A right profitable booke for all diseases: called, The pathway to health. Wherein are to be founde most excellent & approued medicines of great vertue: as also notable potions and drinks, and for the distilling of diuers precious waters, and making of oyles, and other comfortable receits for the health of the body, neuer before imprinted. First gathered by Peter Leuens, master of art of Oxford, and student in phisicke and surgery: and now newly corrected and augmented.
- Title
- A right profitable booke for all diseases: called, The pathway to health. Wherein are to be founde most excellent & approued medicines of great vertue: as also notable potions and drinks, and for the distilling of diuers precious waters, and making of oyles, and other comfortable receits for the health of the body, neuer before imprinted. First gathered by Peter Leuens, master of art of Oxford, and student in phisicke and surgery: and now newly corrected and augmented.
- Author
- Levens, Peter, fl. 1587.
- Publication
- At London :: printed by I. Roberts for Edward VVhite, and are to be solde at the little North doore of Paules Church, at the signe of the Gun,
- 1596.
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- Subject terms
- Diseases
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"A right profitable booke for all diseases: called, The pathway to health. Wherein are to be founde most excellent & approued medicines of great vertue: as also notable potions and drinks, and for the distilling of diuers precious waters, and making of oyles, and other comfortable receits for the health of the body, neuer before imprinted. First gathered by Peter Leuens, master of art of Oxford, and student in phisicke and surgery: and now newly corrected and augmented." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A72549.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
- title page
THE PATHWAY to Health.
- For to make the hayre to grow.
- For to make hayre to grow where none is.
- Another experiment to make haire grow.
- An experiment for to wash the head,
- Another for to wash the head, and to make the hayre yellow.
- Another to make the hayre yellow.
- For to stay hayre from falling.
- Another for the falling of hayre.
- For to kill Lyce in the head.
- Another to kill Lyce in the head.
- For the Nits in the head.
- For woormes in the hayre.
- For to doe away hayre.
- For to take away hayre.
- An experiment for to take away haire.
- Another for to take away hayre.
- For the scurffe in the head.
- Another for the scurffe in the head.
- For wheales or pushes in the head.
- For a scald head.
- For a scald head.
- Another for a scald head.
- For to heale a white scald in the head.
- Another for to heale the white scald.
- For the brayne an experiment.
- For the brayne another.
- For to restore the braine.
- For the weaknes of the braine.
- For the fleame in the braine.
- For him that hath lost his mind.
- Another for him that hath lost his mind.
- For to keepe a good memorie.
- Another for memory.
- Against forgetfulnes.
- Another for forgetfulnesse.
- Another for the same.
- For the frensie in the head.
- Another for the frensie of the head.
- Another for the same.
- For the frensie in the head.
- An experiment for the frensie in the head.
- For the meigrim in the head.
- Another for the meigrim.
- Another for the meigrim in the head.
- Another for the meigrim.
- For the same a medicine.
- For to know if that the braine pan be broke.
- For the Fistula in the head.
- For the Fistula in the head.
- For the meigrim and for the impostume in the head.
- For an impostume in the head.
- Another for the impostume in the head.
- For the head ache.
- Another for the head ache.
- Another for the head ache.
- For the head ache.
- For the head ache.
- For the head ache proued.
- For aking of the head.
- For the vanitie of the head.
- For the vanitie of the head, and to wash the head, and to comfort the braine and memory, and for a fayre face.
- FOr the Lytargie in the head in the hinder part, which maleeth it for to shake.
- Another experiment for the Lytargie in the head.
- Another for the Lytargie in the hinder part of the head.
- For to purge the head and to clense it.
- For to purge the head an experiment.
- For to purge the head of what cause so euer.
- Another for to clense the head, the brest, and the stomack.
- For all manner of head ache.
- Another experiment for the same.
- Another experiment for all manner of head ache.
- Against the turne or daseling in the head.
- Another for daseling or swimming in the head.
- Against the rume in the head.
- A Gargell for the rume.
- For the rume an other experiment.
- For the rume in the head, an other proued.
- A quilt for the rume, a speedy remedie, proued often.
