The book of the Revelation paraphrased; with annotations on each chapter. Whereby it is made plain to the meanest capacity:
Waple, Edward, 1647-1712.

Annotations on CHAP. XXII.

1 This Chapter, to Verse the 6th, ought not to have been separated from the former, as being one continued Descrip∣tion of the City, in the midst of which this River was, Verse 2.

This is in allusion to the River of Paradise, which went out of Eden, as out of its Head and Fountain, to water the Garden, Gen. 2.10. VVhereby, as also by the Tree in the midst of this City, is intimated, that this State will be Pa∣radisaical.

3 In Ezekiel's Vision the River cometh out of the Temple and Altar; But there being no Temple in this New Jerusalem, Page  497 the Throne of God is put in the place of it; to shew that this State shall be wholly Divine.

4 The Lamb's Throne is the distinct, and peculiar Throne of Christ, as the Son of Man, in his Glorious Kingdom; in which State the Divinity will so dispense it self to the Hu∣mane Nature, as that it shall have a distinct Glory of its own, although derived from the Divine; and the Son may be said not to be subject, (1 Cor. 15.28.) because he is a King; even as in Christ's State of Humiliation, the Divinity did not generally manifest it self so gloriously, and illustriously in the Humanity, but that Christ might be said to have emptied himself of his Divine Glory, Phil. 2.6, 7. See pag. 441, 442. and Chap. 21.5.

2 In the midst of the street [or broad places; whereby is signifi∣ed the Assembly of the whole Body of the Saints, Chap. 20.9.] of it [i. e. of the City,] and of either side of the River was there the 5 Tree of Life [i. e. this was a Paradisiacal State, in which the Saints raised, and changed, could dye no more, but were made e∣qual to the Angels, Luke 20.36. 1 Cor. 15.] which bare Twelve manner of Fruits [i. e. afforded perfect 6 Pleasures, and Consolati∣ons to this 6 Apostolical Israelitism,] and yeilded her Fruit every Month [i. e. Variety and Fullness of Joy for 7 evermore, Psalm 1. and 16, 11.92▪ 12, 14. Ezek. 47.7, 12.] and the 8 Leaves of the Tree, were for the healing of the Nations [of the saved, who were to walk in the Light of the New Jerusalem State; that is, the Living Saints were to be preserved during the Thousand Years, in Bodies changed, which should afterwards be made incorrupti∣ble. See on Chap. 20. and 21.24]

5 Or A Tree of Life, viz. one on each side, at just, and convenient distances; for they were very many (as appears from Ezek. 47.7, 12. and from the Expression here used) at the Bank of the River, on the one side, and on the other: and yet they are here represented as One Tree, because they were all of One Kind, viz. of the same kind with the Tree of Page  498 Life, in the midst of Paradise; by which, Life was Sacra∣mentally conveyed to our first Parents; and a Symbol was given of the Immortality of the renewed Paradisiacal State of Christ's Kingdom.

6 For the Number Twelve is a Symbol of Perfection, of Apostolicalness, and of the True Israel of God, now united into one Body in this State.

7 The Year being the measure of all Time, bearing Fruit as oft as there be Months in the Year, must needs signifie the con∣tinual, constant fruitfulness of it. Dr. Hammond on the place.

8 The(a) Fruit of this Tree is for Meat; i. e. for solid Nourishment, and ordinary Food; but the Leaves of it, are only for medicine, or healing; from whence it follows, that the Nations here mentioned, had some Remains of Corrupti∣bility left, which required Care, and needed Preservation by Medicines; by which is admirably set forth the different State of the raised Saints, caught up immediately to Christ, into a State of Incorruptibility; and that of the living Saints on Earth, (the very Nations mentioned Chap. 21, 24, 26.) whose Bodies are only changed, but not made incorruptible at first; as hath been(b) already frequently observed; and therefore are represented as living indeed, Chap. 20.6. but with some Principle of Corruptibility in them, which stood in need of Healing; whereas the Dead Saints being raised to a Life of Incorruptibility, are very aptly represented as fed Page  499 and nourished with the very Fruit of she Tree of Life; that is, by immediate Communications of Incorruptibility from God, and Christ, who is Life, John 1, 4.5, 26. and Chap. 6.

