Articles of peace, union and confederation, concluded and agreed between his Highness Oliver Lord Protector of the common-wealth of England, Scotland & Ireland, and the dominions thereto belonging. And the Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands. In a treaty at Westminster bearing date the fift of April old style, in the year of our Lord God 1654. Printed and published by his Highness special command.
England and Wales. Lord Protector (1653-1658 : O. Cromwell), United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal.


Wheras certain English Ships and Goods have been seized and detained within the Do∣minions of the King of Denmark, since the 18. day of May in the year 1652. it is on both sides concluded, accorded and agreed, and the Page  307Lords the States General have obliged themselvs, as they also do by these presents, That restitution shall bee made of all & sin∣gular the English Ships & Goods, deteined as aforesaid, and remaining yet in Specie; to∣gether with the true and just price of such as are sold, imbezled, or otherwise disposed of, within fourteen days after the arrival of the Merchants and Masters interessed therein, or their Assigns, for the receiving of them. And also that Damages bee given for the losses sustained by the English, by reason of the said detention; according to what shall bee arbitrated and awarded by Edward Win∣slo, James Russel, John Becx, William Vander Cruyssen, Arbitrators indifferently chosen, as well on the part of the Lord Protector, as the said States General (the form or instrument of which Arbitration is already agreed upon) to examine and determine the demands of the Merchants, Masters and Owners, to whom the said Ships, Goods, and Dama∣ges appertain. Which Arbitrators are to meet at Gold-smith's-Hall here in London, the 27. of June next, old Style, or sooner if it may bee; and shall the same day make solemn Oath before the Iudges of the High Court of Admiralty of ENGLAND, that they will proceed without respect or relation had to ei∣ther State, or any particular Interest what∣soever. And moreover, the foresaid Arbi∣trators shall from the first day of August next, unless they agree upon sentence sooner, bee shut up in a chamber by themselvs, without Fire, Candle, Meat, Drink, or any other Refreshment, till such time as they come to Page  308an Agreement concerning the Matters re∣ferred to them: And the Sentence which they shall award shall bee obligatory to both Parties. And the States General of the Vnited Provinces do firmly oblige them∣selvs by these Presents, to execute and per∣form the same; as also, to pay such sum of Moneys here at London, as the said Arbitra∣tors shall adjudg to bee paid, for the use of the said Owners, to such Person or Persons as the Protector shall nominate, within 25. dayes after Adjudication made. And the said States General shal, within two dayes after the Instruments of Ratification of the said Articles of Peace are mutually de∣livered, pay here at London the sum of 5000 li. sterling, towards the Charges of the Mer∣chants, Masters, or their Assigns, for their Iourney to Denmark, and the sum of 20000. Rix Dollars, to such Persons as His said Highness shall appoint, within six dayes af∣ter the arrival of the said Persons there, for the use of the Merchants, Masters and Owners, towards repairing their Ships, and fitting them for Sea. Which said sums shall bee accounted in part of paiment of such sum, as shall bee awarded by the said Arbi∣trators. And that Caution and Security bee given (the form of which Caution is al∣ready agreed upon) by sufficient and respon∣sible Men, living here in London, and binding themselvs in an Obligation of one hundred and forty thousand pounds sterling (which Obligation is to bee delivered at the same time with the Instrument of Ratification) that Restitution shall bee made according to Page  309the premisse 〈…〉 the submission and payment as well of the 20000. Rix Dollars, as of such sum, or other things, as shall bee a adjudged and determined, as aforesaid, shall on their part bee duly performed. And if all and singular the Conditions bee not really and effectually performed on the part of the Lords the States General in manner and time aforesaid, then the said Obligation shall be forfeited, & the said sum of one hundred & forty thousand pounds sterling shall be paid to such person and persons as his Highness shall no∣minate, to the end the losses of the Mer∣chants, Masters and interessed may bee sa∣tisfied.