- An experiment for wounds in the head.
- For all manner of euill aches in the head.
- Another for all manner of euill aches in the head.
- For to make a man to sleepe.
- To make one sleepe that slept not in a long time before.
- For to make a man to sleepe.
- For to make a man to sleepe.
- For to make a man sleepe, and for to come to quiet rest.
- For paine in the eares.
- For paine in the eares.
- For the paine in the eares.
- For deafnes in the eare.
- For deafnes in the head.
- Another for deafnes in the head.
- For woormes in the eares.
- For ach and wormes in the eares.
- For woormes in the eares.
- To cause a man to heare well.
- For the running in the eares.
- For the running in the eares.
- For the impostume behind the head.
- Another for the same.
- For all manner of sore eyes.
- Another for the same.
- A precious water for the sight of the eyes, made by King Edward the sixt.
- For the pin and the web, and the fellon in the eye.
- For the pin and the web in the eye.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the pin and web in the eye.
- For to cleere the eye-sight.
- For to cleere the eye-sight.
- For the pearle in the eye.
- A precious water for the pearle in the eye, and for red bleered eyes, and for to keepe a man young.
- For bleered eyes.
- For heate and swelling in the eyes.
- For smarting of the eyes.
- For a mans eye that is blew or black, with a blow or a bruse.
- For running or waterie eyes.
- For blood-shotten eyes.
- For to driue blood from the eyes.
- For bloody or watery eyes.
- Another for bloody eyes.
- For the eyes that are blasted.
- A medicine for a mans eye that is broken with a staffe, or brused with any stroke: this hath been often proued.
- For the itching of the eye.
- A precious medicine proued, for man, woman, or chyld, that hath any sore eyes. And this medicine neuer fayleth, but restoreth the sight.
- For the Impostumes in the head.
- For wormes in the eye lids.
- For wormes in the eye lyds.
- For stinking at the nose.
- For the polix of the nose.
- For the polix of the nose.
- For the pose in the head.
- For the nosthrill a medicine.
- For bleeding at the nose.
- For bleeding at the nose.
- For bleeding at the nose.
- Another for the same.
- Against the bleeding at the nose.
- An experiment for the tooth ache.
- For the tooth ache.
- For the tooth ache.
- For hollow teeth.
- For hollow teeth.
- For wormes in the teeth.
- Another for the same.
- To make teeth to fall out of them selues.
- For yellow stinking teeth.
- To make teeth white that be yellow or black.
- To make the teeth cleane.
- For the gummes.
- For the gummes that bleed.
- For the gummes that are gnawne.
- For Blisters in the mouth, and swelling of the lyps.
- For chapping of the lyps.
- For swelling of the cheeke that commeth of the tooth ache.
- For the great heat in the mouth.
- For the canker in the mouth.
- For the canker in the mouth.
- Another for the same.
- For the canker in the mouth, and for stin∣king breath.
- A very good medicine for a canker or sore mouth.
- For euill in the mouth or throat.
- For vnsauery mouthes.
- For stinke in the mouth.
- To take away the stinking of the mouth.
- For a stinking breath.
- For a stinking breath.
- Another for the same.
- For a good breath.
- For the tongue.
- For drynesse of the tongue, and for thirst.
- For thirst in the tongue.
- For the palsie in the tongue.
- For the palsie in the tongue.
- For him that hath lost his speech.
- To restore speech that is lost sodenly.
- For a man that sleepeth and cannot speake.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the same.
- For Sunne burning.
- For red pimples in the face.
- For pimples in the face.
- For heate and blaines in the face.
- For a rich face.
- For a sauce flamed face.
- To make a good oyntment for a sauceflamed face.
- Another oyntment for the sauceflame face.
- Another medicine for a saucefleame face.
- For heate or swelling in the face.
- For wrincles in the face.
- For a man that sweateth too much.
- For to make the face fayre.
- For a chylde that is iaw-fallne, or mold-fallne, or rooffallne.
- For shortnesse of breath.
- For a hoarce voyce.
- Another remedy for a hoarce voyce.
