To make an oyle for many greefes.
¶ Take Mirrhe, Aloes exaticum, Spignard, Sandragon, Incense, Sarazens flesh, Bedilium, Balme séede, gum Aroma∣tick,
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¶ Take Mirrhe, Aloes exaticum, Spignard, Sandragon, Incense, Sarazens flesh, Bedilium, Balme séede, gum Aroma∣tick,
Siracell, Mastick, Saffron, gum Arabek, Storax liquida, of each of these two ounces, Labdanum, Castor, of each 2. oun∣ces, Muske, and Turpentine, as much, make powder of all that wil be powdered, and meddle them with Turpentine, and still them in a glasse as you doo Rosewater, and keepe it in a ve∣ry strong glasse. This oyle kéepeth the substance of mans lims and the sinewes, and keepeth dead folkes from rotting, béeing medled with the oyle of Roses, and annoynt all thy back from the hart of the fore-head to the raynes, and it maketh a leane body fat: and if the backe be annoynted before the axis, it hel∣peth the Feauers, and for him that may not speake: it is good for the rising of the Mother, for the falling euill, for to be put in his eares, and in his nose.
Also it is good for them that be sorry without a cause, and for them that be drunke with Wine: and it is comfortable for all diseases be they hote or cold. prooued.