The interpretacyon, and sygnyfycacyon of the Masse Here begynneth a good deuoute boke to the honoure of god, of our lady his mother, [and] of all sayntes, and ryght profytable to all good Catholyke persones, to knowe howe they shall deuoutly here masse. And how salutaryly they shal confesse them. And how reuerently and honourably they shall go to the holy sacrament or table of our sauyour Ihesu chryste, with dyuerse other profytable documents and oraysons or prayers here conteyned, composed and ordeyned by frere Gararde, frere mynoure, of the ordre of the Obseruauntes.
About this Item
The interpretacyon, and sygnyfycacyon of the Masse Here begynneth a good deuoute boke to the honoure of god, of our lady his mother, [and] of all sayntes, and ryght profytable to all good Catholyke persones, to knowe howe they shall deuoutly here masse. And how salutaryly they shal confesse them. And how reuerently and honourably they shall go to the holy sacrament or table of our sauyour Ihesu chryste, with dyuerse other profytable documents and oraysons or prayers here conteyned, composed and ordeyned by frere Gararde, frere mynoure, of the ordre of the Obseruauntes.
Gherit, van der Goude, fl. 1507.
[London :: Imprynted by me Robert Wyer, dwellynge at the sygne of saynt Iohn Eua[n]gelyste, in saynt Martyns parysshe in the felde, in the bysshop of Norwytche rentes, besyde Charynge crosse,
In the yere of our Lorde God a. M. CCCCC. xxxii. The .xiiii. daye of the moneth of Octobre] [1532]
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Mass -- Early works to 1800.
Lord's Supper -- Catholic Church -- Early works to 1800.
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"The interpretacyon, and sygnyfycacyon of the Masse Here begynneth a good deuoute boke to the honoure of god, of our lady his mother, [and] of all sayntes, and ryght profytable to all good Catholyke persones, to knowe howe they shall deuoutly here masse. And how salutaryly they shal confesse them. And how reuerently and honourably they shall go to the holy sacrament or table of our sauyour Ihesu chryste, with dyuerse other profytable documents and oraysons or prayers here conteyned, composed and ordeyned by frere Gararde, frere mynoure, of the ordre of the Obseruauntes." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.
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¶ Here begyn∣neth the fyrste boke, conteynynge very profytable Doctrynes, ser∣uynge to the Masse deuyded in .xxxiii. Chapytres. (Book 1)
¶ The fyrste Chapytre: wherfore the Masse in all languages is called Missa / and none otherwyse.
IN all languages (as La∣ten / Hebreu / Greke / in Englysshe / Frenche / and in all other lāguages) the blyssed Sacryfyce of the Masse: is named and cal∣led a Masse. And that is as the Doctours do wytnesse for thre causes.
¶ Fyrst Missus in laten doth sygnyfie and is as moche to saye as sent / for the Catholy¦ke people do sende to the father of heuen by the handes of a Preest / whiche is a medyta¦toure betwene the father of heuen and the synner: a sacryfyce and oblacyon prayenge to obtayne by the same grace in the soule / & pardone of all synnes.
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¶ Secondaryly Missio is to saye: an offe∣rynge sent vnto vs from heuen / from the father almyghty / by the wordes of the con∣secracyon of the preest: in the whiche conse∣cracyon the sone of god descendeth in body / vnyed with the dyuynyte / the whiche the preest receyueth to the helth of all catholyke people / as well lyuynge as deed: beynge in the state of grace.
¶ Thyrdly Missio is also as moche to saye as sent without / For at the begynnynge of the holy churche / all those whiche were not baptysed in contynent after that the gospell was songe of the deacon: they were sent out of the churche / the whiche be named Cate cumini / that is to saye: people blys∣sed of the preest / but not yet bap¦tysed / wherfore they were not worthy to beholde the holy sacrament in the Masse.
¶ The seconde Chapytre / wherfore cō∣monly the catholyke churches be sy¦tuate / or sette in the Eest and west partes and the masse is sayde in the Eest parte.
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ALl good and Catholyke people shall make theyr prayers to almighty god beynge with theyr vysa¦ges towardes the Eest parte / where the Sonne doth ryse / rather than towardes the West / Northe / or Southe / for after the ordynaun¦ce of the holy churche: the masse is rather said in the Eest parte than in the West / Northe / or Southe / and that is for foure reasons.
¶ Fyrste to the intent that we do not resem¦ble and be lyke to the Iewes / Sarazyns / or Turkes / or other Infydelles / for the Ie¦wes do praye / with theyr faces towardes the West / the Sarazyns in praynge do tour netheyr faces towardes the Southe / And the Turkes and other Infydelles do make theyr prayers towardes the Northe. And therfore we do rede contrary to them in the Northe parte (from whens all euyll dothe come and shall come vnto vs) the holy gos¦pell of the Masse.
¶ Secondaryly / we praye towardes the Eest parte / for there is Paradyse terrestre sytuate / where by ryght our dwellynge pla¦ce is / and from whens we be chased & put out for oure mysdedes and synnes. And to
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the intent that we maye retourne agayne in to our countree / out of this valee of myse∣ry and sorowe / where we be but as banys∣shed / whiche can not enioye our propre lan∣de and countree. Therfore we do tourne vs towardes the same / prayenge and desyryn∣ge to come there agayne.