- A very good medicine for to open the pypes, and to make the voyce cleere.
- For a sore throat or mouth.
- A sirrop for a sore throat.
- For a sore throate.
- For the swelling in the throate.
- For the Quinsie in the throate.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the same.
- For the Cough.
- Another for the cough.
- Another medicine against the cough.
- For a dry cough.
- For the Cough or stoppings.
- To make a powder for the Cough.
- To make a sirrop for the Cough.
- For the perrillous Cough.
- Another for the same.
- A good medicine to helpe the cough speedily.
- A remedie for the dry cough.
- Another for the dry cough.
- A dyer for them that haue the cold cough.
- For the stopping of the pypes, and for fleame, a medicine proued.
- For straitnesse in the pypes.
- A medicine for to stay a vomit.
- For them that may not digest their meat.
- For a vomit a remedy.
- Another for the same.
- For a man that vomiteth too much.
- For to make a man cast and perbreake.
- Another for the same.
- For to comfort the Patient after his vomiting.
- For one that abhorreth his meate.
- For to prouoke an appetite.
- Against the letting of the breath.
- Another for the same.
- An oyntment for the shortnes of the breath.
- Also for him that lacketh wind.
- For armes being consumed and fallen away.
- For the mary being cold and numd in the armes.
- For aking of the hands and deadnes of the fingers.
- For swelling of wounds in the hand.
- For wormes or heat in the hands.
- For to make your hands white.
- For itching of the hands with wormes.
- For to make nailes to grow.
- For nailes that doe fall off.
- For clouen nailes.
- For nailes that are rent from the flesh.
- For stinch vnder the arme holes.
- For to destroy the heat of the stomack.
- For to auoid fleame out of the stomack.
- For the stomack that is hot and swolne.
- For rysing vnder the stomack.
- A plaister for rysing vnder the stomack.
- For the gnawing of the stomack.
- For the stomack that aketh.
- For to force the stomack.
- For the wind chollick in the stomack.
- Another for the same.
- For fleame in the stomack.
- For to make losings to comfort the stomack.
- For all manner of euill in the stomack.
- For the Feauer in the stomack.
- For the swelling in the stomack.
- For impostumes in the stomack.
- For impostumes that be in the stomack, or in the liuer, or in the bowels.
- For an impostume in the stomacke.
- For to cleanse the filth in the stomack.
- For a stomack ouer-charged with raw meat.
- For the stomack and head, and for a man that may not well speake.
- For a man that cannot digest his meate in his stomacke.
- For winde in the stomack and bowels.
- For vnkinde heate in the stomack.
- For the weakenes of the stomack.
- A medicine for the bulke.
- Another for the same.
- For the bulke and the stomack.
- For spetting of blood.
- Another medicine for the spetting of blood.
- Another for the same.
- For spetting of blood.
- Another for the same.
- For straightnes of the breast.
- For the partie that is incombred in the brest with any kind of fleame or glart.
- For paine in the breast.
- Another for the same.
- For the breast that is incombred.
- Another for the same.
- For the breast and the lunges.
- For a man that is stopped in his breast or pypes.
- For swelling of the breasts.
- Another for the same.
- For all manner of euills and paine in the breast or the ribbes.
- For vaines broken in the breast.
- For impostumes in the breast.
- Another for the same.
- For blood of the breasts.
- For the Canker in a womans pappes.
- Another for the same.
- For the fester in the breast.
- To make a woman to haue soft breasts.
- For a woman that hath her breasts rancled.
- For to make a drinke for womans paps that are rancled, and be full of ache.
- For the euill swelling in a womans breast.
- For biles on a womans breasts.
- For a woman that desireth to haue great plenty of milke in her breasts.
- For paines in the breast with ouer too much milke.
- Another for the same.
- For the milke that is curded in a womans breast.
- Another for the same.
- For the hart burning.
- For the paine at the hart.
- For weaknesse of the hart.
- For faintnes at the hart.
- For all sicknesses about the hart.
- An Electuary for the hart.
- For euils at the hart.
- A sirop for the paine of the hart.
- For all diseases in a mans hart.
