Philosophy reformed & improved in four profound tractates.: The I. discovering the great and deep mysteries of nature: by that learned chymist & physitian Osw: Crollivs. The other III. discovering the wonderfull mysteries of the creation by Paracelsvs: being his philosophy to the Athenians.
Croll, Oswald, ca. 1560-1609., Paracelsus, 1493-1541. Three books of philosophy written to the Athenians., Pinnell, Henry.


As the fire brought forth various shapes and essences: in the same manner also did the Ele∣ment of aire produce the like.* Though the four Elements differ somewhat in those things that are gendred out of themselves. For every of them gendred some one thing in speciall and pe∣culiar to it selfe. The Firmament is like none of the other three. Fate is from the aire, yet is it not like any of the three rest. Those that belong to the earth are not in the least like any of the other three. So likewise is it with Sea-monsters in relation to other things. Every creature be∣gat both reasonable and unreasonable creatures in it selfe. Heaven,* as well as the Element of earth, hath rational creatures in the Firmaments. In like manner the fate of the aire is distinguish∣ed in its signature by reason and bruitishnesse. The same also is true of the earth and water. Now who is he that can tell us what the truth is Page  36which within the four sealed Elements, who are they to whom the true faith and right way of salvation is committed and intrusted, or who a∣lone are they that shall inherit eternity, which we will now passe by?* It must needs be, that men live in all four, as if they did but in one Ele∣ment, to wit, the earth. As touching destiny, we are to understand,* that its generation out of the Element is manifold, yet without any body and substance, according to the property of the aire (which is not corporeall) and its habitation. Some are corporeall, others cannot be touched, as we know.