The interpretacyon, and sygnyfycacyon of the Masse Here begynneth a good deuoute boke to the honoure of god, of our lady his mother, [and] of all sayntes, and ryght profytable to all good Catholyke persones, to knowe howe they shall deuoutly here masse. And how salutaryly they shal confesse them. And how reuerently and honourably they shall go to the holy sacrament or table of our sauyour Ihesu chryste, with dyuerse other profytable documents and oraysons or prayers here conteyned, composed and ordeyned by frere Gararde, frere mynoure, of the ordre of the Obseruauntes.

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The interpretacyon, and sygnyfycacyon of the Masse Here begynneth a good deuoute boke to the honoure of god, of our lady his mother, [and] of all sayntes, and ryght profytable to all good Catholyke persones, to knowe howe they shall deuoutly here masse. And how salutaryly they shal confesse them. And how reuerently and honourably they shall go to the holy sacrament or table of our sauyour Ihesu chryste, with dyuerse other profytable documents and oraysons or prayers here conteyned, composed and ordeyned by frere Gararde, frere mynoure, of the ordre of the Obseruauntes.
Gherit, van der Goude, fl. 1507.
[London :: Imprynted by me Robert Wyer, dwellynge at the sygne of saynt Iohn Eua[n]gelyste, in saynt Martyns parysshe in the felde, in the bysshop of Norwytche rentes, besyde Charynge crosse,
In the yere of our Lorde God a. M. CCCCC. xxxii. The .xiiii. daye of the moneth of Octobre] [1532]

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Subject terms
Mass -- Early works to 1800.
Lord's Supper -- Catholic Church -- Early works to 1800.
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"The interpretacyon, and sygnyfycacyon of the Masse Here begynneth a good deuoute boke to the honoure of god, of our lady his mother, [and] of all sayntes, and ryght profytable to all good Catholyke persones, to knowe howe they shall deuoutly here masse. And how salutaryly they shal confesse them. And how reuerently and honourably they shall go to the holy sacrament or table of our sauyour Ihesu chryste, with dyuerse other profytable documents and oraysons or prayers here conteyned, composed and ordeyned by frere Gararde, frere mynoure, of the ordre of the Obseruauntes." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.


¶ The .xx. Chapytre / howe the man shall confesse hym selfe of the foure synnes cryenge vengeaunce afore god.

Page [unnumbered]

I Confesse me also yf I haue ī any wy¦se offended god / in the foure synnes cryenge to god for vengeaunce.

¶ Fyrste / in the synne agaynst nature: that is to saye / whan it is done in another place and in otherwyse / than nature and god ha∣ue ordeyned it.

¶ Secondaryly / that I haue shed innocent blode / or haue brought any persone to deth / without a cause.

¶ Thyrdly / that I haue oppressed and vn¦reasonably persecuted poore orphelyns: wy¦dowes / and poore folkes.

¶ Fourthly / that I haue withholden and not dewely payed those / whiche haue fayth fully serued and laboured for me / as they haue deserued.

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