3 And there shall be no more curse [or no Effects of Sin in this New Paradise, as there were in the first, Gen. 3.14, &c.] but the Throne of God, and of the Lamb shall be in 9 it [by glorious Manifesta∣tions, and Communications;] and his 16 Servants [which were sealed. See Chap. 7.4.] shall serve him [perfectly in this State, and never fall from it, as our first Parents did, but shall be Kings and Priests to God for ever.]

9 This whole City, or State, as well that on Earth as in the Heavens, shall be replenished with Communications from the Throne of God, and of the Lamb; which shall be in the Ci∣ty on the New Earth, by its Light shining on it from the New Heaven, Chap. 21.24.

10 This Relative Particle respects both God and the Lamb; and yet is of the Singular Number; to shew the Ʋnity of the Godhead, and the Equality of the Father, and the Son, the Lamb as one with the Eternal Word.

4 And they shall see his Face [i. e. partake of the Nature and Glory of God, and of Christ, Matth. 5.8. 1 Cor. 13.12. 1 John 3.2.] and his Name shall be in their Foreheads [i. e. they shall be ma∣nifestly known to be his Servants; who were wont to be marked on the Forehead; and they shall be Holiness to the Lord, accor∣ding to the Inscription on the High-Priests rntlet. See the Notes on Chap. 7, 3, 4.14, 1.]

5 And there shall be 10 no night there [i. e. no impuri••, and 〈◊〉 interruption of Happiness and Comfort, sl 6. 〈◊〉 Joh .5, 6, 7.] and they need no Candle [〈…〉,] ither ighf the Sun [i. e. no Natural Light, of which the Sun is the Fountain,] for the Lord God giveth them Light [i. e. affodeth them hi glorious Presence, and Consolations;] and th••〈…〉 for ever and ever [i. e. after the Thousand Years Mdi••oy King∣dom, Page  500 they shall reign with Christ for ever in the highest Hea∣vens; for Christ's Kingdom is an Eternal Kingdom, and of it there shall be no end, Luke 1.33. See Chap. 3, 21.5, 10.20, 4, 6.]

10 This, and the foregoing Verses, contain a Repetition of what had been said before; either by way of(a) Assur∣ance, and Confirmation, as is usual in Prophecy; or with refe∣rence to the Saints upon Earth, upon the mention of them, Verse 2. or with respect to the Persons, to whom that is now accommodated, which had been before spoken concerning their City, or State. Compare Chap. 21.23, 25. with the fifth Verse of this Chapter.

6 And he [i. e. the first of the Seven Angels which had the Se∣ven Vials, Chap. 21.9.] said unto me, 11 these sayings [of the Pro∣phecy of this Book, Verse 7.] are faithful and true [i. e. impor∣tant, certain, and infallible Truths. See on Chap. 19.9.] And the Lord 12 God of the Holy Prophets [i. e. Christ, who spake by them, and whose Spirit inspired them, Acts 3.21. 1 Pet. 1.10, 11, 12.3, 19. 2 Pet. 1.21.] sent [or did send at first, Chap 2.1. and all along in this Prophecy,] his Angel [or Minstring Spirits,] to shew unto his Servants, the things [of this Prophecy,] which must shortly [after the Day of the(b) Resurrection, the time when this Vision was seen, and from whence it commences; begin] to come to pass [in order, one after another. See on Chap. 1.1.]

11 Here begins the Conclusion, or Epilogue of this Sacred Drama; wherein the Angel (says Dr. Hammond in his Para∣phrase on the place) began to conclude, and fold up his Dis∣course, and to sum up what I had seen in this Vision, telling me, Page  501 that all this, as strange, and as glorious as it was, should cer∣tainly come to pass. And the Vision ends, as it began, with a Declaration of the(a) Truth and Importance of the Pro∣phecy; and of its(b) speedy issuing into Event; and of the most remarkable things contained in it.

