Obedient patience in general, and in XX particular cases with helps to obtain and use it, and impatience repressed : cross-bearers less to be pityed that cross-makers
Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691.


The sad distempers and divisions of Chri∣stians, and the hurt they do to the World, and to one another, and the dishonourable state of the Church.

XVII. ANother exercise of our Pati∣ence is, The great Imperfection, Page  242 Scandals and Divisions of Christians, and the hurt they do to one another, and to the World, and the dishonourable broken state that they are in.

It is a doleful Case to think, how narrow, and low, and corrupt a state the Church was in for four thousand years before Christs Incarnation: How small it was for the the two first Centu∣ries: How quickly shameful Heresies did corrupt it: How lamentably they mul∣tiplyed even under Persecution: How quickly the advanced enriched Clergy were corrupted: What odious Schisms they made in the Church: How they grieved the hearts of peaceable Princes, who with all their Power, were unable to keep even common Love and Peace among the Prelates, and to get them to live but as quietly with each other as the Heathen did. What a shame is it to think, how the Majority carried it in their most famous Councils? And into how many Sects the Church was broken, and most of them by Bishops continued to this day? Greeks, Moscovites, Ar∣menians, Nestorians, Jacobites, Melchites, Papists, &c. And that so many hundred years experience doth not end or heal Page  243 the rents. To read the doleful Di∣visions and Cruelties by the Arrians, the bloody Feuds about Nestorians, Euty∣chians, Monothelites, the Tria Capitula, Images, Excommunications, particular mens striving for pre-eminence, to read how the Papacy sprang up, and to read the Schisms and Lives of the Popes, the general Councils dismal Accusations of some of them, their Ignorance, Simo∣ny and Wickedness: To read of the Wars between the Pope and Emperors, Fredericks, Henry the 4th. Henry the 5th. Otho, &c. And how commonly the Clergy swore, and unswore, and for∣swore; sometime for the Pope, and some∣time for the Emperors: To read how a Council of Bishops made it the Henrician Heresie to hold that Emperors have a Power to invest Bishops baculo & annulo, and that the Pope may not excommuni∣cate and depose them; and that th〈…〉re∣ed to dig up the Carcasses of the 〈…〉 Bi∣shops and burn them as Henrician Here〈…〉, who had been for the Emperors against the Popes: To read of all the horrid cruelties of Bishops and Clergy-men, in Inquisiti∣ons, the Murder of many hundred thou∣sand Waldenses and Albigenses, and the Page  244 many Massacrees and Burnings for Religi∣on since: To see at this day, that the Cler∣gy will not by reason or request, be in∣treated to give one another, or the King∣doms of Europe any peace: What cla∣mors! What Preachings! What Wri∣tings! What Railings! What diabolical Slanders, and malicious Persecutions of one another? To see Prisons filled, Houses rifled, multitudes of true Chri∣stians undone and hunted by one ano∣ther: To see how ignorant the most zea∣lous Christians are in many Places, and alas, even the Teachers of them; and how contentious and prone to Sects and bitter Censures, and to justifie unjusti∣fiable things, and to make odious one another, and to speak evil of the things they understand not, and to be most con∣fident unto rage, where they are most mistaken: To hear how confidently con∣trary sides appeal to God, and father all their Cause on him: How confidently and religiously they seem to die, who are executed for contrary Causes? The pious words E. G. and Prayers of those in 1660. on one side, and the pious words and Prayers of the Jesuits and other Papists lately: To hear some Page  245 swear others guilty unto death, and the Jesuits Appeal to God that it was all false, and renounce all Equivocations and Absolutions at their death. Yea, to hear lately in this Parish at the Com∣munion publickly while they received the Sacrament on it, one Man Swear or Vow before God those visible Actions of another, which that other, there and then, as solemnly vowed to be all false. To Read every week News books, whose studyed work is with the greatest wit, and vehemency, and gross lies to draw Christians to hate and destroy each other: And while all cry up Love and Peace, for the same Men so to fight against it, worse than all their publick Enemies; so that there appeareth no hope of saving the Land; yea, the most upright Christi∣ans, from the lies, rage and malice of professed Christians. So that Men seem incarnate Devils.

And alas the few sincere Souls live be∣low the holy joy which their Christian saith and hope bespeaketh; in too much fear and grief, or tenderness of the bo∣dy. How can Patience endure to see all this.

The Case is doleful but. 1. Re∣member Page  246 that all this doth but tell u what sin is, and what it hath done to Mankind, and yet Men will hardly be∣lieve that it is so bad.

2. All this may help you to believe that there is a Hell and Devils, that God is not to be accused of it, when sin it self is so much of misery and Hell.

