over-came;
Two hundred eighty Greeks he lost in fight,
By too much heat, not wounds (as Authors write)
No sooner had this Captaine won the field,
But all Thnicia to his pleasures yeeld;
Page  125
Of which, the Government he doth commit
Unto Parmenio, of all, most fit;
Darius now, more humble then before,
Writes unto Alexander, to restore
Those mournfull Ladies, from captivity,
For whom he offers him a ransome high;
But down his haughty stomach could not bring,
To give this Conquerour, the stile of King;
His Letter Alexander doth disdaine,
And in short termes, sends this reply againe;
A King he was, and that not only so,
But of Darius King, as he should know.
Now Alexander unto Tyre doth goe,
(His valour, and his victories they know)
To gain his love, the Tyrians do intend,
Therefore a Crown, and great provisions send;
Their present he receives with thankfulnesse,
Desires to offer unto Hercules,
Protector of their Town; by whom defended,
And from whom also, lineally descended:
But they accept not this, in any wise,
Least he intend more fraud, then sacrifice,
Sent word, that Hercules his Temple stood,
In the old town (which now lay like a wood)
With this reply, he was so sore enrag'd,
To win their town, his honour he engag'd;
And now, as Babels King did once before,
He leaves not, till he makes the sea firme shor;
But far lesse cost, and time, he doth expend,
The former ruines, help to him now lend;
Besides, he had a Navie at command,
The other by his men fetcht all by Land;
Page  126
In seven months space he takes this lofty town,
Whose glory, now a second time's brought down;
Two thousand of the cheif he crucifi'd,
Eight thousand by the sword now also dy'd,
And thirteen thousand Gally-slaves he made,
And thus the Tyrians for mistrust were paid,
The rule of this he to Philotas gave,
Who was the Son of that Parmenio brave;
Cilicia he to Socrates doth give,
For now's the time, Captains like Kings may live;
For that which eaily comes, as freely goes;
Zidon he on Ephestion bestowes:
He scorns to have one worse then had the other,
And therefore gives this Lord-ship to another.
Ephestion now, hath the command o' th' Fleet,
And must at Gaza, Alexander meet;
Darius finding troubles still increase,
By his Embassadours now sues for peace:
And layes before great Alexanders eyes,
The dangers, difficulties, like to rise;
First, at Euphrates, what he's like to abide,
And then at Tigris, and Araxis side:
These he may scape, and if he so desire,
A league of friendship make, firm, and entire;
His eldest Daughter, (him) in marriage offers,
And a most Princely Dowry with her proffers;
All those rich Kingdoms large, which doe abide
Betwixt the Hllesont, and Hallis side;
But he with scorn, his courtesie rejects,
And the distressed King no way respects;
Tels him, these proffers great (in truth were none)
For all he offered now, was but his owne;
Page  127
But, quoth Parmenio, (that brave Commander)
Was I as great, as is great Alexander,
Darius offers I would not reject,
But th' Kingdoms, and the Ladies, soone accept;
To which, brave Alexander did reply,
And so if I Parmenio were, would I.
He now to Gaza goes, and there doth meet
His favourite Ephestion, with his fleet;
Where valiant Betis, doth defend the town,
(A loyall Subject to Darius Crown)
For more repulse, the Grecians here abide,
Then in the Persian Monarchy beside;
And by these walls, so many men were slaine,
That Greece must yeeld a fresh supply againe;
But yet, this well defended town is taken,
(For 'twas decreed, that Empire should be shaken)
The Captaine tane, had holes bor'd through his feet,
And by command was drawn through every street,
To imitate Achilies (in his shame)
Who did the like to Hector (of more fame)
What, hast thou lost thy late magnanimity?
Can Alexander deale thus cuelly?
Sith valour, with Heroyicks is renown'd,
Though in an enemy it should be found;
If of thy future fame thou hadst regard,
Why didst not heap up honour, and reward?
From Gaza, to Jerusalem he goes,
But in no hostile way (as I suppose)
Him in his Priestly Robes, high Jaddus meets,
Whom with great reverence Alexander greets;
The Priest shews him good Daniels Prophesie,
How he should over-throw this Monarchy;
Page  128
By which he was so much incouraged,
No future dangers he did ever dread.
From thence, to fruitfull Aegypt marcht with speed,
Where happily in's wars he did succeed;
To see how fast he gain'd, is no small wonder,
For in few dayes he brought that Kingdom under.
Then to the Phane of Jupiter, he went,
For to be call'd a god, was his intent;
The Pagan Priest through hire, or else mistake,
The Son of Jupiter did straight him make:
He Diabolicall must needs remaine,
That his humanity will not retaine;
Now back to Aegypt goes, and in few dayes,
Faire Alexandria from the ground doth raise;
Then setling all things in lesse Asia,
In Syria, Aegypt, and Phoenicia;
Unto Euphrates marcht, and over goes,
For no man to resist his valour showes;
Had Betis now been there, but with his Band,
Great Alexander had been kept from Land;
But as the King is, so's the multitude,
And now of valour both were destitute;
Yet he (poore Prince) another Hoast doth muster,
Of Persians, Scithians, Indians, in a cluster;
Men but in shape, and name, of valour none,
Fit for to blunt the swords of Macedon;
Two hundred fifty thousand by account,
Of Horse, and Foot, this Army did amount;
For in his multitudes his trust still lay,
But on their fortitude he had small stay;
Yet had some hope, that on that eeven plain,
His numbers might the victory obtaine.
Page  129
About this time, Darius beauteous Queen,
Who had long travaile, and much sorrow seen,
Now bids the world adieu, her time being spent,
And leaves her wofull Lord for to lament.
Great Alexander mourns, as well as he,
For this lost Queen (though in captivity)
When this sad newes (at first) Darius heares,
Some injury was offered, he feares;
But when inform'd, how royally the King
Had used her, and hers, in every thing,
He prayes the immortall gods, for to reward
Great Alexander, for this good regard;
And if they down, his Monarchy wil throw,
Let them on him, that dignity bestow:
And now for peace he sues, as once before,
And offers all he did, and Kingdoms more;
His eldest Daughter, for his Princely Bride,
(Nor was such match, in all the world beside)
And all those Countries, which (betwixt) did lye,
Phenisian Sea, and great Euphrates high,
Wth fertile Aegypt, and rich Syria,
And all those Kingdoms in lesse Asia;
With thirty thousand Tallents, to be paid
For his Queen-Mother, and the royall Maid;
And till all this be wel perform'd, and sure,
Ochus his Son a hostage shall endure.
To this, stout Alexander, gives no eare,
No, though Parmenio plead, he will not heare;
Which had he done (perhaps) his fame had kept,
Nor infamy had wak'd, when he had slept;
For his unlimited prosperity,
Him boundlesse made, in vice, and cruelty;
Page  130
Thus to Darius he writes back again,
The Firmament two Suns cannot contain;
Two Monarchies on Earth cannot abide,
Nor yet two Monarchs in one World reside;
The afflicted King, finding him set to jar,
Prepares against to morrow for the war;
Parmenio, Alexander wisht, that night,
To force his Camp, so put them all to flight;
For tumult in the dark doth cause most dread,
And weaknesse of a foe is covered;
But he disdain'd to steale a victorie,
The Sun should witnesse of his valour be:
Both Armies meet, Greeks fight, the Persians run,
So make an end, before they well begun;
Forty five thousand Alexander had,
But 'tis not known what slaughters here they made,
Some write, th' other had a million, some more,
But Quintus Curtius, as was said before.
At Arbela, this victory was gain'd,
And now with it, the town also obtain'd.
Darius stript of all, to Media came,
Accompani'd with sorrow, fear, and shame;
At Arbela left, his ornaments, and treasure,
Which Alexander deals, as suits his pleasure.
