Paracelsvs Of the supreme mysteries of nature.: Of [brace] the spirits of the planets. Occult philosophy. The magical, sympathetical, and antipathetical cure of wounds and diseases. The mysteries of the twelve signs of the zodiack.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541., Turner, Robert, fl. 1654-1665.
The manner of Preparing Oyl of Coral against the trembling of the Heart.

℞ of Coral, lb i. Of Common Salt, manip. 3.

Let them be wrought into a most fine powder, and put it into a Glass strongly Luted according to the sequent description: Take common Clay, or Potters white Clay, ashes made of the bones of the heads of four-footed Beasts, filings of Iron, Glass in powder, common Salt, Ceruse, &c. which being wet, mingle them together, &c. put the luted Glass with the matter into Ashes contained in an Iron Kettle, according to art; kindle first a gentle fire, and increase it by de∣grees until the Spirit and Fumes do pass into a Vessel below; then increase the fire more vehe∣mently, until there remaineth no more moisture. This Oyl is a most excellent Remedy for the trembling of the Heart, taken alone by it self, without any thing else added to it.