The humble petition and representation of the sufferings of several peaceable, and innocent subjects, called by the name of Anabaptists, inhabitants in the county of Kent, and now prisoners in the goal of Maidstone, for the testimony of a good conscience. Together with their free and faithful acknowledgement of the King's authority and dignity in civil things, over all manner of persons, ecclesiastical and civil, within His Majesties dominions. With their reasons, meriting the King's protection in their civil and spiritual rights, equal with other His Majesties obedient subjects. Humbly offered to the King's Majesty, and the consideration of our fellow brethren and subjects. Well worthy general observation.
Jeffery, William, 1616-1693.
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A free and faithful acknowledgement of the Kings Authority and Dignity in Civil things, over all man∣ner of Persons, Ecclesiastical and Civil, within His Majesties Dominions, &c.

GOD that hath made of one Bloud all Nations of men,* for to dwell on all the face of the Earth; and hath determined the Times before appointed, and the bounds of their Habitation; hath made this Land the Place of our Na∣tivity and Abode, by which we have an Interest in Com∣mon with others Thy Subjects in this Nation, so that none can Deprive us of that which is our Propriety, and Native Birth-rights, without violating the Laws of God and Nature: Yet (may it please Thee, O King,) as if that Law of doing unto others, as we would be done unto, had never been Written, neither any Bounds set unto the Wills of men: We Thy Imprisoned Subjects, have (some of us) had our Houses broken open in the dead of the Night, without producing any Authority from Thee, or any inferior Minister under Thee; our Goods and Cattel taken away from some others, and yet detain∣ed from us; Our Bodies, some taken from our own Dwellings, and others from our peaceable Meetings, and made Prisoners; and this done unto many of us some Dayes before Thy Proclamation was Published; which proceedings doth bring great Distress and Ruine to our selves and Families; for such is our mean Condi∣tion Page  6in this World, that (almost) all of us have our out∣ward Subsistance, through the blessing of God on our daily Labours; Also some amongst us, that were Em∣ployed in the Publick Service at Chatham, and at Sea, being yet unpaid; The Bread which our Families have Eat this 10 or 12 Months, hath been taken up upon Credit; and all of us being detained from our Employ∣ments, the Cryes of our Families (who suffer Hunger) becomes great.

And now, O King, that the Oppressed may be Re∣lieved, and Justice and Judgment Executed amongst men, and the Creation of God kept from being a Chaos of Confusion: The God of Order hath Ordained Go∣vernment, and setteth up Magistrates, to Execute such Power as is given from himself, for the Ends aforesaid: And this we have alwayes Asserted, in our Discourses and Writings, as appears in our Declaration of Faith, Printed about Three Months before Thy coming over, and Re-printed and Presented to Thy Self above Four Months since.

And as for Thy Self, O King, we do believe, and do freely acknowledge, That the Authority and Digni∣ty that Thou now hast, in being Chief Governour over this Kingdom and its Dominions, is given Thee of God, whose the Kingdomes of the World are, and he giveth them unto whomsoever he vvill, Dan. 5.21. And Promotion cometh neither from the East, nor from the West, nor from the South; but God is the Judge, he putteth dovvn one, and set∣teth up another, Psal. 75.6, 7. So saith the New Testament, The Povvers that be, are ordained of God, Rom. 13.1.

And seeing the Lord Jesus hath commanded us his Servants, To give unto Cesar the things that are Cesars, Mat. 22.21. Therefore shall we pay Custome and Tri∣bute Page  [unnumbered] Page  [unnumbered] Page  7unto Thee; and in all temporal Causes and Things, shall we yield cheerful obedience, not onely to thy self as Supream, but also to all inferiour Magistrates sent by thee; and this we do not only for wrath, but also for Conscience sake, knowing that God hath given thee Power, to punish any that shall do that unto another, which he would not have done unto himself, and in so doing thou wilt be a Minister of God, to us for good, a revenge to execute wrath upon him that doth evil.