This Conquerour now goes to Babylon,
Is entertain'd with joy, and pompous train,
With showres of Flowers, the streets along are strown,
And Insence burnt, the silver Altars on;
The glory of the Castle he admires,
The firme foundations, and the lofty spires;
In this a masse of gold, and treasure lay,
Which in few hours was carried all away;
Page  131
With greedy eyes, he views this City round,
Whose fame throughout the world, was so renown'd;
And to possesse, he counts no little blisse,
The Towers, and Bowers, of proud Semiramis:
Though worn by time, and raz'd by foes full sore,
Yet old foundations shew'd, and somewhat more;
With all the pleasures that on earth was found,
This City did abundantly abound;
Where four and thirty dayes he now doth stay,
And gives himself to banqueting, and play:
He, and his Souldiers, wax effeminate,
And former Discipline begins to hate;
Whilst revelling at Babylon, he lyes,
Antipater, from Greece, sends great supplyes;
He then to Sushan goes, with his fresh bands,
But needs no force, 'tis rendred to his hands;
He likewise here a world of treasure found,
For 'twas the seat of Persian Kings renown'd;
Here stood the Royall houses of delight,
Where Kings have shown their glory, wealth, and might;
The sumptuous Palace of Queen Hester here,
And of good Mordecai, her Kinsman dear;
Those purple hangings, mixt with green, and white,
Those beds of gold, and couches of delight,
And furniture, the richest of all Lands,
Now falls into the Macedonians hands.
From Sushan, to Persapolis he goes,
Which newes doth still augment Darius woes;
In his approach, the Governour sends word,
For his receit with joy, they all accord;
With open Gates, the wealthy town did stand,
And all in it was at his high command;
Page  132
Of all the Cities, that on Earth was found;
None like to this in riches did abound.
Though Babylon was rich, and Sushan too;
Y•• to compare with this, they might not do.
Here lay the bulk, of all those precious things;
Which did pertain unto the Persian Kings.
For when the Souldiers, had rifled their pleasure,
And taken mony, plate, and golden treasure;
Statues of gold, and silver numberlesse,
Yet after all, as stories do expresse.
The share of Alexander did amount,
To a hundred thousand Tallents by account.
Here of his own, he sets a Garrison,
(As first at Sushan, and at Babylon)
On their old Governours, titles he laid;
But on their faithfullnesse, he never staid:
Their charge, gave to his Captains (as most just)
For such revolters false, what Prince will trust:
The pleasures and the riches of this town,
Now makes this King, his vertues all to drown.
He walloweth now, in all licenciousnesse,
In pride, and cruelty, to th' highest excesse.
Being inflam'd with wine upon a season,
(Filled with madnesse, and quite void of reason)
He at a bold, base Strumpets, lewd desire;
Commands to set this goodly town on fire.
Parmenio wise, intreats him to desist,
And layes before his eyes, if he persist
His names dishonour, losse unto his State.
And just procuring of the Persians hate.
But deafe to reason, (bent to have his will;)
Those stately streets with raging flames doth sil,
Page  133
Now to Darius, he directs his way,
Who was retir'd, and gone to Media.
(And there with sorrows, fears, and cares surrounded)
Had now his fourth, and last Army compounded,
Which forty thousand made; but his intent,
Was straight in Bactria these to augment,
But hearing, Alexander was so near;
Thought now this once, to try his fortunes here,
Chusing rather an honorable death:
Then still with infamy, to draw his breath.
But Bessus false, who was his cheife Commander;
Perswades him not to fight, with Alexander.
With sage advice, he layes before his eyes,
The little hope, of profit like to rise.
If when h'd multitudes, the day he lost;
Then with so few, how likely to be crost.
This counsell, for his safety, he pretended,
But to deliver him to's foes, intended.
Next day this treason, to Darius known,
Transported fore, with griefe and passion;
Grinding his teeth, and plucking off his haire,
Sate down o'rewhelm'd, with sorrow, and despair,
Bidding his servant Artabassus true;
Look to himselfe, and leave him to that crew;
Who was of hopes, and comfort quite bereft;
And of his Guard, and Servitors now left.
Straight Bessus comes, and with his traiterous hands,
Lays hold on's Lord, and binding him with bands.
Into a cart him throwes, covered with hides;
Who wanting means t'resi••, these wrong's a bides.
Then draws the Cart along, with chaines of gold;
In more dispight, the thrawled Prince to hold.
Page  134
And thus to Alexander, on he goes,
Great recompence, in's thoughts, he did propose;
But some detesting, this his wicked fact,
To Alexander fly, and told this act;
Who doubling of his march, posts on amain,
Darius from those Traitors hans to gain;
Bessus gets knowledge, his disloyalty,
Had Alexanders wrath incensed high;
Whose Army now, was almost within sight,
His hopes being dasht, prepares himself for flight:
Unto Darius, first he brings a Horse,
And bids him, save himself, by speedy course:
This wfull King, his courtesie refuses,
Whom thus the execrable wretch abuses:
By throwing Darts, gives him his mortall wound,
Then slew his servants, that were faithfull found;
Yea, wounds the beasts (that drew him) unto death,
And leaves him thus, to gaspe our his last breath.
(Bessus, his Partnr in this Tragedy,
Was the false Governour of edia)
This done, they with their Hoast, soon speed away,
To hide themselves, remote, in Bactria;
Daius bth'd in bloud, sends out his groanes,
Invokes the heavens, and earth, to heare his moanes;
His lost felicity did greive him sore,
But this unheard of injury much more;
Yea, above all, that neither eare, nor eye,
Should heare, nor see, his groans, and misery:
As thus he lay, Pol stratus a Greeke,
Wearied with his long march, did water seek,
So chanc'd these bloudy Horses to espy,
Whose wounds had made their skins of purple dye;
Page  135
To them he goes, and looking in the Cart,
Findes poore Darius, peirced to the heart;
Who not a little chear'd, to have some eye,
The witnesse of his dying misery:
Prayes him, to Alexander to commend,
The just revenge of this his wofull end;
And not to pardon such disloyalty,
Of treason, murther, and base cruelty.
If not, because Darius thus did pray,
Yet that succeeding Kings in safety may
Their lives enjoy, their crowns, and dignity,
And not by Traitors hands untimely dye.
He also sends his humble thankfulnesse,
For all that Kingly Grace he did expre••e,
To's Mother, Children deare, and Wife now gone,
Which made their long restraint, seeme to be none;
Praying the immortall gods, that Sea, and Land,
Might be subjected to his royall hand;
And that his rule as farre extended be,
As men, the rising, setting Sun shall see.
This said, the Greek for water doth intreat,
To quench his thirst, and to allay his heat;
Of all good things (quoth he) once in my power,
I've nothing left, at this my dying houre;
Thy pitty, and compassion to reward,
Wherefore the gods requite thy kinde regard.
This said, his fainting breath did fleet away,
And though a Monarch once, now lyes like clay;
Yea, thus must every Son of Adam lye,
Though gods on earth, like Sons of men shall dye.
Now to the East great Alexander goes,
To see if any dare his might oppose;
Page  136
(For scarce the world, or any bounds thereon,
Could bound his boundlesse, fond ambition)
Such as submits, he doth againe restore,
And makes their riches, and their honours more;
On Artabasus more then all bestow'd,
For his fidelity to 's Master show'd;
Thalestris, Queen of th' Amazons, now brought
Her traine to Alexander (as 'tis thought)
Though some of reading best, and soundest minde,
Such country there, nor yet such people finde.
Then tell her errand, we had better spare
To th' ignorant, her title may declare.
As Alexander in his greatnesse growes,
So daily of his vertues doth he lose;
He basenesse counts his former clemency,
And not beseeming such a dignity;
His past sobriety doth also hate,
As most incompatible to his stare;
His temperance, is but a sordid thing,
No wayes becomming such a mighty King;
His greatnesse now he takes, to represent,
His fancied gods, above the firmament,
And such as shew'd but reverence before,
Are strictly now commanded to adore;
With Fersian Robes, himselfe doth dignifie,
Charging the same on his Nobility;
His manners, habit, gestures, now doth fashion,
After that conquer'd, and luxurious Nation;
His Captains, that were vertuously enclin'd,
Griev'd at this change of manners, and of minde:
The ruder sort, did openly deride
His fained Deity, and foolish pride:
Page  137
The certainty of both comes to his eares,
But yet no notice takes, of what he hears;
With those of worth, he still desires esteem,
So heaps up gifts, his credit to redeem;
And for the rest new wars, and travels findes,
That other matters may take up their minds.
