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Title:  A prophecy of the white king, and dreadfull dead-man explaned to which is added the prophecie of Sibylla Tibvrtina and prediction of Iohn Kepler, all of especiall concernment for these times / by William Lilly ...
Author: Lilly, William, 1602-1681.
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weake judgement, but concluded in few words: Monarchy shall be eclipsed and darkned: Satia te sanguine miles: Souldier glut thee with bloud enough: Courtiers be well advised a storme is comming: It then appeared significantly England should not alwayes be in a happy and peaceable con∣dition, but should taste of the casualties attending on humane affaires. In April 1640. I had in the Countrey a most violent burning feaver: MrEvans of Kingston advised to let bloud, and after some hopes of recovery, he so∣lemnly adjured me to acquaint him with my private thoughts of the affaires of our State, (for he still doubted my health;) after a short pause, and with many sighes and some teares, I let fall these words in Latine; Videbitis vos in Kingstonia multitudinem hominum armatorum, & etiam nos in hoc vico ubi nunc ago, & hoc infra paucos annos: nec ego quicquam tibi praeixero nisi bella & divisiones huic infelicissimo regno. viz. You at Kingston shall see thousands of armed men amongst you, and we also here in this pelting village where I live; all this within few yeares; nor can I tell you any thing, unlesse I must predict warre and distraction to this unhappy Kingdome: I well re∣member 8. or 10. dayes before these words, I was every halfe houre mole∣sted and awaked out of my sleep, with a most horrid sight of whole compa∣nies of armed troopers passing all along by my house: I had no sooner re∣vealed this to MrEvans, but I afterwards slept quietly without the least di∣sturbance either of sleep or fancy; Whether my spirits at that time were more pure, the body being cleansed of all muddy vapours, I foresaw this as in a dreame, or whether my good Angell or Genius incited those objects to my intellect, I leave discussing: this I know, Kingston after the skirmish at Brainford, was full of his Majesties forces, and by my house passed many of his Majesties Regiments both of horse and foot, and Prince Rupert muste∣red his horse not very far from my dwelling, &c. and here opportunely I have occasion offered to give the honourable Lord of Andiver his due praise, that during he unruly souldiers billeting five nights in our village, he and his company lying at my house, I say, I had no prejudice in the least measure in any my goods, but most nobly protected them, and also my tenants cattle: for this his singular humanity, I render him my respective thankes, &c. It rests, and it will be doubted by many, how this dumbe woman could signifi∣cantly expresse her meaning, or be capable of prediction: That severall both men and women have had a spirit of divination, the Scriptures expresly ma∣nifest both in the old and new Testament, Acts 16. that this woman had one of that kind it may not be doubted; and for manifestation of her sence and meaning, experience tels us how active and intelligent your dumbe 0