A right profitable booke for all diseases: called, The pathway to health. Wherein are to be founde most excellent & approued medicines of great vertue: as also notable potions and drinks, and for the distilling of diuers precious waters, and making of oyles, and other comfortable receits for the health of the body, neuer before imprinted. First gathered by Peter Leuens, master of art of Oxford, and student in phisicke and surgery: and now newly corrected and augmented.

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A right profitable booke for all diseases: called, The pathway to health. Wherein are to be founde most excellent & approued medicines of great vertue: as also notable potions and drinks, and for the distilling of diuers precious waters, and making of oyles, and other comfortable receits for the health of the body, neuer before imprinted. First gathered by Peter Leuens, master of art of Oxford, and student in phisicke and surgery: and now newly corrected and augmented.
Levens, Peter, fl. 1587.
At London :: printed by I. Roberts for Edward VVhite, and are to be solde at the little North doore of Paules Church, at the signe of the Gun,

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"A right profitable booke for all diseases: called, The pathway to health. Wherein are to be founde most excellent & approued medicines of great vertue: as also notable potions and drinks, and for the distilling of diuers precious waters, and making of oyles, and other comfortable receits for the health of the body, neuer before imprinted. First gathered by Peter Leuens, master of art of Oxford, and student in phisicke and surgery: and now newly corrected and augmented." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A72549.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.


To make artificiall Balme.

¶ Take of gum Elempine sixe ounces, Aloes, Mirrhe, Ca∣store, Apponace of each two ounces, Storax calamite. Olibanum Mastick Cacabre, of each foure ounces, Munge Bedelii, gum of the Fig trée, of each two ounces and a halfe, make euery one of them in powder by themselues that will be powdered. The spices take of Lignum aloes, three ounces, Zilobalsami, Carpo∣balsami, Spignard, Cloues, Sinamon, Calamus aromatici, nut aromatici, Nutmegs, Galingall, Setwell, graines, Cardomo∣mus, both of the great and small, Cucubes, rootes of Cipres, Mustacastaline, which is the coddes of the Muske, of each two ounces, Rewpenticon 2. drams, flowers of rosemary 2. ounces, Iuniper berries, Enula campana, of each dried an ounce, Bay∣berries halfe an ounce, beat all together in grosse powders, then take of the séed of fennell, perfly, tansie, Carret, Coriander, and Caroway séed, of each one ounce: wormwood, sage dried, basill,

Page [unnumbered]

Rosemary: Margerum: Penniriall: Mints: Secades: E∣grimonie: a like quantitie of each: then take Figges of Alga∣rie, Dates the stones taken away: Reysons of the sunne: Al∣monds, of each foure ounces: then take oyle of Turpentine 2. pynts: oyle of Mastick, oyle Bennet, oyle of Castore, oyle of Tartor, oyle of Dyll, oyle of Exceter, of each halfe a pint, oyle of Spike, oyle of Nard, of each foure ounces: pure Aqua com∣posita the waight of all the former stuffe: and first boyle them in the bodies of two Limbecks of glasse fast luted, with the crownes of theyr couers downeward in Balnaeo mariae, that is, a Cawdron of water a day & a night: then take off theyr caps and set them aright, and distill it with an easie fire in these two Limbecks, all your stuffe being deuided into euen portions, as before: lute them strongly, and distill them with a sofe fire, sixe howres: then in the rest increase your fire by little and little til the water be passed, then shall you sée white oyle, and last of all yellow oyle: kéepe euery of them by themselues: the fourth is in the bottome, keepe ye as an excellent remedy for all wounds, it helpeth suddainly, without suffering the wound to putrifie or cast matter, but confoundeth it and helpeth it straight.

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