Then hearing, Bessus makes himselfe a King,
Intends with speed, that Traitor down to bring;
Now that his Hoast from luggage might be free,
And no man with his burden, burdened be,
Commands forth-with, each man his fardle bring,
Into the Market-place, before the King;
Which done, sets fire upon those costly spoyls
The recompence of travels, wars, and toyls;
And thus unwisely, in one raging fume,
The wealth of many Cities doth consume:
But marvell 'tis, that without muteny,
The Souldiers should let passe this injury;
Nor wonder lesse, to Readers may it bring,
For to observe the rashnesse of the King.
Now with his Anny, doth he hast away,
False Bessus to finde out, in Bactria;
But fore distrest for water, in their march,
The drought, and heat, their bodies much doth parch;
At length, they came to th' River Oxus brink,
Where most immoderatly these thirsty drink;
This more mortality to them did bring,
Then did their wars, against the Persian King.
Here Alexmder's almost at a stand,
How to passe over, and gaine the other Land;
For Boats here's none, nor neare it any wood,
To make them rafes, to waft them o're the floud;
Page  138
But he that was resolved in his minde,
Would by some means a transportation finde;
So from his carriages the Hides he takes,
And stuffing them with straw, he bundles makes;
On these, together ty'd, in fix dayes space,
They all passe over, to the other place;
Had Bessus had but valour to his wil,
He easily might have made them stay there stil;
But coward, durst not fight, nor could he fly,
Hated of all, for's former treachery,
Is by his owne, now bound in Iron chaines,
(A coller of the same his neck containes)
And in this sort, they rather drag, then bring,
This Malefactor vild, before the King,
Who to Darius Brother gives the wretch,
Wth wraks, and tortures, every limbe to stretch.
Here was of Greeks, a town in Bactria,
Whom Xerxes from their country led away;
These not a little joy'd, this day to see,
Wherein their own had soveraignity.
And now reviv'd with hopes, held up their head,
From bondage, long to be infranchised;
But Alexander puts them to the sword,
Without cause, given by them, in deed, or word:
Nor sex, nor age, nor one, nor other spar'd,
But in his cruelty alike they shar'd;
Nor could he reason give, for this great wrong,
But that they had forgot their Mother-tongue.
Whilst thus he spent some time in Bactria,
And in his Camp strong, and securely lay,
Down from the mountains twenty thousand came,
And there most fiercely set upon the same;
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Repelling these two marks of honour got,
Imprinted deep in's legg, by Arrowes shot;
And now the Bactrians 'gainst him rebel,
But he their stubbornnesse full soone doth quel;
From hence he to Jaxartis river goes,
Where Scithians rude, his valour doth oppose,
And with their our cries, in a hideous sort,
Besets his Camp, or Military Court;
Of Darts, and Arrowes, made so little spare,
They flew so thick they seem'd to dark the aire:
But soone the recians forc'd them to a flight,
Whose nokednesse could not endure their might;
Upon this Rivers banck in seventeen dayes,
A goodly City doth compleatly raise;
Which Alexandria he doth also name,
And furlongs sixty could not round the same.
His third supply, Antipaer now sent,
Which did his former Army much augment,
And being an hund ed twenty thousand strong,
He enters now the India Kings among;
Those that submit, he doth restore again.
Those that doe not, both they, and theirs, are slain;
To age, nor sex, no pitty doth expresse,
But all fall by his sword, most mercilesse.
He t' Nisa goes, by Bacchus built long since,
Whose feasts are celebrated by this Prince;
Nor had that drunken god, one that wuld take
His liquors more devoutly in, for's sake.
When thus, ten dayes, his brain with wine he'd soak'd,
And with delicious meats, his Pallat choak'd,
To th' river Indus next, his course he bends,
Boats to prepare, Ephestion first he sends,
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Who comming thither, long before his Lord;
Had to his mind, made all things now accord:
The Vessells ready were, at his command;
And Omphis, King of that part of the land:
Through his perswasion Alexander meets;
And as his Sovereign Lord, him humbly greets.
Fifty six Elephants he brings to's hands:
And tenders him the strength of all his lands,
Presents himselfe, there with a golden Crowne,
And eighty Tallents to his Captaines down.
But Alexander, caus'd him to behold;
He glory sought, no silver, nor yet gold;
His presents all, with thanks he doth restore;
And of his own, a thousand Tallents more.
Thus all the Indian Kings, to him submit;
But Porus stout, who will not yeeld as yet;
To him doth Alexander thus declare,
His pleasure is, that forthwith he repaire
Unto his Kingdoms borders, and as due,
His Homage unto him as Soveraigne doe.
But Kingly Porus this brave answer sent,
That to attend him there, was his intent;
And come as well provided as be could,
But for the rest, his sword advise him should.
Great Alexander vext at this reply,
Did more his valour then his Crown envie;
Is now resolv'd to passe Hilaspes floud,
And there his Soveraignty for to make good;
But on the banks doth Porus ready stand,
For to receive him, when he comes to land;
A potent Army with him, like a King,
And ninety Elephants for war did bring;
Page  141
Had Alexander such resistance seen,
On Tygris side, here now he had not been;
Within this spacious river, deep, and wide,
Did here, and there, Isles full of trees abide;
His Army Alexander doth divide,
With Ptolomy, sends part o' th' tother side.
Porus encounters them, thinking all's there,
Then covertly, the rest gets o're else-where;
But whilst the first he valiantly assayl'd,
The last set on his back, and so prevail'd:
Yet work enough, here Alexander found,
For to the last, stout Porus kept his ground.
Nor was't dishonour, at the length to yeeld,
When Alexander strives to win the field,
His fortitude his Kingly foe commends;
Restores him, and his bounds further extends;
East-ward, now Alexander would goe still,
But so to doe, his Souldiers had no will;
Long with excessive travailes wearied,
Could by no means be further drawn, or led:
Yet that his fame might to posterity,
Be had in everlasting memory,
Doth for his Camp a greater circuit take,
And for his Souldiers larger Cabins make;
His Maungers he erected up so high,
As never Horse his Provender could eye;
Huge Bridles made, which here, and there, he left,
Which might be found, and so for wonders kept:
Twelve Altars, he for Monuments then rears,
Whereon his acts, and travels, long appears;
But doubting, wearing Time would these decay,
And so his memory might fade away,
Page  142
He on the faire Hidaspis pleasant side,
Two Cities built, his fame might there abide;
The first Nicea, the next uephalon,
Where he ntomb'd his sttely stallion.
His fourth, and last supply, was hither sent,
Then down t' Hidaspis with his Fleet he went;
Some time he after pent upon that shore,
Where one hundred Embissadours, or more,
Came with submission, from thIndian Kings
Bringing their Presents, rare, and precious things:
These, all he feasts in stare, on beds of gold,
His furniture most sumptuous to behold;
The meat, and drink, attendants, every thing,
To th' utmost shew'd, the glory of a King;
With rich rewards, he sent thm home again,
Acknowledg'd for their Masters Soveraigne;
Then sayling South, and comming to the shore,
These obscure Nations yeelded as before;
A City here he built, cal'd by his name,
Which could not sound too oft, with too much fame;
Hence sayling down by th' mouth of Indus floud,
His Gallies stuck upon the sand, and mud;
Which the stout Macedonians mazed sore
Depriv'd ar once, the use of Saile, and Oare;
But well observing th' nature of the tie,
Upon those Flats they did not long abide;
Passing faire Indus mouth, his course he stear'd,
To th coast which by Euhraes mouth appear'd;
Whose inlers neare unto, he winter spent,
Unto his starved Souldiers small cntent;
By hunger, and by cold, so many slaine,
That of them all, the fourth did scarce remaine.
Page  143
Thus Winter, Souldiers, and provision spent,
From hence he to Gedrosia went,
And thence he marcht into Carmania,
So he at length drew neare to Persia;
Now through these goodly countries as he past,
Much time in feasts, and ryoting doth wast;
Then visits Cyrus Sepulcher in's way,
Who now obscure at Passagardis lay;
Upon his Monument his Robes he spread,
And set his Crown on his supposed head;
From hence to Babylon, some time there spent,
He at the last to royall Sushan went;
A Wedding Feast to's Nobles then he makes,
And Statirah, Darius daughter takes,
Her Sister gives to his Ephestion deare,
That by this match he might be yet more neare.