And whereas it is alleged against us as a Crime, that we cannot acknowledge any Authority that God hath given Thee, in spiritual Things or Causes; yet if thou wouldst condescend to the reading, and ferious considering our ensuing Reasons, it is possible we may be justified by Thee, as in this matter we are in the sight of God, whose Word not onely in this, but in all other Causes, we de∣sire to make our Rule. O King, we therefore beseech Thee to consider, if Thou hast any power to be a Lord over our Faith, or by outward force to impose any thing, in the Worship of God, on our Consciences, it is given unto Thee as Thou art a Magistrate, or as Thou art a Christian; but that Thou hast no such power given unto Thee of God, as thou art a Magistrate appears;

1. Because if Magistrates as such, have such an Au∣thority, then all Magistrates in all Nations have the same Power; then if we lived in Turky must we receive the choran, and be a Worshipper of Mahomet? if in Spain, be a Papist? in England sometimes a Papist, as in Henry the 8th dayes? a Protestant in Edvvard the 6th? a Pa∣pist again in Queen Maries? and a Protestant again in Queen Elizabeths? and so for ever as the Authority changes Religion, we must do the same; but God for∣bid,

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2. Because the Apostles themselves (that gave forth those commandements that are written in Scripture, to be obedient to Magistrates) refused to be obedient to their Rulers, when they were commanded to forbear,* that which they judged part of the Worship of God, and said, Whe∣ther it be right in the sight of God, to har∣ken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.

3. All the Scriptures of the New Testament, that enjoyns obedience unto Magistrates, were written when the Romans had the Empire of the world, whose Empe∣rours were for the most part (if not all) Heathenish I∣dolators for the first 300 years, until Constantines time; it therefore cannot be supposed, that any of these Texts of Scripture that calls for obedience to Magi∣strates, intends an obedience in matters of Faith or Wor∣ship, for then the Christians that lived under those Em∣perours, must needs have denyed Christ, and worship∣ed the Roman gods, as some of the Emperours com∣manded.

And now O King, that no man as he is a Christian, hath power to be a Lord over anothers Faith, or by out∣ward force to impose any thing in the Worship of God, is as clear,

1. Because the Lord Jesus Himself, nor his Disci∣ples, would never by any outward force compel men to receive them or their Doctrine; for when the Disci∣ples of Christ (supposing they might use violence as under the Law) would have commanded fire to come from Heaven (as Elias did) to consume them that would not receive them; Christ turned and rebuked them, saying, Ye know not what spirit ye are of, for the Page  9Son of man is not come to destroy mens lives, but to save them.

2. If any men under Heaven have had any such power in the dayes of the Gospel, the Apostles and El∣ders in the primitive times must needs have had it, but this they disowned; the Apostle Paul in 2 Cor. 1.24. saith thus, Not for that we have dominion over your Faith, but are helpers of your joy, for by Faith you stand; yea the Lord Jesus when he strove for Domination forbids it, saying, Ye know that the Princes of the Gemiles exercise Dominion over them,* and they that are great do exercise authority up∣on them, but it shall not be so amongst you; Even so saith Peter, speaking to the Elders, Feed the flock of God which is amongst you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a rea∣dy mind, neither as being Lords over Gods Heritage, but be examples to the flock; and in truth, the Apostles and Disciples were not to use any external force to carry on their Masters work, but onely by shewing the terrours of the Lord, were to perswade men; and in case of resi∣stance, to shake the dust from their feet, as a witnesse a∣gainst their opposers.

