Paracelsvs Of the supreme mysteries of nature.: Of [brace] the spirits of the planets. Occult philosophy. The magical, sympathetical, and antipathetical cure of wounds and diseases. The mysteries of the twelve signs of the zodiack.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541., Turner, Robert, fl. 1654-1665.

CHAP. XIV. For the Leprosie.

THis Disease comes to the Lepers from their Nativity, and not only by accidents. Where∣fore we have many other Remedies for them, conducing much unto the Cure thereof. It is certain that Aurum Potabile drunk, doth palliate and hide the Leprosie, but not quite take it out of the blood. The cause whereof is, because e∣very clean and sound man hath Balsom, but the Page  128 Leprous persons have none in them; by reason whereof also it comes to pass, that they have no health in them: also, a congealed Member wan∣teth Balsom; and therefore it is insensible when the strength of the Gold comes into the Sto∣mack, which afterwards distributeth it into the several Members of the Body; from thence re∣sulteth

For the Leprosie.
[lamen etchings]
a certain humi∣dity which ingendereth the Balsom; wherefore the Leprosie ceaseth to increase, so long as there is any virtue or strength of the Gold in the Sto∣mach. Also, a Physitian cannot know or discern the Disease of Lepro∣sie, if the Leprous per∣son hath drunk Gold three dayes before his visitation. We intend not to speak in this place of such as are ma∣nifestly infected, but on∣ly of such whose Dis∣ease is doubtful.

If any do use the Si∣gil above written, and such like Remedies, let them not doubt of help. Let this kinde of Sigil be made of pure Gold, and wrought into a La∣men in the hour of ♄; but the Characters ought to be ingraven in the hour of ☉, when ☽ is in ♌, Page  129 and ☉ in the same sign; which usually happens in July. Let it be hanged about the Leper in the hour of ♀, the Moon increasing: Let the Pa∣tient also drink Wine, wherein the same Sigil hath been some time steeped.

It ought to be renewed every year in July, for this Sigil loseth its force in a year.

The Leprosie working so strongly in the body of man, wherein it fixeth root.