He fourscore Persian Ladies also gave,
At the same time, unto his Captains brave;
Six thousand Guests he to this feast invites,
Whose Sences all, were glutted with delights:
It far exceeds my meane abilities,
To shadow forth these short felicities:
Spectators here, could scarce relate the story,
They were so wrapt with this externall glory.
If an Ideall Paradise, a man should frame,
He might this feast imagine by the same.
To every Guest, a cup of gold he sends,
So after many dayes this Banquet ends.
Now, Alexanders conquests, all are done,
And his long travells past, and over-gone;
His vertues dead, buried, and all forgot,
But vice remaines, to his eternall blot.
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'Mongst those, that of his cruelty did taste,
Philotas was not least, nor yet the last;
Accus'd, because he did not certifie
The King of treason, and conspiracy;
Upon suspicion being apprehended,
Nothing was found, wherein he had offended;
His silence, guilt was, of such consequence,
He death deserv'd, for this so high offence;
But for his Fathers great deserts, the King,
His Royall pardon gave, for this same thing;
Yet is Philotas unto Judgement brought,
Must suffer, not for what he did, but thought:
His Master is Accuser, Judge, and King,
Who to the height doth aggravate each thing;
Enveighs against his Father, now absent,
And's Brethren, whom for him their lives had spent;
But Philotas, his unpardonable crime,
Which no merit could obliterate, or time:
He did the Oracle of Iupiter deride,
By which his Majesty was deifi'd.
Philotas thus o're-charg'd, with wrong, and greif,
Sunk in despair, without hope of releif;
Faine would have spoke, and made his owne defence,
The King would give no eare, but went from thence;
To his malicious foes delivers him,
To wreak their spight, and hate, on every limbe.
Philotas after him sends out this cry,
Oh, Alexander, thy free clemency,
My foes exceeds in malice, and their hate,
Thy Kingly word can easily terminate;
Such torments great, as wit could first invent,
Or flesh, or life could bear, till both were spent
Page  145
Are now inflicted on Parmenio's Son,
For to accuse himself, as they had done;
At last he did: So they were justified,
And told the world, that for desert he dyed.
But how these Captaines should, or yet their Master,
Look on Parmenie, after this disaster,
They knew not; wherefore, best now to be done,
Was to dispatch the Father, as the Son.
This sound advice, at heart, pleas'd Alexander,
Who was so much engag'd, to this Commander,
As he would ne're confesse, nor could reward,
Nor could his Captaines bear so great regard;
Wherefore at once all these to satisfie,
It was decreed Parmenio should dye:
Polidamus, who seem'd Parmenio's friend,
To doe this deed, they into Media send;
He walking in his Garden, too and fro,
Thinking no harme, because he none did owe,
Most wickedly was slaine, without least crime,
(The most renowned Captaine of his time)
This is Parmenio, which so much had done,
For Philip dead, and his surviving Son,
Who from a petty King of Macedon,
By him was set upon the Persian Throne:
This that Parmenio, who still over-came,
Yet gave his Master the immortall fame;
Who for his prudence, valour, care, and trust,
Had this reward most cruel, and unjust.
The next that in untimely death had part,
Was one of more esteem, but lesse desart;
Clitus, belov'd next to Ephestion,
And in his cups, his chief Companion;
Page  146
When both were drunk, Clitus was wont to jeere;
Alexander, to rage, to kill, and sweare,
Nothing more pleasing to mad Clitus tongue,
Then's Masters god-head, to defie, and wrong;
Nothing toucht Alexander to the quick
Like this, against his deity to kick:
Upon a time, when both had drunken well,
Upon this dangerous theam fond Clitus fell;
From jeast, to earnest, and at last so bold,
That of Parmenio's death him plainly told.
Alexander now no longer could containe,
But instantly commands him to be slaine;
Next day, he tore his face, for what he'd done,
And would have slaine himself, for Clitus gone,
This pot companion he did more bemoan,
Then all the wrong to brave Parmenio done.
The next of worth, that suffered after these,
Was vertuous, learned, wise Calistines,
Who lov'd his Master more then did the rest,
As did appeare, in flattering him the least:
In his esteem, a God he could not be,
Nor would adore him for a Deity:
For this alone, and for no other cause,
Against his Sovereigne, or against his Lawes,
He on the wrack, his limbs in peeces vent,
Thus was he tortur'd, till his life was spent.
Of this unkingly deed, doth Senea
This censure passe, and not unwisely, say,
Of Alexander, this th' eternall crime,
Which shall not be obliterate by time,
Which vertues fame can ne're redeem by farre,
Nor all felicity, of his in war;
Page  147
When e're 'tis said, he thousand thousands slew,
Yea, and Calisthines to death he drew,
The mighty Persian King he over-came,
Yea and he kild Calisthines by name;
All Kingdoms, Countries, Provinces, he won,
From Hellispont, to th' furthest Ocean;
All this he did, who knows not to be true,
But yet withall, Calisthines he slew;
From Macedon his Empire did extend,
Unto the furthest bounds of th' orient;
All this he did, yea, and much more, 'tis true,
But yet withall, Calisthines he slew.
Now Alexander goes to Media,
Findes there the want of wise Parmenio,
Here his cheif favourite Ephestion dyes,
He celebrates his mournfull obsequies;
For him erects a stately Monument,
Twelve thousand Tallents on it franckly spent;
Hangs his Phisitian, the reason why,
Because he let Ephestion to dye.
This act (me thinks) his god head should ashame,
To punish, where himself deserved blame:
Or of necessity, he must imply,
The other was the greatest Deity.
From Media to Babylon he went,
To meet him there, t' Antipater had sent,
That he might next now act upon the Stage,
And in a Tragedy there end his age.
The Queen Olimpias, bears him deadly hate,
(Not suffering her to meddle in the State)
And by her Letters did her Son incite,
This great indignity for to requite.
Page  148
His doing so, no whit displeas'd the King,
Though to his Mother he disprov'd the thing;
But now, Antipater had liv'd thus long,
He might well dye, though he had done no wrong;
His service great now's suddenly forgot,
Or if remembred, yet regarded not;
The King doth intimate 'twas his intent,
His honours, and his riches, to augment
Of larger Provinces, the rule to give,
And for his Counsell, ne're the King to live.
So to be caught, Antipater's too wise,
Parmenio's death's too fresh before his eyes;
He was too subtile for his crafty foe,
Nor by his baits could be ensnared so:
But his excuse with humbe thanks he sends,
His age, and journey long, he now pretends;
And pardon craves, for his unwilling stay,
He shewes his grief, he's forc'd to disobey:
Before his answer came to Babylon,
The thread of Alexanders life was spun;
Poyson had put an end to's dayes 'twas thought,
By Philip, and Cassander, to him brought,
Sons to Antipater, bearers of his Cup,
Least of such like, their Father chance to sup:
By others thought, and that more generally,
That through excessive drinking he did dye.
The thirty third of 's age doe all agree,
This Conquerour did yeeld to destiny;
Whose famous Acts must last, whilst world shall stand
And Conquests be talkt of, whilst there is Land;
Hit Princely qualities, had he retain'd
Unparalel'd, for ever had remain'd;
Page  149
But with the world his vertues overcame,
And so with black, be-clouded all his fame.
Wise Aristotle, tutour to his youth,
Had so instructed him in morall truth.
The principles of what he then had learn'd
Might to the last (when sober) be discern'd.
Learning, and learned men, he much regarded,
And curious Artists evermore rewarded.
The Illiads of Homer he still kept,
And under's pillow laid them when he slept.