3. It is very plain, that the Lord Jesus himself in his parrable of the Tares and Wheat, forbid and force to be exercised upon false Worshippers, as such,* for by the Tares which he forbids the pulling up, cannot be intended the transgres∣sors of the second table, such as Thieves, Murderers, &c. because all confesseth with one consent, that the Magistrates Authority reaches such, but those that Christ Jesus would have remain amongst his Wheat, in the field of the world, is the Children of the wicked One; Page  10through Idolatry and Will-worship; this will further ap∣pear, if the 28, 29, 30. vers. be compared with the 38, 39. of the same Chapter; and the reason the Lord Jesus gives, why both Tares and Wheat must grow toge∣ther, (O King that it were engraven with the point of a Diamond, and often laid before Thee) is, least in ga∣thering up the Tares, the Wheat also be rooted up with them; How sad is it to remember how in all ages since Christ, very strange mistakes have been on this account;* the Lord of Life himself was put to death, for supposed Blasphemy and wickednesse,* and ac∣cused for being an enemy to Cesar, and this done unto him by a people that had the Law of God amongst them, and were famous in the world for their Earthly Wisdom and Knowledge. Ste∣phen was stoned,* and James the Apostle killed with the Sword, supposed to be Tares, or the Children of the Wicked One, when they were the Pretious Wheat of God, the Christians that suffered in the ten Persecutions, Were they not accused of being pestilent fel∣lows, movers of Sedition,* turners of the world upside down, Enemies to Ce∣sar, when the contrary was most true; and they will be found to be the Faithful Martyrs of Je∣sus? So in latter times many of those that have been put to death for Heresie and Blasphemy, are by this Age acknowledged to be the Saints of God: O King, that our Words might be acceptable to thee, consider that neither Thy self nor Councellors have the spirit of infal∣lability; if the Apostles that had an extraordinary spirit of discerning, must not pluck up the Tares, left they Page  11root up the Wheat also: How can any Prince on Earth undertake a work so dangerous? It is possible many of those that are accounted false Worshippers, and Here∣ticks in this day, may (at the time when God shall Judge the World in Righteousness) be found the Ser∣vants of the Most-High God; Remember we pray Thee, that those that lived in the dayes of the Lord Jesus, ac∣cused their Fathers, for being guilty of the blood of the Prophets, saying, If we had been in the dayes of our Fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the Prophets, Math. 23.29, 30. yet themselves killed the Lord of Life; The Romish Church also saith, if they had lived in the dayes of the Heathen Emperors, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the Christians, yet puts to death many as righ∣teous as they were; and now many of thy Subjects in this Nation, are ready to say, If we had lived in the dayes of Queen Mary, we would not have been guilty with our Fathers in the blood of those good men, that then suffered; yet such a spirit of Persecution is now ri∣sen up, as (if not restrained) will terminate in the blood of many good men, and so bring down the wrath of God upon this Generation, and there will be no re∣medy.

4. To inflict temporal punishments upon any of us thy Subjects, for not conforming to Thy Decrees, that restrains us from the Worship that we know to be of God; Is it not a breach of that Royal Law, that com∣mands Thee, That vvhatsoever ye vvould that men should do to you, do you even so to them, for this is the Lavv and the Prophets, Mat. 7.12. And we would in all humility offer to Thy consideration, if Thy Soul were in our Souls stead, wouldest thou be satisfied with the same measure, Page  12as is now dealt unto us, when neither the God of Hea∣ven, nor our own Consciences doth condemn us of any evil intended against Thy Person or Authority? nor can the greatest of our Enemies make any due proof of any Combination or Plotting with any upon the face of the Earth, for the disturbance of the publick Peace; And this we can with boldness say, because we know our own Innocency.

But whereas it is Objected, That the Kings of Israel and Judah, under the Old Testament, had power in spi∣ritual Causes, and did punish Blasphemy and Idolatry, which are crimes of the highest nature against God, we confess they had such power, which was given to them in plain Precepts, written in the Law of Moses; but the Gospel that we live under is another Dispensation, in which the Lord Jesus is the onely Law-giver, who doth not (as Moses) proceed against the Transgressors of his Precepts, by external force and power, to the destroying them in their Bodies and Estates in this life,* but in long-suffer∣ing waits on men, not willing they should perish, but rather that they should repent and be saved; and when any continues in disobedience to the Gospel, his punishment is eternal, in the world to come; the Apo∣stle Paul testifies of himself, That he vvas a Blasphemer, and Persecutor, 1 Tim. 1.20. And if the mind of God had been, that he should have suffered death in that condition, How should he have had repentance given him, and been such a glorious Instrument in the Church, as afterward he was?

