Paracelsvs of the [brace] chymical transmutation, genealogy and generation [brace] of metals & minerals.: Also, of the urim and thummim of the Jews. With an appendix, of the vertues and use of an excellent water made by Dr. Trigge. The second part of the mumial treatise. Whereunto is added, philosophical and chymical experiments of that famous philosopher Raymvnd Lvlly; containing, the right and due composition of both elixirs. The admirable and perfect way of making the great stone of the philosophers, as it was truely taught in Paris, and sometimes practised in England, by the said Raymund Lully, in the time of King Edw. 3.
Paracelsus, 1493-1541., Turner, Robert, fl. 1654-1665.
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The manner how to separate the Tincture of Gold from the Quintessence vegetable, and the way to circulate the same, that it may be converted into Quintes∣sence, or Celestial Nature and Spiritual, and almost Incorrup∣tible.

HItherto we have shewed you how to draw the Tincture from the Body of the Sun, and how they exuberate it, in a cleer and open speech. Now we intend to shew how the same Tincture may be separated from the menstruum, which is Celestial, and by Cir∣culation is converted into a Quintessence most fragrant, and in strength most eminent, and incorruptible as the Heavens. To do this, pro∣ceed thus:

Take a Stillatory of Glass, and infuse into it the vegetable Menstruum, which is circulated; in which is the Soul of the Gold: then add to it of the Element of Water in the same thing, to wit, of the Lunary of the Philosophers, so Page  162 much as is of the menstruum it self: then put your Vessel in a Physical Furnace; and putting an easie fire of the first degree to it, distil from it the vegetable Quintessence, and the Element of Water admixed to it: so the Tincture of Gold shall remain in the bottom like Wax melted, or like the fluid gum, and in colour most like unto a Ruby.

To purifie this Tincture from the superfluity of the Elements, and to make it to a Quintessence by Circulation, proceed thus:

Take a fit Vessel of Glass, and put in it the Tincture of the Sun, most red, exulerated and separated from the vegetable Water, and pour upon it a convenient quantity of the vegetable Quintessence: and having shut the Glass Her∣metically, put the Vessel in a Physical Vaporary, and with continual heat, as of the Sun, suffer it to be circulated a sufficient space; which done, you shall see in the bottom of the Glass an Earth like unto Slime, which must most be separated from the Tincture, mixed with the vegetable, as a superfluous thing; which is done by the Distillation of the menstruum with the Tincture in the fire of the second degree: which being done, put the Vessel, containing the Quintessence vegetable, mixed with the Tin∣cture in the Physical Bath; and putting to it the fire of the first degree by Distillation, ex∣tract the vegetable Quintessence: and so the Page  163 Tincture of Gold most beautiful, being puri∣fied from the Dregs of the Elements, and Slime of the Earth, and made spiritual and volatile, shall be setled in the bottom of the Circulit, converted into a Quintessence, and into a Ce∣lestial and Incorruptible Nature, to which no earthly thing may be compared in smell or sweet favour, nor in vertue and excellent operations. Keep the Quintessence most carefully, as a most precious Treasure: for it is the true potable and mutable Gold, The true Elixir of the Sun, Power, The true Diaphoretical and Universal Medicine, The true Mercury of the Philo∣sophers, without which there is no Transmuta∣tion of Metals.