Achille's happinesse he did envy,
'Cause Homer kept his Acts to memory;
Profusely bountifull, without desert,
For those that pleas'd him: had both wealth and heart:
Cruell by nature, and by custome too,
As oft his Acts throughout his reigne did shew:
More boundles in ambition then the skie,
Vain thirsting after immortality:
Still fearing that his Name might hap to die,
And fame not last unto Eternity:
This conquerour did oft lament ('tis sed)
There was no worlds, more, to be conquered:
This folly great Augustus did deride,
For had he had but wisdome to his pride,
He would have found enough for to be done,
To govern that he had already won:
His thoughts are perish'd he aspires no more,
Nor can he kill, or save as heretofore,
A God alive him all must Idolize;
Now like a mortall helplesse man he lies;
Of all those kingdomes large which he had got,
To his posterity remain'd no jot,
Page  150
For by that hand, which still revengeth bloud,
None of his Kindred, or his Race, long stood;
And as he took delight, much bloud to spill,
So the same cup to his, did others fill.
Four of his Captains, all doe now divide,
As Daniel, before had Prophesied;
The Leopard down, his four wings 'gan to rise,
The great Horn broke, the lesse did tytannize;
What troubles, and contentions did ensue,
We may hereafter shew, in season due.
GReat Alexander dead, his Army's left,
Like to that Giant, of his eye bereft;
When of his monstrous bulk it was the guide,
His matchlesse force no Creature could abide;
But by Ulysses, having lost his sight,
Each man began for to contemn his might;
For ayming still amisse, his dreadfull blowes
Did harm himself, but never reacht his foes:
Now Court, and Camp, all in confusion be,
A King they'l have, but who, none can agree:
Each Captain wisht this prize to beare away,
Yet none so hardy found as so durst say.
Great Alexander had left issue none,
Except by Artabasus daughter one;
And Roxan faire, whom late he married,
Was neare her time to be delivered;
By Natures right, these had enough to claime,
But meannesse of their Mothers bard the same:
Page  151
Alleadg'd by those, which by their subtill plea
Had hope themselves, to beare the Crown away;
A Sister Alexander had, but she
Claim'd not, perhaps her Sex might hindrance be.
After much tumult, they at last proclaim'd
His base born Brother, Aridaeus nam'd,
That so under his feeble wit, and reign,
Their ends they might the better still attain.
This choyse Perdicas, vehemently disclaim'd,
And th' unborn babe of Roxan he proclaim'd;
Some wished him, to take the stile of King,
Because his Master gave to him his Ring,
And had to him, still since Ephestion dyed,
More then to th' rest, his favour testified:
But he refus'd, with fained modesty,
Hoping to be elect more generally;
He hold of this occasion should have laid,
For second offers there were never made;
'Mongst these contentions, tumuls, jealousies,
Seven dayes the Corps of their great Master lyes
Untoucht, uncovered, slighted, and neglected,
So much these Princes their owne ends respected.
A contemplation to astonish Kings,
That he, who late, possest all earthly things,
And yet not so content, unlesse that he
Might be esteemed for a Deity;
Now lay a spectacle, to testifie
The wretchednesse of mans mortality.
After this time, when stirs began to calme,
The Egyptians, his body did enbalme;
On which, no signe of poyson could be found,
But all his bowels, coloured well, and sound.
Page  152
Perdicas, seeing Aridaeus must be King,
Under his name begins to rule each thing.
His chief opponents who kept off the Crown,
Was stiffe Meleager, whom he would take down,
Him by a wile he got within his power,
And took his life unworthily that houre:
Using the name, and the command o'th' King
To authorize his Acts in every thing.
The Princes seeing Perdica's power and Pride,
Thought timely for themselves, now to provide.
Antigonus, for his share Asia takes,
And Ptolomy, next sure of Egypt makes.
Seleuchus afterward held Babylon;
Amipater, had long rul'd Macedon,
These now to govern for the King pretends,
But nothing lesse: each one himself intends.
Perdicas took no Province; like the rest,
But held command o'th' Armies which was best;
And had a higher project in his head,
Which was his Masters sister for to wed:
So, to the Lady secretly he sent,
That none might know, to frustrate his intent;
But Cleopatra, this suitour did deny,
For Leonatus, more lovely in her eye,
To whom she sent a message of her mind,
That if he came, good welcome he should find:
In these tumultuous dayes, the thralled Greeks
Their ancient liberty, afresh now seeks,
Shakes off the yoke, sometimes before laid on
By warlike Philip, and his conquering son.
The Athenians, force Antipater to fly
To Lamia, where he shut up doth ly;
Page  153
To brave Craterus, then, he sends with speed,
To come and to release him in his need,
The like of Leonatus, he requires,
(Which at this time well suited his desires)
For to Antipater he now might go,
His Lady take i'th' way, and no man know.
Antiphilus the Athenian Generall,
With speed his forces doth together call,
Striving to stop Leonatus, that so
He joyn not with Antipater, that foe.
The Athenian Army was the greater far,
(Which did his match with Cleopatra mar)
For fighting still, whilst there did hope remain,
The valiant Chief, amidst his foes was slain,
'Mongst all the Captains of great Alexander,
For personage, none was like this Commander:
Now to Antipater, raterus goes,
Blockt up in Lamia, still by his foes;
Long marches through Cilicia he makes,
And the remains of Leonatus takes;
With them and his, he into Grecia went,
Antipater releas'd from's prisonment,
After this time, the Grecks did never more
Act any thing of worth, as heretofore,
But under servitude, their necks remain'd,
Nor former liberty, or glory gain'd;
Now dy'd (about the end of th' Lamian warre)
Dimosthencs, that sweet tongu'd oratour.
Craverus, that Antipater now joyn
In love, and in affiaity combine:
Creteus doth his daughter Phisa wed,
Their friendship may the more be strengthened:
Page  154
Whilst they in Macedon doe thus agree,
In Asia they all asunder be.
Perdicas griev'd, to see the Princes bold,
So many Kingdoms in their power to hold,
Yet to regain them, how he did not know,
For's Souldiers 'gainst those Captains would not goe;
To suffer them goe on, as they begun,
Was to give way, himself might be undone;
With Antipater t' joyn, sometimes he thought,
That by his help, the rest might low be brought:
But this again dislikes, and would remain,
If not in word, in deed a Soveraigne.
Desires the King, to goe to Macedon,
Which of his Ancestors was once the throne,
And by his presence there, to nullifie
The Acts of his Vice-royes, now grown so high:
Antigonus of Treason first attaints,
And summons him, to answer these complaints;
This he avoyds, and ships himself, and's Son,
Goes to Antipater, and tels what's done;
He, and Craterus, both with him now joyn,
And 'gainst Perdicas, all their strength combine.
Brave Ptolomy, to make a fourth now sent,
To save himself from dangers eminent;
In midst of these, Garboyles, with wondrous state,
His Masters Funerals doth celebrate;
At Alexandria, in Aegypt Land,
His sumptuous monument long time did stand;
Two years and more since, Natures debt he paid,
And yet till now, at quiet was not laid.
Great love did Ptolomy by this act gain.
And made the Souldiers on his side remain;
Page  155
Perdicas hears, his foes are now combin'd,
('Gainst which to goe, is troubled in his minde;)
With Ptolomy for to begin was best,
Near'st unto him, and farthest from the rest.
Leaves Eumenes, the Asian coast to free,
From the invasions of the other three;
And with his Army into Aegypt goes,
Brave Ptolomy to th' utmost to oppose.
Perdicas surly carriage, and his pride,
Did alienate the Souldiers from his side;
But Ptolomy by affability,
His sweet demeanour, and his courtesie,
Did make his owne firme to his cause remaine,
And from the other, daily some did gaine.
Pithon, next Perdicas, a Captaine high,
Being entreated by him scornfully,
Some of the Souldiers enters Perdica's tent,
Knocks out his braines, to Ptolomy then went,
And offers him his Honours, and his place,
With stile of the Protector, would him grace;
Next day into the Camp comes Ptolomy,
And is of all received joyfully;
Their proffers he refus'd, with modesty
Confers them Pithon on, for's courtesie;
With what he held, he now was well content,
Then by more trouble to grow eminent.
Now comes there newes of a great victory,
That Eumenes got of the other three,
Hd it but in Perdicas life arriv'd,
With greater joy it would have been receiv'd;
Thus Ptolomy rich Aegypt did retaine,
And Pithon turn'd to Asia againe.