- For to comfort the hart.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the same.
- For all paines in the hart
- Another for the same.
- Against the passions of the hart.
- For feeblenes of the hart.
- Against the fainting of the hart.
- Against sowning.
- For sowning.
- For the paine of the lungs.
- Another for the same.
- For the lyuer and lungs.
- For the heat of the lyuer.
- Another for the same.
- For chafing of the lyuer, and of the spleene.
- For the chafing of the lyuer.
- For the heat of the lyuer.
- For the lyuer wasting, which causeth a scab∣bid face.
- For the vnkinde heate of a mans liuer, which causeth his collour to waxe yellow.
- For the liuer that is corrupted and wasted.
- A drinke for the Splene.
- A playster for the Splene.
- Another plaister for the Spleene.
- An aluarie for the Spleene.
- A restoritie for the liuer, lungs, and spleene.
- For the stopping of the Spleene.
- Another for the same.
- For the Spleene a good experiment.
- Another for the Spleene, proued.
- For the heate of the liuer.
- To purge the liuer of choller and salt sleame.
- For the liuer that is chafed.
- For wasting of the liuer.
- Another for the heate of the liuer.
- For stoppings in the liuer and the milt.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the same.
- For the liuer and the milt.
- Another for the liuer and the milt.
- For the liuer, milt, raines, and bladder.
- For the liuer, the milt, and the Iaundise.
- For all paynes in the milt.
- For to soften the milt that is hard.
- Another for the same.
- For ache in the gutts and belly.
- For paynes in the belly.
- For the paines in the belly.
- For the payne in the belly.
- For the paine in the belly.
- For the griping or pulling in the belly.
- Another for the same.
- To breake wind in the belly, and for wringing in the same.
- For Women that haue very great bellyes, beeing not with childe.
- Another for the same.
- For a woman that her wombe is hard.
- Another for the same.
- For a swolne or aking wombe.
- For to vnbinde the belly and the wombe.
- Sundry other medicines for to vnbind the belly.
- For to lose the belly and wombe.
- Against wormes in the belly.
- For wormes in the belly.
- Another for the same.
- For wormes in the belly.
- Against the Fluxe of the belly.
- A verie good experiment to stop the fluxe of the belly.
- For wormes in little chyldren.
- For the wormes in childrens bellyes.
- A drinke for wormes in chyldren.
- A playster for wormes in chyldren.
- For a stitch in a mans side.
- Another for the same.
- For broken sides.
- For sore sides within or without.
- An oyntment for sore sides.
- For the Impostume in a mans side.
- For the Impostume in the sides.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the same.
- For ache in the side or ribbes.
- For ache vnder the sides.
- For all diseases in the sides.
- For womens sides that be sore.
- For the plurisie, and for such as are vsed to be let blood, to saue them from letting of blood, and to dissolue all ill blood.
- A notable plaister for the Plurisie.
- For the ache in a mans back.
- For the paines in the back of either man or woman.
- For the raines of the backe.
- For a sore back.
- Another for the same.
- For the raines of the back.
- For the raines a good drinke.
- For the wasting of the kidneyes, and for paines of the back.
- For the whites or the running in the raines.
- For the whites.
- Another for the same.
- For all manner of aches in the back.
- Another for the same.
- For him that hath lost his complexion from the back.
- For the paines in the back.
- For all manner af ache in the back.
- Another for the same.
- For the running of the raines.
- For womens termes.
- For wasting of nature.
- For all Impostumes in the body.
- For to destroy all Impostumes either in man or woman.
- An experiment to take away the mother.
- Another medicine for the mother.
- A drink for the paine of the mother.
- A most excellent medicine for the mother, the chollick and stone.
- Another for the mother.
- A good medicine for the mother comming of what cause so euer.
- For the genitories.
- For the swelling of the cods.
- Another for the same.
- For swelling of a mans cods.
- For a man that is brused, or that his cods be sore.
- For swelling of the cods.
- Another for the same.
- For a mans yard that is scalded.
- For a mans yard that is burnt.
- For a sore in a mans yard.
- For the swelling of a mans yard.