¶ Thyrdly / for our Lorde the sone of god / hath honge vpon the crosse / with his face and vysage towardes the west parte / and his backe towardes the Eest parte. Wherfo¦re whan we praye in the Eest parte / we be sytuate with our vysages afore the crosse / beholdynge in the face of oure lorde Ihesu chryste / to the intent that by his bytter and sharpe passyon we maye be saued / we tour¦ne vs towardes his face / as desyrynge the same / otherwyse we shulde be tourned to∣wardes hym with our backe and to the con¦trarye.
¶ Fourthly / for whan our lorde dyd ascen∣de in to heuen / he was sytuate in the Eest parte / where his apostelles dyd worshyppe hym / and where he shal be constytute at the daye of iugement. And this doth sygnyfye vnto vs that after we be deed / we be bury¦ed with the hed towardes the west parte / & the fete in the Eest parte / for at the daye of
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iugement whā we shal be resuscytate from deth / we shall ryse as we do lye / & shall go streyght forth without retournynge / to the iugement of god syttyng in the Eest parte.
¶ The thyrde Chapytre / who dyd saye the fyrste Masse vpon the erth / and who hath so ordeyned and com¦posed it sens that tyme.
AS the holy scrypture doth te¦che vs / oure lorde the sone of god in his last supper that he made with his apostelles in his lyfe / dyd instytute the ho¦ly sacrament: & he onely dyd speke the wor∣des of the consecracyon as a very preest / af¦ter the ordre of Melchysedech: In the which supper our lorde as a soueraygne bysshop / dyd ordeyne all his apostelles preestes / cō∣maundynge them and also all other preest{is} that shall come after them / so to do in his re¦membraunce and cōmemoracyon.
¶ After this the apostelles sayd the Masse: spekyng the same word{is} yt our lorde dyd in blyssynge the breade / with a Pater noster: and so the masse was sayde and accomplys¦shed. And in this maner saynt Peter dyde
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the fyrste masse / by the space of foure yeres in the Eest parte / where he was bysshop / & after was constytute bysshop in Antyoche And there he sayde after the Pater noster / thre oraysons.
¶ Saynt Iames the lesse sayde the fyrste masse at Ierusalem afore that he was bys∣shop. Saynt Marce the euangelyste sayde the fyrste masse in Alexandrye / and so all the other apostels in al quarters of the worl¦de. After them / the holy catholyke churche hath ordeyned and instytute / to saye the epy¦stell and the holy gospell. And fynally dy∣uerse holy popes and bysshopes / by inspyra¦cyon of the holy ghost / as saynt Gregorye / saynt Basilius / saynt Celestyn: saynt Am¦brose / and saynt Austyn / haue ordeyned & instytute it as it is nowe and euer shall be.
¶ The fourth Chapytre / yf the fyrst masse of a newe preest be better than the secon¦de or the thyrde of another preest.
THe holy sacrament consecrate of the preest / is in all masses & of all preestes of lyke power and myght / as touchynge the holy sacrament. Yet notwith∣stādynge the fyrste masse is cōmonly more
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profytable and merytoryous: than the secon¦de or the thyrde: and yt is for foure reasons. ¶ The fyrst cause is / for in the fyrst masse there be many reuerences and solempnytes done / whiche be not done in other tymes / as to com to offre: to hange the churche with Tapysserye / to cast & sprede herbes in euery place & other ceremonyes / the which be done by deuocyon: & to moue the hertes of catholy¦ke people to feruent prayers and oraysons. ¶ The seconde cause is / for ī the fyrst masse the synnes be more habundaūtly pardoned for certayne pardons and indulgences gy∣uen them / whiche do here the fyrste masse. ¶ The thyrde cause is: for in the fyrst masse the preest{is} be wont to prepare them self mo¦re deuoutly: than at another tyme. And ther¦fore theyr prayers be than more acceptable / deuoute / & feruent to praye for them that do here theyr fyrst masses for to obtayne grace. ¶ The fourth cause is: for in the fyrst masse certayne soules be delyuered from purgato¦rye / the whiche god hath ordeyned to be de∣lyuered at that tyme / and not in none other masses: as it is red of saynt Gregorye / that in his fyrste masse / he delyueryd as many soules as there was folk{is} heryng his masse and of suche examples there be many.
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¶ The fyfth Chapytre / yf it be more for the soule helthe / to here masse of a deuoute and vertuous preest / than of an euyll preest.
VPon this deuoute doctours do saye / that we maye speke of the masse in thre maners.
¶ Fyrst touchyng the holy sa¦crament of the blyssed body of oure lorde Ihesu chryste / the whiche is the most pryncypall in the masse. The masse is as good of an euyll preest as of a good / for the holy sacrament is not worse nor the ver¦tue therof dymynysshed by the euyll preest / nor better and of greatter vertue by reason of the good preest. Yet neuertheles the euyll preest beynge in synne doth receyue it to his dampnacyon.