Page  156
Whilst Perdicas thus staid in Africa,
Antigonus did enter Asia,
And fain would draw Eumenes to their side,
But he alone now faithfull did abide:
The other all, had kingdomes in their eye,
But he was true to's masters family,
Nor could Craterus (whom he much did love)
From his fidelity make him once move.
Two battells now he fought, and had the best,
And brave Craterus slew, amongst the rest,
For this great strife, he pours out his complaints,
And his beloved foe, full sore laments.
I should but snip a story into verse,
And much eclipse his glory to rehearse
The difficulties Eumenes befell,
His stratagems, wherein he did excel,
His policies, how he did extricate
Himself from out of labyrinths intricate.
For all that should be said, let this suffice,
He was both valiant, faithfull, patient, wise.
Python now chose protector of the State,
His rule Queen Euridice begins to hate,
Perceives Aridaeus must not king it long,
If once young Alexander grow more strong,
But that her Husband serve for supplement,
To warm the seat, was never her intent,
She knew her birthright gave her Macedon,
Grandchild to him, who once sat on that throne,
Who was Perdicas, Philips elder brother,
She daughter to his son, who had no other;
Her mother Cyna sister to Alexander,
Who hd an Army, like a great Commander.
Page  157
Ceria the Phrigian Queen for to withstand,
And in a Battell slew her hand to hand;
Her Daughter she instructed in that Art,
Which made her now begin to play her part;
Pithons commands, She ever countermands
What he appoints, She purposely withstands.
He wearied out, at last, would needs be gone,
Resign'd his place, and so let all alone;
In's stead, the Souldiers chose Antipater,
Who vext the Queen more then the other farre;
He plac'd, displac'd, controld, rul'd, as he list,
And this no man durst question, or resist;
For all the Princes of great Alexander
Acknowledged for chief, this old Commander:
After a while, to Macedon he makes;
The King, and Queen, along with him he takes.
Two Sons of Alexander, and the rest,
All to be order'd there as he thought best:
The Army with Antigonus did leave,
And government of Asia to him gave;
And thus Antipater the ground-work layes,
On which Antigonus his height doth raise:
Who in few years the rest so over-tops,
For universall Monarchy he hopes;
With Eumenes he divers Battels fought,
And by his sleights to circumvent him sought;
But vaine it was to use his policy,
'Gainst him, that all deceits could scan, and try:
In this Epitomy, too long to tell
How neatly Eumenes did here excell,
That by the selfe-same traps the other laid,
He to his cost was righteously repaid.
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Now great Antipater, the world doth leave
To Polisperchon, then his place he gave,
Fearing his Son Cassander was unstay'd,
Too young to beare that charge, if on him lay'd;
Antigonus hearing of his decease,
On most part of Assyria doth seize,
And Ptolomy, now to encroach begins,
All Syria, and, Phenicia he wins;
Now Polisperchon 'gins to act in's place,
Recals Olimpias, the Court to grace;
Antipater had banisht her from thence,
Into Epire, for her great turbulence;
This new Protector's of another minde,
Thinks by her Majesty much help to finde;
Cassander could not (like his father) see
This Polisperchons great ability,
Slights his commands, his actions he disclaimes,
And to be great himselfe now bends his aymes;
Such as his father had advanc'd to place,
Or by his favour any way did grace,
Are now at the devotion of the Son,
Prest to accomplish what he would have done;
Besides, he was the young Queens favourite,
On whom ('twas thought) the set her chief delight;
Unto these helps, in Greece, he seeks out more,
Goes to Antigonus, and doth implore,
By all the Bonds 'twixt him and's father past,
And for that great gift, which he gave him last;
By these, and all, to grant him some supply,
To take down Polisperchon grown so high;
For this Antigonus needed no spurs,
Hoping still more to gaine by these new stirs;
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Straight furnisht him with a sufficient aide,
Cassander for return all speed now made:
Polisperchon, knowing he did relye
Upon those friends, his father rais'd on high,
Those absent, banished, or else he slew
All such as he suspected to him true.
Cassander with his Hoast to Grecia goes,
Whom Polisperchon labours to oppose,
But had the worst at Sea, as well as Land,
And his opponent still got upper hand,
Athens, with many Townes in Greece besides,
Firme to Cassander at this time abides:
Whilst hot in wars these two in Greece remaine,
Antigonus doth all in Asia gaine;
Still labours Eumenes might with him side,
But to the last he faithfull did abide;
Nor could Mother, nor Sons of Alexander,
Put trust in any, but in this Commander;
The great ones now began to shew their minde,
And act, as opportunity they finde:
Aridaeus the scorn'd, and simple King,
More then he bidden was, could act no thing;
Polisperchon hoping for's office long,
Thinks to enthrone the Prince when riper grown;
Euridice this injury disdaines,
And to Cassander of this wrong complaines;
Hatefull the Name, and House of Alexander,
Was to this proud, vindicative Cassander,
He still hep fresh within his memory,
His Fathers danger, with his Family;
Nor counts he that indignity but small,
When Alexander knockt his head to th' wall:
Page  160
These, with his love, unto the amorous Queen
Did make him vow her servant to be seen.
Olimpias, Aridaeus deadly hates,
As all her Husbands children by his Mates;
She gave him poyson formerly ('tis thought)
Which damage both to minde and body brought:
She now with Polisperchon doth combine,
To make the King by force his seat resigne;
And her young Nephew in his stead t' inthrone,
That under him she might rule all alone.
For ayde goes to Epire, among her friends,
The better to accomplish these her ends;
Euridice hearing what she intends,
In hast unto her deare Cassander sends,
To leave his Seige at Tagra, and with speed
To come and succour her, in this great need;
Then by intreaties, promises, and coyne,
Some Forces did procure, with her to joyne.
Olimpias now enters Macedon,
The Queen to meet her, bravely marched on;
But when her Souldiers saw their ancient Queen,
Remembring what sometime she had been,
The Wife, and Mother, of their famous Kings,
Nor Darts, nor Arrowes now, none shoots, nor flings;
Then King, and Queen, to Amphipolis doe fly,
But soone are brought into captivity;
The King by extreame torments had his end,
And to the Queen, these presents she doth send;
A Halter, cup of Poyson, and a Sword,
Bids chuse her death, such kindnesse she'l afford:
The Queen with many a curse, and bitter check,
At length yeelds to the Halter, her faire neck;
Page  161
Praying, that fatall day might quickly haste,
On which Olimpias of the like might taste.
This done, the cruell Queen rests not content,
Till all that lov'd Cassander was nigh spent;
His Brethren, Kinsfolk, and his chiefest friends,
That were within her reach, came to their ends;
Digg'd up his brother dead, 'gainst natures right,
And throwes his bones about, to shew her spight.
The Courtiers wondring at her furious minde,
Wisht in Epire she still had been confin'd;
In Pelloponesus then Cassander lay,
Where hearing of this newes he speeds away,
With rage, and with revenge, he's hurried on,
So goes to finde this Queen in Macedon;
But being stopt, at Straight Tharmipoley
Sea passage gets, and lands in Thessaly;
His Army he divides, sends part away,
Polisperchou to hold a while in play,
And with the rest Olimpias pursues,
To give her for all cruelties her dues:
She with the flow'r o'th Court to Pidna flyes,
Well fortified, and on the Sea it lies;
There by Cassander she's block'd up, so long,
Untill the Famine growes exceeding strong.
Her Cousen of Epire did what he might,
To raise the Seige, and put her foes to flight;
Cassander is resolv'd, there to remaine,
So succours, and endeavours proves but vaine:
Faine would she come now to capitulate,
Cassander will not heare, such is his hate.
The Souldiers pinched with this scarcity,
By stealth unto Casander daily fly;
Page  162
Olimpias wills to keep it, to the last,
Expecting nothing, but of death to taste;
But he unwilling longer there to stay,
Gives promise for her life, and wins the day:
No sooner had he got her in his hands,
But made in Judgement her Accusers stand,
And plead the blood of their deare Kindred spilt,
Desiring Justice might be done for guilt;
And so was he acquitted of his word,
For Justice sake she being put to th' sword.
