Paracelsvs Of the supreme mysteries of nature.: Of [brace] the spirits of the planets. Occult philosophy. The magical, sympathetical, and antipathetical cure of wounds and diseases. The mysteries of the twelve signs of the zodiack.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541., Turner, Robert, fl. 1654-1665.
Page  119

CHAP. XI. Against the Gout.

TAke of Mummy, Mastick, Red Myrrhe, Olibanum, Ammoniacum, Oppopa∣nax, Bdelium, each ʒ ii. Vitriol, lb ii. Honey, lb ii. Tartar, ℥ i. ss. Aqua∣vitae, gal. iii.

Let them be all Distilled together into an Oyl. Then take little Flyes, such as are bred in the dead Carcasses of Horses, and make an Oyl of them, being well bruised. With which Oyl of the Horse-flies, mix ℥ ii. with ℥ iv. of the other Oyl: These two Oyls being well mixed toge∣ther, let them be Distilled again, and let this Distilled Oyl be preserved.

Then prepare the Characters, in manner fol∣lowing.

℞ of pure Gold, pure Silver, filings of Iron, each ʒ i. of Lead, ʒ ii.

Let them be all melted together in the hour of the New Moon, by a very strong fire, that the filings of the Iron may be melted. For they will hardly melt, wherefore some Boras is to be added to them. Then let all the melted matter be Page  120 poured out together upon a broad smooth stone, that it may make a thin Lamen: for it cannot be wrought with the Hammer afterwards, because of the Iron: afterwards, when ♄ is in Conjuncti∣on with ♂, in the same hour let the Characters, Words, and Signes of the Lamen be engraven thereupon, like two stamps of a piece of Money; and let them be finished in that hour.

For the Gout.
[lamen etchings]

Let both the said pieces of Money be engra∣ven only on one side, in the hour of the said con∣junction of ♄ and ♂; and let them be so kept, that they touch not one another.

Afterwards let there be made a Sigil of pure Gold, not so thick as the other Lamen: when ♀ is in Conjunction with ♄ or ♂, let the Characters, Signes, and Words be engraven thereon. But note, that the Seals are to be conjoyned to∣gether when there is a Conjunction of ♀ and ♄: The second face of the Golden Seal, mark∣ed Page  121 with the number 2, is to be turned against the engraven face of the superior Seal which hath not the Image of a man, and is marked with the number 4. But if ♀ be in Conjunction with ♂, then the second face of the Seal marked with the number 2, is to be turned upon the face of the upper Seal, which hath engraven upon it the image of a man, and is marked with the number 5. And when ☽ comes to the 6 degree of ♋ in the same order as is before shown, let the pieces of Money be both joyned together, the Gold being placed in the middle. Let them be all bored with one hole through the middle, and fastened together with an Iron-wyer, and let the Patient hang them about his neck. And let his Members be anointed with the Oyl before pre∣scribed: hereby you shall try the powerful ope∣rations of Nature, even in such as are 60 yeers old.

The Picture of Golden Money for the Gout.
[lamen etchings]

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A Sympathetical Oyntment against the Gout.

Let the Blood of the Patient afflicted with the Gout, be reserved: And that you may know how to use it, Distil a Water from it in Balneo Maria.

Take hereof, ℥ vii. to which adde, of Oyl of Roses, Venice Sope, each ℥ ss. of Man's Grease, Bears Grease, juyce of Sengreen, each ℥ i. Marrow of an Ox, ℥ ss.

Let them be all gently boyled in a vessel of Brass, till they come to the thickness of an Oynt∣ment; continually stirring it, lest it burn: Af∣terwards upon the eighth day of the Moon's en∣creasing, let the Soles of the Feet of the Patient be pricked with an instrument, as it uses to be done in Applications for the Winde: and the place grieved being in this manner opened, let them be anointed with this Oyntment very hot, that it may penetrate. And by so doing 9 weeks, he shall be Cured cleer of the Gout.

This Oyntment will last 10 yeers in its full force and virtue, being kept in a cold place.