Philosophy reformed & improved in four profound tractates.: The I. discovering the great and deep mysteries of nature: by that learned chymist & physitian Osw: Crollivs. The other III. discovering the wonderfull mysteries of the creation by Paracelsvs: being his philosophy to the Athenians.
Croll, Oswald, ca. 1560-1609., Paracelsus, 1493-1541. Three books of philosophy written to the Athenians., Pinnell, Henry.

TEXT 11.

It is silly and vaine Philosophy to place all happinesse and eternity in our Element of earth.* A foolish opinion it is, to boast that we onely of all creatures are the most noble. There are more worlds than one, nor are there none be∣sides Page  39us in our own. But this ignorance is much more capitall, that we know not those men who are of the same Element with us, as the Noctur∣nales, Gnomes, &c.* Who though they live not in the clear glory of heaven, nor have any light of the Firmament, but hate what we love, and love what we hate, and though they are not like us in form, essence, or sustentation; yet is there no cause of wonder: For they were made such in the great Mystery. We are not all that were made, there are many more, whom we know not of. Therefore we must conclude, that there were more bodies than onely one simple body shut up in the great Mystery, though in generall there was but eternall and mortall there. But in what various shapes and sorts they brought forth, no man can tell. This doubt will be wholly removed when the eternity of all those things shall meet together. Then certainly many un∣known things shall be fully found out and made known many wayes, not onely of those things which have the eternall in themselves, but also of those things which have sustain'd and nourished that eternall. There is a twofold eternall:* One of the kingdome and domination; the other of ornament and honour. That flowers should not be eternall is clean contrary to Philosophy;* which though they wither and perish, yet at last they shall appear in the generall meeting toge∣ther of all things. There is nothing created out of the great Mysterie but shall have an image without the Firmament.