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CHAP. XIX. How the Archbishop of Maiance, the County Hermes, & the Lord Harding, disliking the gouernment, went about to make a King amongst them.
THe Kingdome of Denmarke, hauing béene without their King, by the space of 17 yeares, and vnder the gouernment of a certaine company of States, elected as is before declared: many beganne to dis∣like with ye gouernment therof, amongst whom the chiefe and principall, were the Archbishop of Maiance, a man very well learned, but giuen altogether vnto nouelties and change, the County Hermes, and the Lord Harding, all thrée great men, and such as were in a manner, the only Authors of that go∣uernment: and the first yeare were themselues chiefe go∣uernours in that established estate, as appeareth in the fourth Chapter of this present Booke.
Yet notwithstanding, (al this and their solemne vowes, ratified vnder their hands and seales, for the continuance, and performance of that kind of state, and gouernment) they were in a manner, the first that repined against it, séeking by all the meanes they could, to ouerthrow and ex∣tinguish the same, either for the enuy they bare towardes those who were Gouernors, or for that themselues had ne∣uer since the first yeare hapned to be of the twelue, or else (and that which I thinke to be most likeliest) beeing stir∣red vp by the deuill, they desired greater superiority, then either became them, or by any waies they were worthy of, yet doubting to agrée within themselues, being but thrée, hauing the gouernance in their owne hands, determined therefore to elect and chuse a King: who beeing by them so raised, could not chuse likewise but to be rulde by them, and that vnder the cullour of the King, they might reuenge themselues of their enemies: and likewise preferre their