Furthermore, it is too well known, that the Jews are the greatest Blaspemers against our Lord Jesus Christ, Page  13as is on the earth; yet it is not the Mind of the Lord they should be destroyed from the Face of the Earth, for how then should the Scripture be ful∣filled, wherein God hath promised to call them, and make them the most glorious Nation in the World? Oh how can they be converted, if they be not permitted where the Gospel is Preached? We speak not this in favour of any blasphemy, for our Souls abhors it, but because we would have the Lives of men as pretious in Thy Eyes, O King, as they are in the Eyes of the Righ∣teous and most Holy God.

5. As it is no wayes lawful from the Word of God, for Christian Magistrates to destroy, and root out the contrary minded in Religious Matters (although Idola∣ters.) So such proceedings may many times prove incon∣sistent with the very being of Nations; for suppose any Nation were wholly Heathenish Idolators, and the Word of God coming in amongst them, should convert the chief Magistrates, and twentieth part of the Nation more; must he with that twentieth part destroy all the other nineteen, if they will not be converted, but conti∣nue in their Heathenish Idolatry? It cannot possibly be supposed to be warrantable.

From all this that we have said, thou O King, mayest see, that not without Grounds, do we de∣ny the taking the Oath of thy Supremacy, which calls for obedience as well in Spiritual & Eccle∣siastical things and Causes, as Temporal; not but that we can freely acknowledge thee to be Supream Governour of all Persons, as well Ec∣clesiastical Page  14as Temporal, but still in temporal Causes and things: We do also as freely Re∣nounce all forreign Jurisdictions and Powers whatsoever, that any on the Earth may pretend to have over any of thy Dominions or Subjects. And whereas some have said, that no more is required in the Oath, Considered together with the Proviso in the Statute of the 5 Elizabeth, and the Queens Admonition: Yet we Humbly con∣ceive there is, Because the Queen both in the Pro∣viso and Admonition, Challenges such a Power, as was Challenged by her Father, King Henry the 8. which was to Burn his Subjects at the Stake for their Dissenting from him in Religious Matters (as by his practice appeared) And the Queen her self exercised the same Authority, in putting some to Death for their Conscience in Re∣ligion.

And whereas many of us that are now priso∣ners cannot take the Oath of Allegiance, because we cannot swear at all, the Lord Christ having forbidden, in that fifth of Mat. 33. compared with Iames 5.12. not onely vain Oaths, but also such swearing as was delivered of old time, and lawful under the Law, as in our Consciences we are perswaded, and therefore before now un∣der former powers have denyed to swear; Yet Page  15(God is our Witnesse, who is the Searcher of all Hearts) we deny not this Oath, because we would not yield due Subjection and Obedience to Thee and Thy Authority; for this we say, in the presence of him that shall judge the quick and dead, we do without any deceit, promise to live peaceably under Thy Government, and in case any thing should be by thee cōmanded in Spi∣ritual Matters wherein we cannot obey, we shall not then take up any Carnal or Temporal Wea∣pon against Thee or Thy Authority, but pati∣ently suffer such punishment as shall be inflicted on us for our Consciences.

And now may it please Thee, O King, that these Engagements which we Humbly tender unto Thee, may be accepted of by Thee, and not destruction brought on us & our Families for not taking of an Oath; when the engagements before recited, taken before some Justice of the Peace in a solemn manner, with calling God to witnesse to the truth of what we say, without doubt answers the end of the Law, that enjoyns the Oath of Allegeance, and may be as much security from us to Thee, as if we took many Oaths. Why should the very rigor of the Law be exercised on us? Yea, but that we fear we are too tedious unto Thee, we could make it clear, that the late dealing of thy inferiour Mi∣nisters hath been such tovvards us, as neither Lavv nor custom hath prescribed. And novv having faithfully laid our condition and Principles (so far as they relate Page  16to Magistrates or Government) before thee; We therefore beseech Thee, O King, that Liberty may be given us to vvorship our God, and such bovvels of compassion be in Thee, as to give us such speedy relief as may be agreeable to the Mind of God, which made Heaven and Earth, which executed judgement for the oppressed, which giveth food to the hungry, the Lord looseth the Prisoners, Psalm. 146.7.

Signed by us in the Name of the Baptists, now Prisoners in the Goal at Maydstone, William Jeffery. John Reve. George Hammon. James Blackmore.

Dated the 25th day of the 11th moneth commonly called January.

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