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Title:  A voyage into Nevv England begun in 1623. and ended in 1624 Performed by Christopher Levett, his Maiesties woodward of Somerset-shire, and one of the Councell of New-England.
Author: Levett, Christopher, 1586-1630.
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and full of subteltie, they will quickely find any mans disposition, and flatter & humour him strangely, if they hope to get any thing of him. And yet will they count him a foole if he doe not shevv a dislike of it, and vvill say on to another, that such a man is a Mechecome. They are slow of speech, and if they heare a man speake much they will laugh at him, and say he is a Mechecum, that is a foole. If men of place be to familiar with them, they will not respect them: therefore it is to be wished that all such persons should be wise in their Carriage. The Sagamores will scarce speake to an ordinary man, but will point to their men, and say Sanops, must speake to Sanops, and Sagamors to Sagamors. They are very bloudy minded and full of Trach∣erie amongst themselues, one will kill another for their wiues, and he that hath the most wiues is the brauest fellow: therefore I would wish no man to trust them, what euer they say or doe, but alwaies to keepe a strickt hand ouer them, and yet to vse them kindly and deale vprightly with them; so shall they please God, keepe their reputation amongst them, and be free from danger. Their Sagamors are no Kings as I verilie beleeve, for I can see no Gouernment or Law amongst them but Club Law: and they call all Masters of Shippes Saga∣more, or any other man, that they see haue a com∣maund of men. Their wiues are their slaues and doe all their worke the men will doe nothing but kill Beasts Fish &c. On a time reasoning with one of their Sagamors a∣bout 0