- Another for the same.
- For paine in the bladder.
- A decoction for to drink with Wine, for them that make bloody water by fracture of any vaine within the body, as in the lyuer, raines, and bladder.
- For him that pisseth blood.
- For a man that pisseth blood.
- For a man that may not hold his water.
- For a man that may not pisse.
- Another for the same.
- For a hard womb, and for to pisse.
- For to make a man to pisse well.
- For a woman that may not hold her water.
- For a man or woman that may not well pisse.
- Another for the same.
- For one that may not well pisse.
- For straightnes of pissing.
- Another for the same.
- For Gomora passio.
- For all euils in the bladder.
- Another for the same.
- For a priuy malady that a man taketh of a woman.
- A water for a canker in the nature of a woman, or in the yard of a man.
- To prouoke flowers in women.
- For the excessiue flowing of womens flowers.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the same.
- For a woman that is in trauell with child.
- For sicknes that causeth a woman that she may not conceiue with child.
- To make a woman soone to conceiue with child.
- For a woman in trauell of child.
- A powder for women labouring with child.
- For the whites in women.
- To bring down womens flowers.
- For to make a woman to conceiue a child speedily.
- For to make a womans paps small, that be great.
- A medicine for paps that run, and be sore.
- For a woman that is troubled after her trauell with loose∣nes of her priuy parts.
- For to deliuer a dead child forth of the Mother.
- For a mans fundament that goeth out.
- Another for the same.
- For the fundament another.
- Another for the same.
- For the Pils and the Emerods, and for the euils of the fundament.
- For to help the piles.
- For the Pyles and Emerodes.
- To stanch the bleeding of the Pyles.
- To destroy the Pyles.
- For pyles that doe greeue a man or woman.
- Another for the Piles.
- Another for the pyles.
- For the Piles.
- For the Emerods.
- For the Emerods.
- For the emerods.
- For the Emerodes.
- For the paine of the emerods.
- For the Emerodes.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the emerods, proued.
- For to destroy the emerods.
- For the emerodes.
- For all euill in the flankes.
- Another remedy for to helpe the flanks.
- For chasing of the flanks.
- For sore knees that doe swell and ake.
- For the swelling of the knees.
- For the ache or swelling in the knees.
- For the ache or swelling in the knees.
- For him or her that is diseased in their knees, or in their ioynts, that they may not goe.
- For a sore knee.
- For the swelling in a mans knee.
- For aches and swelling in the knees.
- For a great ache in the knees.
- For ache of the legges.
- For ache of the legges.
- For ache or swelling of the legges.
- For all manner of ache in the legges.
- For blacke horrible swolne legges.
- For a hote sore legge.
- For swelling in the legges.
- For a leg be it neuer so sore.
- For a sore legge.
- Another for a sore legge, proued.
- For paine in the feete.
- For the swelling of the feete.
- For cornes in the toes.
- Rules for blood letting.
- Rules concerning blood-letting to bee obserued.
- Rules for purging.
- For all diseases through the body, and for all kind of Agues.
- Another for the Ague.
- Another for the Ague.
- Another for the same.
- Another experiment for the Ague.
- For the ague another medicine.
- For the hote ague a remedie.
- Another for the same, proued.
- Another for the same.
- For the burning ague.
- Another for the same.
- For the quartaine ague.
- For the Ague comming with colde.
- For feauer Agues in children.
- For all manner of aches a Seare-cloth.
- For a cold and ache of the lims.
- Another for the same.
- For aking of the ioynts.
- For ache in any place, an oyntment.
- For ache in the bone or ioynt.
- A medicine for all aches.
- A medicine for all aches in the bones.
- Another medicine for the ache.
- For him that is fallen broken.
- A plaister for a man that is broken.
- For a man or a child that is welnie broken, and to heale them.
- If a man childe bee newe broken, this will cure him.
- For broken bones, in what place soeuer they bee.
- For the bone ache and to take it away.
- To knit a broken bone.
- For all manner of bones that aketh.
- For broken bones.
- To make an oyntment for burning of Gunpowder, or for scalding with water.