This was the end of this most cruell Queen,
Whose fury yet unparalleld hath been;
The Daughter, Sister, Mother, Wife to Kings,
But Royalty no good conditions brings;
So boundlesse was her pride, and cruelty,
She oft forgot bounds of Humanity.
To Husbands death ('twas thought) she gave consent,
The Authours death she did so much lament,
With Garlands crown'd his head, bemoan'd his Fates,
His sword unto Apollo consecrates:
Her out-rages too tedious to relate,
How for no cause, but her inveterate hate;
Her Husbands Wife, and Children, after's death
Some flew, some fry'd, of others, stopt the breath;
Now in her age she's forc't to taste that Cup,
Which she had often made others to sup:
Now many Townes in Macedon supprest,
And Pellas faine to yeeld amongst the rest;
The Funeralls Cassandra celebrates,
Of Aridaeus, and his Queen, with state;
Among their Ancestors by him there laid,
And shewes of lamentation for them made.
Page  163
Old Thebes he then re-built (so much of fame)
And rais'd Cassandria after his name,
But leave him building, others in their urn,
And for a while, let's into Asia turn,
True Eumenes endeavours by all skill,
To keep Antigonus from Susha still,
Having Command o'th treasure he can hire,
Such as nor threats, nor favour could acquire;
In divers battels, he had good successe,
Antigonus came off still honourlesse,
When victor oft had been, and so might still,
Pencestas did betray him by a wile,
Antigonus, then takes his life unjust,
Because he never would let go his trust:
Thus lost he all for his fidelity,
Striving t' uphold hs Masters family,
But as that to a period did haste,
So Eumenes of destiny must taste.
Antigonus, all Persia now gains,
And Master of the treasure he remains;
Then with Seleuchus straight at ods doth fall,
But he for aid to Ptolomy doth call.
The Princes all begin now to envie
Antigonus, his growing up so hye,
Fearing their state, and what might hap ere long,
Enter into a combination strong:
Selcuchus, Ptolomy, Cassander joynes,
Ly••mac us to make a fourth combines:
Antigonus, desirous of the Greeks,
To make Cassander odious to them, seeks,
Sends forth his declaration from a farre,
And shews what cause they had to take up warre.
Page  164
The Mother of their King to death he'd put,
His Wife, and Son, in prison close had shut;
And how he aymes to make himselfe a King,
And that some title he might seeme to bring,
Thessalonica he had newly wed,
Daughter to Phillip, their renowned head;
Had built, and call'd a City by his name,
Which none e're did but those of royall fame;
And in despight of their two famous Kings,
Th' hatefull Olinthians to Greece re-brings;
Rebellious Thebs he had re-edified,
Which their late King in dust had-damnified;
Requires them therefore to take up their Armes,
And to requite this Traytor for those harmes:
Now Ptolomy would gaine the Greeks likewise,
For he declares against his injuries;
First, how he held the Empire in his hands,
Seleuchus drove from government, and lands;
Had valiant Eumenes unjustly slaine,
And Lord o'th' City Susha did remain.
So therefore craves their help to take him down,
Before he weare the universall Crown;
Antigonus at Sea soone had a fight,
Where Ptolomy, and the rest put him to flight.
His Son at Gaza likewise lost the field,
So Syria to Ptolomy did yeeld;
And Sclcuchus recovers Babylon,
Still gaining Countries East-ward goes he on.
Demetrius againe with Ptolomy did fight,
And comming unawares put him to slight;
But bravely sends the Priseners back againe,
And all the spoyle and booty they had tane;
Page  165
Curtius, as noble Ptolomy, or more,
Who at Gaza did th' like to him before.
Antigonus did much rejoyce his son,
His lost repute with victorie had won;
At last these Princes tired out with warres,
Sought for a peace, and laid aside their jarres:
The terms of their agreement thus expresse,
That each shall hold what he doth now possesse,
Till Alexander unto age was grown,
Who then shall be installed in the throne:
This touch'd Cassander sore, for what he'd done,
Imprisoning both the mother, and her son,
He sees the Greeks now favour their young Prince,
Whom he in durance held, now and long since,
That in few years he must be forc'd or glad
To render up such kingdomes as he had
Resolves to quit his fears by one deed done,
And put to death, the mother and her son,
This Rexane for her beautie all commend,
But for one act she did, just was her end,
No sooner was great Alexander dead,
But she Dariu's daughters murthered,
Both thrown into a well to hide her blot,
Perdicas was her partner in this plot:
The Heavens seem'd slow in paying her the same,
But yet at last the hand of vengeance came,
And for that double fact which she had done,
The life of her must go, and of her son
Perdicas had before, for his amisse,
But from their hands, who thought not once of this.
Gassander's dead, the Princes all detest,
But 'twas in shew, in heart it pleas'd them best.
Page  166
That he was odious to the world, they'r glad,
And now they are, free Lords, of what they had,
When this foul tragedy was past, and done,
Polisperchon brings up the other son,
Call'd Hercules, and elder then his brother,
(Bur, Olymptas, thought to preferre th' other:)
The Greeks touch'd with the murther done so late,
This Prince began for to compassionate.
Begin to mutter much 'gainst proud Cassander,
And place their hopes o'th heire of Alexander,
Cassander fear'd what might of this insue,
So Polisperchon to his Counsell drew,
Gives Peloponesus unto him for hire,
Who slew the prince according to desire:
Thus was the race, and house of Alexander
Extinct, by this inhumane wretch Cassander;
Antigonus for all this doth not mourn,
He knows to's profit, all i'th end will turn,
But that some title he might now pretend,
For marriage to Cleopatra, doth send
Lysimachus and Ptolomy, the same,
And vile Cassander too, sticks not for shame,
She now in Lydia at Sardis lay,
Where, by Embassage, all these Princes pray,
Choise above all, of Ptolomy she makes
With his Embassadour, her journey takes,
Antigonu's Lieutenant stayes her still,
Untill he further know his Masters will;
To let her go; or hold her still, he fears,
Antigonus thus had a wolf by th' as,
Resolves at last the Princesse then'd be stain,
So hinders him of her, he could not gain.
Page  167
Her women are appointed to this deed,
They for their great reward no better speed,
For straight way by command they'r put to death,
As vile conspiratours that took her breath,
And now he thinks, he's ordered all so well,
The world must needs believe what he doth tell:
Thus Philips house was quite extinguished,
Except Cassanders wife, who yet not dead,
And by their means, who thought of nothing lesse
Then vengeance just, against the same t' expresse;
Now blood was paid with blood, for what was done
By cruell father, mother, cruell son,
Who did erect their cruelty in guilt,
And wronging innocents whose blood they spilt,
Philip and Olympias both were slain,
Aridaeus and his Queen by slaughters ta'ne;
Two other children by Olympias kill'd,
And Cleopatra's blood, now likewise spill'd,
If Alexander was not poysoned,
Yet in the flower of's age, he must lie dead,
His wise and sons then slain by this Cassander,
And's kingdomes rent away by each Commander:
Thus may we hear, and fear, and ever say,
That hand is righteous still which doth repay:
These Captains now, the stile of Kings do take,
For to their Crowns, there's none can title make.
Demetrius is first, that so assumes,
To do as he, the rest full soon presumes,
To Athens then he goes, is entertain'd,
Not like a King, but like some God they fain'd;
Most grossely base, was this great adulation,
Who incense burnt, and offered oblation.
Page  198
These Kings fall now afresh to warres again,
Demetrius of Ptolomy doth gain;
'Twould be an endlesse story to relate
Their severall battells, and their severall fate,
Antigonus and Seleuchus, now fight
Near Ephesus, each bringing all their might,
And he that conquerour shall now remain,
Of Asia the Lordship shall retain.
This day twixt these two foes ends all the strife,
For here Antigonus lost rule, and life,
Nor to his son did there one foot remain,
Of those dominions he did sometimes gain,
Demetrius with his troops to Athens flies,
Hoping to find succour in miseries.
