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Title:  Satisfaction for all such as oppose reformation in a confutation of twelve practices of popery proved to be condemned by Christ and his apostles : with an answer also made to Mr. Oddy's objections which he wrote against the Covenant : to which is also added a true character of the Covenant / written by W. Kaye.
Author: Kaye, William.
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or prejudicate opinion, answer you as the Lord is pleased to assist me, writing first your words.First, I appeale to the Almighty God,M. Oto whom the secrets of all hearts are disclo∣sed, that I doe not write or alledge any thing here, out of faction or affection, but meerely to discharge my selfe to God and a good conscience, according as my judge∣ment is consonant with my heart and the best of my understanding in all integrity. In testimony whereof, I thus proceed in the name and feare of God.Though in this your Appeale, you declaring onely to discharge your (as it is also my speciall) duty to God and a good conscience,M. K &c. might seeme hereby to gaine a suddaine approbation, yet neverthelesse, no verball profession, to cry Templum Domini, or to say, Lord, Lord, or to professe we know God, if in works, we deny him, procures the least approbation from the searcher of the secrets of our hearts. Therefore though in your appeale you professe onely to discharge your selfe to God and a good conscience, which you have mentioned some twenty times in lesse then halfe a sheete of paper, yet in regard that both yours and my conscience by nature (as the rest of our faculties and affections) are so depraved, that conscience is sca∣red and polluted. And lastly, in regard we are required to try the spirits, by the touchstone of Gods word and solid reason, I hope you will pardon me, notwithstanding your professions to doe all in Good Conscience, to examine whether your conscience be good or no, or that you have written all in the feare of God, and in all integrity; If it be so, that you made such consci∣ence in all that you have written, then tell me with what good conscience you could in the second Article speake first of the Assembly of Divines, [with Reverence to that Holy Assembly,] and then presently apply Davus the fooles words in the Commedy against them, Bona verba, which even school∣boyes expound, good Gouse bite me not: if your conscience told you they were a Reverend Holy Assembly, other words would more fittingly have expressed your meaning: But this is nothing in comparison what you have spoken also against the Assembly, the Scots, and interpreting the minde of the King, which in their proper place I shall shew, onely in this place I de∣sire to let you see, that all that you have written, hath not (as you pretended in your Appeale,) proceeded from a good conscience and in the feare of God.That imparative counsell of the Apostle is worth hearkening to, Rom. 14.5. Let every man be fully perswaded in his owne minde, That is,M. as the Apostle seemes to expound himselfe, Let no man doe any thing contrary to his conscience, for whatsoever is done against conscience, (for so I take the words in that place) is sinne, &c.As the elect must heare that imparative counsell of the Apostle, Let every man be perswaded in his owne minde, yet Christ telleth us,M. John 10. The voyce of a stranger will they not heare, which I conceive to be meant of strange Doctrine, 0