- To take away a heate or burning with Gunpowder.
- A remedy for burning or scalding, or any hurt with an hand-gunne.
- For burning or scalding.
- For burning, a medicine proued.
- For burning, a remedie.
- For burning with sire.
- For burning or scalding.
- Another for burning or scalding.
- For burning or scalding.
- For all bruzes a Medicine.
- For a bruze.
- Another medicine for a bruse.
- Another for the same.
- For all manner of botches.
- Another for the same.
- For to breake the botch.
- Another for the same.
- For byting of a Serpent.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the byting of a Serpent.
- For the byting of a mad dogge.
- Another for the same.
- For biting of venomous Beasts.
- For a man or woman that is in a con∣sumption.
- For a weake person in a consumption.
- For to restore health in a consumption.
- For a consumption in the raines.
- For one that is in a consumption.
- ¶ To helpe to restore him that is in a consumption.
- A notable restoritie and electuarie for a man that is wasted or consumed, called the electuary of life, practi∣zed by M. Baltazar.
- ¶ An Electuarie most soueraine for all manner of diseases in the body: proued by G. K.
- A restoritie for the weake and feeble.
- For a consumption, proued.
- A Ielly prooued for a consumption.
- A present remedy for the Sciatica.
- To make a water for the Sciatica.
- For a Sciatica another medicine.
- Another for the same.
- A medicine for the Sciatica.
- For the Crampe.
- For the Crampe, a remedy.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the same.
- To make one to haue a good colour.
- For the Canker a remedie.
- Another remedy for the Canker.
- Another for the same.
- For to kill the Canker in a mans bodie.
- Another for the same.
- For the Canker another remedie.
- For the Chollick and the stone.
- For the collick a remedy.
- A medicine for the collick.
- For the collica passio.
- For the collica passio.
- Another for the same.
- For the collick and the stone.
- For a man that is costife.
- For the dropsie, proued.
- Another for the dropsie proued.
- For the Dropsie if it be curable or no.
- For the Dropsie, another, proued.
- For a Dormitorie.
- To draw a Bile from one place to another.
- To drawe out arrowes out of a mans body.
- To draw out an arrow head.
- For a Dart in a mans body.
- For all manner of falling euills.
- For the falling euill.
- For to cure the falling euill in foure dayes.
- For the falling euill.
- The manner and vse to be obserued and kept in the time of curing of a fistula.
- The powder for the Fistusta.
- A skinning water for the Fistula.
- The congelour in a Fistula.
- The vse of the congelour.
- For the Fistula.
- Another for the same.
- To stop a very great flixe.
- Another for the same.
- A medicine for to stope the flixe or laxe.
- For the flixe or laxe.
- To helpe the bloody flixe.
- Another for the same.
- For to fret away dead flesh.
- Another for the same.
- To abate proude flesh.
- To rayse vp flesh.
- To take the fire out of any sore.
- For the Gout, a most precious medicine.
- For the red Goute.
- For the Gout that is bolning.
- For the Gout that is in the bones.
- An oyntment for the Goute.
- For the Gout a remedy.
- For the Goute in the toes.
- For the Greene-sicknes.
- Another for the same.
- For gnawing and aking in ioynts.
- For a hardnes in the body.
- Against heate in the bodie.
- A medicine for the Blacke Iaundies.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the same.
- For the yellow Iaundies and greene sicknes.
- For the yellow Iaundies.
- Another for the same.
- Another for the same.
- To expell the venim of the Iaundies.
- For the Iaundies in young children.
- Another for the same.
- For an Impostume.
- The remedie.
- To breake an impostume.
- To ripen an impostume.
- For an Itch or breaking out.
- Another for the same.
- For all itches.
- For the itch another remedy.
- Against grieuous itches, eyther in men or women.
- For the Ring worme.
- For kernells, or Kings euill.
- For the Kings euill.
- For a Laxe.
- A powder laxatiue.
- A powder for a laxatiue person.
- For the Leaper, a medicine.
- Another medicine for the Leaper.
- To make a man leane.
- For the lunges.
- For the Morphew.