12 Here is a plain Assertion of the Divinity of Christ, con∣cerning whom these words are to be understood; as is mani∣fest by comparing them with Chap. 1.1. and Verse 16. of this Chapter.

7 Behold 13 I [Christ] come 14 quickly [in Judgment to my Kingdom; for the 15 Vials are now ready to be poured forth:] Blessed [therefore, and this admonition is at this time, of all o∣thers, the most seasonable, when the severest Judgments of God are ready to be executed;] is he that keepeth the Sayings of the Prophe∣cy of this Book. [See Chap. 1, 3.3, 11.]

13 Here Christ himself speaks; this being a Sacred Drama; in which, according to the Nature of such Representations, several Persons are introduced, and there are many interlo∣cutory passages; as is observable in the Song of Solomon, which is a Dramatick Poem, in the Form of a Pastoral Eclogue.

14 This Epilogue, or Conclusion, seems to refer to some of the most important, and remarkable passages of the whole Vision; which it be∣hoved all to take the chiefest notice of; according to the Method observed in the first Chapter; which is, as it were, a Prologue, or Introduction to it. And accordingly, the sudden Coming of Christ to take Vengeance of his Enemies, in the pouring forth of the Vials, being one of the most remarkable Events fore∣told Page  502 in this Vision; is here again mentioned, as it had been before, Chap. 1.7.

15 For it seems probable, from Chap. 21.9. that this part of the Vision was seen and heard by John, just before he had the Representation of the pouring forth of the Vials; when the Admonition to keep and observe the Words of this Prophecy was most highly seasonable: For by a close consideration of Chap. 17, 1.19, 7-11.21, 9. it seems, as if the first, or prin∣cipal Angel of the Vials, which shewed John the Judgment of the Whore, and the New Jerusalem; gave him also this Con∣clusion at the same time; aptly fitted to the time just before the pouring forth of the Vials; when it was necessary, that the Saints should not only have a comfortable View of the blessed State, but also be assured of the sudden coming of it; that they might be sustained under the dismal Tribulation then ap∣proaching; whereupon they are again assured of his quick coming, Verse 12.

8 And I John [the Apocalyptick Apostle, and Servant of Christ, See on Chap. 21.2.] saw these [foregoing] things [relating to the New Jerusalem,] and heard [the Voice of Jesus, and of his Angel, Verse 6, 7. and 16 both saw, and heard all the Sayings, and Visi∣on of this Book: and therefore am worthy of belief, as having been an Eye and Ear-witness of] them. And when I had heard and s••• [the glorious State of the New Jerusalem,] I fell 17 down to wor∣ship before the Feet of the Angel which shewed me these things [and who had also brought me the glad tidings of a Judgment on God's E∣nemy the Whore, Chap. 17.1. and of the Marriage-Supper, Chap. 19 9.]

1• Although these Words have an immediate reference to h•• had been seen just before, yet they may also refer to all the 〈◊〉 going Visions of this Book.

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17 It is something difficult to determine whether this passage be the same with the former, related Chap. 19.7-21. and only twice repeated, to shew the Importance of the Matter, and the great danger of falling into the sin of Idolatry; although the Relation be something different from the former (according to the manner of the Evangelists, the latter of whom deliver some things more fully and compleatly than the former) and the Two Representations, although of the same thing, are very different; the one being upon the View of the New Jerusa∣lem State, in its full Glory, and compleat Description; the o∣ther, Chap. 19. only upon the sight of the preparation of the Bride, and her coming down out of Heaven.