But they adoring in prosperity,
Now shut their gates in his adversity,
He sorely griev'd at this his desperate state,
Tries foes, since friends will not compassionate,
His peace he then with old Seleuchus makes,
Who his fair daughter Stratonica takes,
Antiochus, Seleuchus dear lov'd son,
Is for this fresh young Lady-half undone,
Falls so extreamly sick, all fear his life,
Yet dares not say, he loves his fathers wife;
When his disease the skilfull Physician found,
He wittily his fathers mind did sound,
Who did no sooner understand the same,
But willingly resign'd the beauteous dame:
Cassander now must die, his race is run,
And leaves the ill got kingdomes he had won,
Two sons he left, born of King Philips daughter,
Who had an end put to their dayes by slaughter.
Page  169
Which should succeed, at variance they fell,
The mother would the youngest should excell,
The eld'st enrag'd did play the vipers part,
And with his Sword did pierce his mothers heart,
(Rather then Philips child must longer live)
He, whom she gave his life, her death must give)
This by Lysimachus soon after slain,
(Whose daughter unto wife, he'd newly ta'n)
The youngest by Demetrius kill'd in fight,
Who took away his now pretended right:
Thus Philips, and Cassander's race is gone,
And so falls out to be extinct in one,
Yea though Cassander died in his bed,
His seed to be extirpt, was destined,
For blood which was decreed, that he should spill,
Yet must his children pay for fathers ill.
Jehu in killing Ahabs house did well,
Yet be aveng'd, must th' blood of Jesreel.
Demetrius, Cassanders kingdomes gains,
And now as King, in Macedon he reigns;
Seleuchus, Asia holds, that grieves him sore,
Those 〈◊〉 untries large, his father got before,
These to recover, musters all his might,
And with his son in law, will needs go fight:
There was he taken and imprisoned
Within an Isle that was with pleasures fed,
Injoy'd what so beseem'd his Royalty,
Onely restrained of his liberty;
After three years he dyed, left what he'd won
In Greece, unto Antigonus, his son,
For h s posterity unto this day,
Did n'r regain one foot in Asia.
Page  170
Now dyed the brave and noble Ptolomy,
Renown'd for bounty, valour, clemency,
Rich Aegypt left, and what else he had won
To Philadelphus, his more worthy Son.
Of the old Heroes, now but two remaine,
Seleuchus, and Lysimachus; those twaine
Must needs goe try their fortune, and their might,
And so Lysimachus was slaine in fight.
'Twas no small joy, unto Seleuchus breast,
That now he had out-lived all the rest:
Possession he of Europe thinks to take,
And so himselfe the only Monarch make;
Whilst with these hopes, in Greece he did remaine,
He was by Ptolomy Cerannus slaine.
The second Son of the first Ptolomy,
Who for rebellion unto him did sly,
Selencbus was as Father, and a friend,
Yet by him had this most unworthy end.
Thus with these Kingly Captaines have we done,
A little now, how the Succession run:
Antigonus, Seleuchus, and Cassander,
With Ptolomy, reign'd after Alexander;
Cassanders Sons, soone after's death were slaine,
So three Successors only did remaine;
Antigonus his Kingdoms lost, and's life,
Unto Seleuchus, author of that strife.
His Son Demetrius, all Cassanders gaines,
And his posterity, the same retaines,
Demetrius Son was call'd Awigonus,
And his againe, also Demetrius.
I must let passe those many battels fought,
Between those Kings, and noble Fyrrus stout,
Page  171
And his son Alexander of Epire,
Whereby immortall honour they acquire.
Demetrius had Philip to his son,
He Perseus, from him the kingdom's won,
Emillius the Roman Generall,
Did take his rule, his sons, himself and all.
This of Antigonus, his seed's the fate,
Whose kingdomes were subdu'd by th' Roman state.
Longer Seleuchus held the Royalty
In Syria by his posterity,
Awiochus Soter his son was nam'd,
To whom Ancient Berosus (To much fam'd)
His book of Assurs Monarchs dedicates,
Tells of their warres, their names, their riches, fates;
But this is perished with many more,
Which we oft wish were extant as before.
Antiochus Theos was Soters son,
Who a long warre with Egypts King begun.
The affinities and warres Daniel set forth,
And calls them there, the Kings of South, and North;
This ••cos he was murthered by his wife,
Seleuchus reign'd, when he had lost his life,
A third Seleuchus next sit on the seat,
And then Antiochus surnam'd the great,
Seleuchus next Anttiochus succeeds,
And then Epiphanes, whole wicked deeds,
Horrid massacres, murders, cruelties,
Against the Jewes, we read in Macchabees,
By him was set up the abomination
I'th' holy place, which caused desolation;
Antiochus Eupator was the next,
By Rebells and imposters daily vext;
Page  172
So many Princes still were murthered,
The Royall blood was quite extinguished.
That Tygranes the great Armenian King,
To take the government was called in,
Him Lucullus, the Romane Generall
Vanquish'd in fight, and took those kingdomes all,
Of Greece, and Syria thus the rule did end,
In Egypt now a little time we'l spend.
First Ptolomy being dead, his famous son,
Cal'd Philadelphus, next sat on the throne,
The Library at Alexandria built,
With seven hundred thousand volumes fill'd,
The seventy two interpreters did seek,
They might translate the Bible into Greek,
His son was Evergetes the last Prince
That valour shew'd, vertue or excellence.
Philopater was Evergete's son,
After Epiphanes, sat on the Throne
Philometer: then Evergetes again.
And next to him, did false Lathurus reigne,
Alexander, then Lathurus in's stead,
Next Auletes, who cut off Pompey's head:
To all these names we Ptolomy must adde,
For since the first, that title still they had,
Fair Cleopatra next, last of that race,
Whom Julius Caesar set in Royall place,
Her brother by him, lost his trayterous head
For Pompey's life, then plac'd her in his stead,
She with her Paramour Mark Antony,
Held for a time the Egyptian Monarchy:
Till great Augustus had with him a fight,
At Actium slain, his Navy put to flight.
Page  173
Then poysonous Aspes she sets unto her Armes,
To take her life, and quit her from all harmes;
For 'twas not death, nor danger, she did dread,
But some disgrace, in triumph to be led.
Here ends at last the Grecian Monarchy,
Which by the Romans had its destiny.
Thus Kings, and Kingdoms, have their times, and dates,
Their standings, over-turnings, bounds, and fates;
Now up, now down, now chief, and then brought under,
The Heavens thus rule, to fill the earth with wonder.
The Assyrian Monarchy long time did stand,
But yet the Persian got the upper hand;
The Grecian, them did utterly subdue,
And Millions were subjected unto few:
The Grecian longer then the Persian stood,
Then came the Romane, like a raging flood,
And with the torrent of his rapid course,
Their Crownes, their Titles, riches beares by force.
The first, was likened to a head of gold,
Next, armes and breast, of silver to behold;
The third, belly and thighs of brasse in sight,
And last was Iron, which breaketh all with might.
The Stone out of the Mountaine then did rise,
And smote those feet, those legs, those arms and thighs;
Then gold, silver, brasse, iron, and all that store,
Became like chaffe upon the threshing floor;
The first a Lion, second was a Beare,
The third a Leopard, which four wings did rear;
The last more strong, and dreadfull, then the rest,
Whose Iron teeth devoured every beast;
And when he had no appetite to eate,
The residue he stamped under's feet:
Page  174
But yet this Lion, Bear, this Leopard, Ram,
All trembling stand, before that powerfull Lambe.
With these three Monarchies, now have I done,
But how the fourth, their Kingdoms from them won;
And how from small beginnings it did grow,
To fill the world with terrour, and with woe:
My tired braine, leaves to a better pen,
This taske befits not women, like to men:
For what is past I blush, excuse to make,
But humbly stand, some grave reproof to take:
Pardon to crave, for errours, is but vaine,
The Subject was too high, beyond my straine;
To frame Apologie for some offence,
Converts our boldnesse, into impudence.
This my presumption (some now) to requite,
Ne suter ultra crepidum, may write.
AFter some dayes of rest, my restlesse heart,
To finish what begun, new thoughts impart
And maugre all resolves, my fancy Wrought
This fourth to th' other three, now might be brought.
Shortnesse of time, and inability,
Will force me to a confus'd brevity;
Yet in this Chaos, one shall easily spy,
The vast limbs of a mighty Monarchy.
What e're is found amisse, take in best part,
As faults preceeding from my head, not heart.