- For the Morphew, white or blacke.
- Another for the Morphew.
- A mechcine for the Marmole.
- For to heale a Marmole.
- Another for the same.
- For to cure a Marmole.
- A maturatiue to ripen a botch or a bile.
- How to make Neruaile for all akings.
- To make Neruaile to helpe all sinnewes, and to put them in theyr strength.
- Oyle of Roses.
- Oyle of yolkes of Egges.
- Oyle of Henbane.
- Oyle of Mandrakes.
- Oyle of Lorrell.
- Another sort of oyle, very necessary for diuers purposes.
- To make oyle of Mustard-seede.
- To make oyle of Fennell.
- To make Oyle of Rew.
- To make oyle of Iuie.
- Another for the same.
- To make oyle of Cammemile.
- To make oyle of Roses.
- To make oyle of Olibanum.
- To make the oyle of Exceter.
- To make an oyle for many greefes.
- To make a greene oyntment.
- To make a greene oyntment.
- To make a precious oyntment, called Deweto.
- To make a good oyntment.
- A medicine for the palsie.
- A medicine for the Palsie.
- Another medicine for the palsie.
- An electuary for the palsie.
- A plaister for a man that is benumed in any member with cold or palsie.
- For the pricking of a thorne or needle in a ioynt, and the hole stopped.
- For the pricking of a thorne.
- A preparatiue.
- To make an excellent Millilot plaister.
- To make the powder of life.
- The Philosophers stone so called for medicine to cure all diseases both within and without, Fistules, Canker, Poxe, Falling sicknes, Woolfes, S. Antonies fire, and all incu∣rable diseases, proued.
- To make Aurum potabile et Quintescena.
- Note this noble deuine plaister which hath a number of vertues in him as heereafter followeth.
- The black plaister for all manner of griefes.
- The making of the flower of all plaisters and salues called Flos vnguentorum per G. K.
- The golden plaister that healeth all bruses of vaines or sinewes, proued.
- To make Gratia dei.
- To make Gratia dei minor.
- To make a plaister that will heale a wounde.
- A methridate against poysons and pestilence, which for a trueth was prooued vpon foure Irish Gentlemen poysoned with Rats∣bane, cast into a pan of Milke in Fraunce, who were so swolne that they were ready to burst.
- To make pilles against poyson, of a meruailous vertue, as hath been proued.
- For a man that hath drunke poyson.
- Against the plague or pestilence.
- To driue out the plague if you thinke one be infected.
- A powder to drinke to preserue one from the plague.
- For them that are infected with the plague
- For the plague a remedie.
- For the plague a medicine.
- Another for the same.
- For to kill Ring-wormes or Tetters.
- A very good oyntment for Ring-wormes or Tetters.
- For a Ringworme or Tetter.
- To kill a Ringworme or Tetter in what place soeuer it bee.
- A good restoritie to restore a mans nature, and to helpe them that are weake and decayed.
- A restoratiue of Rosa solis.
- For to restore the strength of a man that is brought low.
- A salue to heale all manner of sores, and especially for afresh wound.
- To make a salue to bring sores that rankle and ake into their owne kinde, and cease the burning and aking.
- A salue for a newe cut that will not leaue bleeding.
- A salue for all sores.
- A salue for a newe hurt.
- Another for the same.
- A salue for wounds, and all old sores.
- A very good salue called Incarnatiue, to bring flesh.
- A notable healing salue.
- To make a drawing salue.
- Another for the same.
- A salue for an olde sore.
- The making of a salue to cure wounds that be rank∣led and brused, and to cease the swelling, and aking.
- To make a salue that is a precious oyntment for wounds and for bruzings, but it must be drunken in white Wine or stale Ale.
- For the salt humour.
- For the salt humour another.
- For to heale any sore or cut.
- An oyntment for all maner of sores, and cuts, and swellings, and heat.
- Another for the same.
- A water for to heale an old sore.
- A soueraigne water for all manner of sores.
- An oyntment to cleanse olde stinking sores.
- A good oyntment to cleanse a sore both olde or newe.
- To skin the flesh that is raw.