9 Then saith he unto me [immediately, in great haste, and with great Zeal, and Vehemency. See Chap. 19 10] See thou do it not; for I am thy Fellow-Servant [and therefore am not to be worsh p∣ped,] and [the Fellow-Servant] of thy Brethren the Prophets, and of them which keep 18 the sayings of this Book [i. e. I, although an Angel of so great Rank, and Ministry, am yet but a Fellow-Creature with thee, and the Holy Saints, and Witnesses; and their Fellow-Servant also in the New Jerusalem State, in which you and they shall be equal unto Angels; and therefore I am nt to be worshipped; Worship being due to Superiors, not Equals, Creatures and Servants. See on Chap. 19.10.] Worship [therefore,] God, [and him alone, Matth. 4.10]

18 Here the Angel seems to intimate, as if the sayings of this Book were a Caution against the Apostatical State, and the Wor∣ship of Angels; and also the Rule and Model of Divine Worship, from the first Apostolical State of the Church, typified by Ephe∣sus, to the highest State of it in the New Jerusalem; according to which, as he could not receive such Worship, so ought not John also to have given it unto him. And this passage also affords a clear proof of the Divinity of Christ in Humane Na∣ture; because Divine Worship is paid unto him all along in this Book.

Page  50410 And he [i. c. Christ. Ver. 12, 13, 16, 20.] saith unto me, Seal 19 not the Sayings of the Prophecy of this Book; for the time [of the comple∣tion of all the Sealings mentioned in this Book,] is [now] at hand.

19 These words must refer to the times of the seventh Trum∣pet, when all the Thunders were unsealed, Chap. 14. just before the pouring forth of the Vials; until when, it could not pro∣perly be used; it being expresly commanded, that every one of the Thunders should be sealed.

11 He that 20 is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he which is filthy [i e. guilty of any other sin, all of which defile a Man, Mat. 15.18. Jam. 1, 21.3, 6▪] let him be filthy still, and he that is righteous [or justified,] let him be righteous still: and he that is holy [or sanctified,] let him be holy still [i. e. the time and place of Repentance is no more to be found, but he that is unjust, and filthy, will not repent; and he that is just, and holy, shall continue so still.]

20 These words seem to have a respect to the Times just be∣fore the pouring forth of the Vials; when those Men who had been proof against the preaching of the Everlasting Gospel, were judicially delivered over to punishment; because of the will∣ful Obstinacy, and Hardness af their Hearts: whereupon they blasphemed, and repented not. See Chap. 16.9.

12 And behold I come 21 quickly [to Judgment, in my Kingdom] and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be [good or bad, Matth. 16.27. Rev. 10.18.20, 12-15.]

21 This must be supposed to be spoken before the pouring forth of the Vials; in which the Wicked receive their Reward in Punishments.

13 I am Alpha, and Omega the Beginning, and the End, the First and the Last [i. e. I am the Eternal God, who as I gave Being to all things, so do I put an end to them too; and I am more espe∣cially Page  501 shewing this my Divine Power, in bringing all things to perfection in my Kingdom, and thereby putting an end to Pro∣phecy, whose main scope and design was with reference unto it. See on Chap. 1, 8.21, 6]

14 Blessed 22 [in Christ's Kingdom, Dan. 12.12. See on Chap. 14.13] are they that(a) do his Commandments [i. e. are now found, and appear to have kept them,] that they may have right [by virtue of the Covenant of Grace, and upon their appear∣ing in the fine(a) white Linnen of Christ's Righteousness: See on Chap. 19.7, 8.] to the Tree of Life [i. e. to the incorruptibi∣lity of the new Jerusalem State, verse 2.] and many enter in through the Gates of the City [i. e. be admitted into that State. See on chap. 21.6, 12, 21.]

15 For without [this blessed State, in the four corners of the new Earth, see on chap. 20.8.] are Dogs [i. e. the Members of the Antichristian(b) Sodom, chap. 11.8. and those who are without the Covenant, Matt. 15.26. Profane, Bruitish, and Persecut∣ing Apostates, Matt. 7.6. 2 Pet. 2.22] and Sorcerers, and Whore∣mongers, and Murtherers, and Idolaters, and whoso∣ever liveth, and maketh a Lie [i. e. all wicked Persons, but especi∣ally the Antichristian Party, to which these Characters emi∣nently agree, see on Chap. 21.8, 27.]

