A notable healing salue.
¶ Take pure Ware, Rozen, Bolae a••moniack, sheepes sew∣et, Déeres sewet, of rach one pounde, beate the Rozen and Ar∣moniack
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¶ Take pure Ware, Rozen, Bolae a••moniack, sheepes sew∣et, Déeres sewet, of rach one pounde, beate the Rozen and Ar∣moniack
into fine powder, and searce it through a fine searcer, then take Turpentine halfe a pound, boyle all these together vpon a soft fire, and stir them well all the while that they séeth, but put not in the Turpentine vntil it be ready to take from the fire, for it must haue but one walme, and so imploy this salue to any sore wound, and it will heale it in short time.