3. All this doth most notably set forth the Excellency of Wisdom, God∣liness and Justice, when the contraries are so odious: It is not Godliness, truth, or Justice, but the want of them in whole or part, which is the cause of all this evil. Do but think if all England or all the World, were but such as those few Humble, Holy, Charitable, Peaceable, Patient Christians, which you and I know, O what a quiet and blessed Land and World it would then be? I know the places where they live in so great Ho∣lyness, Love and Peace, that it is a great delight to live among them. Were all such as some of my beloved Friends, and daily Companions are, and have been, it would be such a resemblance of Hea∣ven, as would leave no room for the sad complaint of this Objection. And by this we see what an Excellent thing true Page  247 Faith and Godliness is in it self. And tho in the same persons there be the Remnants of Ignorance, Errour and sin which are a trouble to others and them∣selves, this is because that grace is yet imperfect, but its excellence appeareth in being contrary to sin, and so far sub∣duing it, and keeping it as fire in the Chimney, from doing that mischief which reigning sin doth: And making Men so good and usefull, notwithstanding their remaining faults.

4. And in a life of tryal which pre∣pareth us for the reward, it is no won∣der if there be somewhat left for all grace to oppose, and exercise it self against? What War, what Victory is there, where there is no Enemy? And what Crown?

5. The Church is Christs Hospital, and is it a wonder that all are sore and sick? We are here under his cure: He hath done much already; more than all the World could do, in the work of true Regeneration and Sanctification: He hath broken the head of the Serpent, and the heart of sin: And it is dying daily more and more, and its not the imperfection that must cause us Page  248 to under-value so great a work.

6. Christ knoweth his own grace in all Believers, even the weakest, notwith∣standing all their faults and follies; And he loveth his own, while he hateth their sin much more, than any Man can do: And he pardoneth their remaining in∣firmities, and loveth their persons, and calleth them his Brethren, and so must we: If Christ can pardon sin, and love the uprightness of the imperfect, we must imitate him.

7. As we must live in constant need of our Creator for our daily bread, or life and preservation, so must we live in daily need of the pardoning and healing grace of our Redeemer; as once Crea∣ting puts us not into a state of self-suffici∣ency and independance, so neither doth once Redeeming us. And the daily be∣nefit of a Saviours pardon, and healing grace, is our daily comfort.

8. As I told you before about the im∣perfection of each ones grace, God will have a difference between Earth and Hea∣ven, and what we want here, we shall there have in Perfection: Even greater Perfection than we can here believe.

9. The faults of all Christians teach Page  249 us all to think humbly of our selves, and also not to overvalue imperfect Man, nor to trust the best too far; nor to take all for true or good, which they do or teach; But to walk cautelously with all Men, and to put our whole trust in God alone.

10. And the worse we all are, the more we discern the freeness of Gods Love and Grace, and the great cause of thankfulness that we have for all our mercies.

11. And when we see that the best on Earth are so imperfect, it should help us all to long for Heaven; where there is no ignorance or Errour, no sin, no ma∣lice, no proud censoriousness, no divisions, but God is joyfully praised by all, as with one Soul, one Mind, one Love, one Mouth.

12. In all ages and Countries where the Church hath been most degenerate, God hath had many that have main∣tained their integrity, and have not Con∣sented to the Corruptions and contenti∣ons of the times, nor run into the guilt of the ambitious Clergy, or of unruly Hereticks; and a few such as are his jewels, are worth many of the Earthly drossy world.

Page  25013. And what wonder is it if nomi∣nal Christians that are real Hypocrites and wicked Men, be haters and Perse∣cuters of the just, and the Plagues of the World, and the chiefest instruments of the Devil on Earth. Certainly the false profession of Christianity is so far from making Men good, and saving them, that it sublimateth their wickedness, and mak∣eth them the worst and most miserable of Men.

14. It somewhat tendeth to allay the fears of weak Christians, who think that their faults are inconsistent with sincerity, when they see that so many of all sorts are so faulty: They see what Gods mercy beareth with in all.

15. And it is no real cause of dishonour to Christianity: For no Enemy can find any fault in that: There is no sin against God or Man, which Christ hath not for∣bidden, and is not more against than the most righteous Man alive is, it is there∣fore utter impudence, to charge those faults of Men on Christ, which he forbid∣deth and abhorreth: What would they have him do more to signifie his hatred of sin, than to Condemn it, and pre∣pare Hell for all that live and die im∣penitent? Page  251 and himself to die rather than it shall go unpunished, even in those that are forgiven; and to do so much as he hath done to destroy it.

16. And if the wicked will perish by the scandal which they take at Christi∣ans faults, their impudence maketh their damnation just. It were else easy for them to sce a difference between the im∣perfections of a Saint, and the wicked∣ness of a beastly or Malignant sinner? And they should rather Ga••er, that if the faults of serious Believers are odi∣ous, their own reigning sin is much more so; And therefore this should hasten their repentance.

17. And O how desirable should the Common sin and ignorance and divisions in this World, make Christs appearing and glorious Kingdom to us, when the whole Church shall be presented spotless, and beautiful in holiness and love, and Christ will be glorified in his Saints, and admixed in all Believers: The holy City of God, the Jerusalem above, hath no∣thing but perfect amiableness, concord love and Joy, where all are, tho many, yet but one.