16 I Jesus have sent my Angel [from the beginning(c) of this Prophecy, all along to this present conclusion of it;] to testify unto you [John, and all my other Servants, chap. 1.1.] these things in the Churches [i. e. in, or concerning the seven Successions of my Church, see the Notes on chap. 1.4. and on chap. second and third,] I am the root, and the off-spring of David [i. e. the Mes∣sias, proceeding from David as from a root, to whom the King∣dom(d) Page  502 was Promised, see on chap. 5.5.] and the bright and morn∣ing Star [which only dawned in the Church Succession of Thya∣tira, but now shews in full brightness at the succession of my Kingdom, see the Notes on chap. 2.28.]

17 And the Shirit [speaking to, and in the several Successions of the Church, chap. 2. and 3. and makeing intercession for the Saints, Rom. 8.26, 27.] and the Bride [i. e. the Saints, chap 19.7, 8.21, 2] say, come [Lord Jesus, come quickly in thy King∣dom.] And let him that heareth [and obeyeth the words of this Prophecy,] say [joyning as in consort,] come [Lord Jesus.] And(a) let him that is a thirst [for the comforts, and refreshments of the new Jerusalem State, see on chap. 21.6.] come: And whoso∣ever will [or has a sincere desire for these times of full refresh∣ments,] let him take the Water of Life freely [for the incorrupti∣bility of this State is of my free grace and favour, chap. 21, 6.22, 1.]

18 For I [Christ, verse 20.] testify [and declare(b) openly, with the greatest earnestness, zeal, and holy Asseveration, as with an Oath, John, 13.21. Rom. 1.9. Acts 18.5.] unto every man, [of what(c) quality, or dignity soever] that heareth the words of the Prophecy of this Book, [that it is a Book of so great per∣fection and life that] if any man shall(d)(d) add unto these things [con∣tained in this Book of Revelations, and by consequence to any other part of Scripture by 22 Traditions, and rash,(e) or wilfully Page  503 false Interpretations,] God shall add unto him [besides the retri∣butions of his ordinary Justice, and Wrath,] the [dreadful,] plagues that are written in this Book.

22 Here is a change of Persons, and John speaks; whose words plainly refer to the admittance and entrance of the Saints into the new Jerusalem State; and therefore must have respect to the times after the Pouring forth of the Vials, when the Wicked were shut out of the City.

19 And if any man shall take 23 away [as the Antichristian Party hath even the Scriptures themselves,] from the words [or autho∣rity,] of this of Prophecy, God shall take away his part and the Book of Life, [i. e. he shall not be found written in the Book of Life, a∣mong the Living in the New Jerusalem,] and out of the Holy City [from which he shall be debarred, and excommunicated,] and from the Things [promises, and blessings,] which are written in this Baok.

23 As the Antichristian Party hath done.

20 He which testifies these things [i e. Christ, who is Truth it self,] saith, surely [believe it, for it is a certain, and infallible Truth,] I come quickly [i. e. all my comings are unexpected, and by Surprize; I begin very suddenly after the date of this Visi∣on, to bring it into effect. I hasten all things to an end in the just and due time; and am now just upon coming to put an end to this, and all other Prophecies, being not slack in performing them, as some men count slackness, 2 Pet. 3.9.] Amen [saith John the beloved Apostle, and Servant of Christ, in the Name, and Person, of Angels and Saints his fellow Servants;] even so [be it; [come Lord Jesus [in thy Kingdom, come quickly.]

21 The 24 [Justifying, Sanctifying, and efficaciously opera∣tive] Grace [Proceeding from the undeserved Love, Favour, and Assistances,] of our Lord [God] Jesus Christ [our Saviour, and anointed Prophet, Priest, and King,] be with you all [Churches and Saints, to whom this great Prophetical Epistle is Written] Amen. [So be it, and so it will certainly be.]

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24 This whole Book of Prophecies being as it were one en∣tire Epistle Monitory, to the Church of God throughout all Ages of the World; it is concluded, as it was begun, accord∣ing to the custom of the Apostles, with the usual Form of Valediction in their Epistles.