- For all manner of scabs.
- Another for the same.
- For to doe away scabs.
- Another for the same.
- Another for to doe away scabs.
- Another for the same.
- Another for to doe away seabs or itching.
- A good oyntment for the scabbes and for itching of the body.
- Another oyntment for a man that is scabbed.
- For the shingles a remedy.
- Another for the shingles.
- For all manner of sinewes that are shrunken.
- An oyntment for shrunken sinewes & aches soueraigne.
- For sinewes that be broken in two.
- For to knit sinewes that be broken.
- Another for the same.
- An oyle to stretch sinewes that be shrunk.
For to staunch b
od. - Another for the same.
- Another to staunch blood.
- Another for the same.
- To staunch blood when a Maister vaine is cut.
- To staunch blood.
- For swelling that commeth suddainly in a mans limmes.
- Another for the same.
- For to make one slender.
- For to breake the stone, a medicine.
- Another for the same.
- For the stone a remedy.
- Another medicine for the stone.
- A very good powder for the stone.
- An excellent good Medicine for the stone, and to breake it.
- A good medicine for the stone.
- A good plaister proued for the strangury.
- A very good medicine, shewing how to make a powder for the stone and strangulion.
- The drinke.
- For the Tissicke, well proued.
- Another for the Tissicke.
- For a Tissicke or colde, another.
- For the Tissicke another experiment.
- To make the mother of Treakle.
- The golden treate that healeth all bruses.
- For to make a white treate, called Apostolicen.
- To make a treat called Emanuell.
- A good entreat called the greene treat of Iane.
- Another intreat called Gratia dei.
- A good entreat for wounds.
- A greene treat for a greene wound which is especiall good,
- The making of this treat which will endure an hundred yeare, and it is good for all ache in the bones, and for the sinewes.
- The making of a treat the which is called Oxicrochsie.
- For to make Vnguentum albanum.
- To make vnguentum album another way.
- For to make vnguentum popilcon.
- For to make vnguentum geptiacum.
- For to make vnguentum ruptorum a corsie.
- For to make vnguentum versilinum.
- For to make vnguentum dolerosica.
- For to make vnguentum Geneste.
- For to make vnguentum Penetium.
- A good oyntment for to heale wounds.
- If thou wilt heale wounds well and cleane with the drink of balles, then take of these hearbs to make thy balles.
- For to open a wound that is closed too soone.
- To heale a wound.
- For a wound in the head a good Mundicatiffe.
- For the ache in a wound.
- To make a water for a cut or wound.
- For a cut or wound.
- For to heale wounds, and to knit and heale broken bones.
- Also to make an oyntment sanatiffe for wounds.
- To heale all olde wounds.
- A red water for sores and wounds, either olde or newe.
- A water imperiall for all wounds and Cankers.
- To make water imperiall another way.
- A very good remedy to take away Warts.
- Another remedie for Warts.
- For to doe away Warts.
- For to doe away a Wenne.
- For to doe away a Wenne.
- How to helpe one that is blasted.
- An excellent remedy to helpe the rewme.
- Another speciall remedie for the Rewme.
- A soueraigne water against melancholly, and drinke to comfort the stomacke.
- To make artificiall oyle of balme for woundes.
- A greene balme to incarnate wounds, and to dry vp filthy vlcers.
- To make artificiall Balme.
- The vertue of this Balme.
- The receit of the water of health, by G. K.
- For to make pety Balme.
- For to make aqua vitae perfectissima, per G. K.
- To make Aqua vitae for cold causes.
- A soueraine water vsed by Doctor Steaphens Phisition, with the which he did many great cures, and a little before his death he declared the same to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and now to the benefit and commodity of all people that be well disposed.
- The receite of the water called Aqua mirabilis et pre∣tiosa, made by Doctor VVillowby Phisition.
- The vertue of this water aforesaid.
- The receite of Cinamon.
- To make Cinamon water another way.
- Aqua composito for a surfet.
- To make water of life.
- The electuary of life.
- A good powder called the powder of life.
- A Table of all such matters as are con∣tained in thys Booke.
- colophon