¶ Secondaryly / a man may consydre / by what persone the masse is done and sayd / for yf it be sayd by the person / or vycare / or chaplayne of the churche / for other persones and not for hym selfe / than the masse is as good of an euyll preest / as of a good and a vertuous preest.
¶ Thyrdly a man maye speke of the masse touchynge the prayers and oraysons / the
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whiche the preest sayth in the masse tyme / And than the masse sayd of a good and de∣uout preest is more better / than of a synner and an euyll preest.
¶ The syxte chapytre / Yf all the masses be lyke good: as masse of Requiem / of our Lady / of the holy Sacra∣ment. &c. and whiche is best.
OF the offyce or seruyce of the masse we maye speke in two maners / as the Canon lawe dothe shewe vs.
¶ Fyrste there be certayne fe∣stes / whiche hath theyr propre offyce and ser¦uyce / as Ester / Pentecoste / the Ascencyon / the Dedycacyon: All the festes of our lady: and cōmonly the Sondayes / and dyuerse other dayes. In these hyghe and great feest{is} it is not cōuenyent (but of necessyte) that a man shall saye any other masse / and leue the masse of the great feest. Therfore we shall not cause to saye any other masse / but the same of the daye and feest.
¶ Secondaryly / there be certayne dayes in the weke / which hath no propre offyce: and than it is best to saye the masse / wherin the
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preest or the man hath the greatest deuocyon as of Requiem / or of the Vysytacyon / An∣nuncyacyon: Assumpcyon. &c. And so there be certayne masses ordeyned by certayne de¦uoute persones / or by apparycyon / the whi∣che be very good and profytable to be sayd as well for these that be lyuynge / as those that be deed. As the pope Boniface hath or¦deyned fyue masses / in the honoure of the fyue woundes of our lorde / the whiche be very deuoute and profytable. And also the¦re is founde in wrytynge for a trueth / that there be .vii. masses called the goldē masses the whiche sayd of a deuout preest the space of .vii. dayes / euery daye in remembraunce as hereafter is wryten / be very profytable / for to delyuer shortly the poore soules out of purgatorye / the whiche acordynge to the iu∣styce of god / oughte to be a longe season in the paynes of purgatorye / for it is red of a deuoute preest / whiche in one masse delyue¦red a hondreth soules / whiche were seen of another deuoute man / flyeng out of purga¦torye as thycke as sparkes of fyre.
¶ The .vii. Chapytre / howe a man shall saye the seuen masses.
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FYrste: the fyrste masse shal be sayd on the Mondaye in the honoure and graty¦tude / that our lorde Ihe∣su chryste was taken in the gardayne / prayenge that he wyll delyuer the poore and mysera∣ble soules out of the pryson of purgatorye. ¶ Secondaryly / the Tuesdaye the masse shall be sayd in the honoure / that our lorde pyteously and cruelly was bounde to the pyller / prayenge hym that he wyll vnbyn∣de the soules out of the bandes of dette and paynes.
¶ Thyrdly / the wednesdaye masse shal be sayd in the honoure of the iniuste iugement and sentence that Pylate gaue of our lorde the innocent lambe / prayenge that he wyll delyuer the soule from the iust sentence that shall be gyuen vpon the soules.
¶ Fourthly / the Thursday in the honoure of the incōparable paynes that god suffred hangyng on the crosse & nayled with great nayles of yron / prayenge that he wyll dely¦uer the soule lyenge bounde in purgatorye. ¶ Fyftly / the Frydaye the masse shall be sayd in the honoure of al the woundes that our lorde had in his blyssed body / whiche
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were .v.M.iiii.C.lxv. prayenge our lorde that he wyl delyuer the soule from the woū¦des of conscyence / wherwith it is maculate and spotted.
¶ Syxtly / the Saterdaye in the honoure that our lorde was taken downe from the crosse & buryed: which neuertheles was kyn¦ge of heuen / prayenge that he wyll delyuer the soule out of the sepulchre of purgatorye. ¶ Seuenthly / the .vii. masse shall be sayd in the honoure that god dyd ryse gloryously from deth the .iii. daye / prayeng hertely that by the same resurreccyon / he wyll graunt the soule to ryse from the payne of purgato¦rye / so that it maye raygne with hym / and to fyue euerlastyngly.
¶ The .viii. Chapytre: Yf euery catho∣lyke persone be bounde to here masse the Sondaye.
EVery good catholyke {per}son whiche is come to lawfull age / is boūde & cōmaūded by the lawe / to here a hole masse on the Sondaye / & that he do not departe out of the churche / vnto the laste benedyccyon be gyuen of the preest / excepte that he haue
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so great and lawfull necessyte / that he can not here masse. The necessyties be declared by deuoute doctours in dyuerse maners.
¶ Fyrste syckenes of the body / so that with out peryll he can not go out of his house.
¶ Secondaryly / those whiche haue many yonge or sycke chyldren / the whiche in the meane tyme: they can not leue alone nor wt none other person / nor they can not brynge them with them: for fere that they do not co∣me in to a worse case therby.
¶ Thyrdly / in suche wyse that in some coū¦tree is the custome whan the next frendes is deed / they abyde a certayne tyme in the hou¦se without cōmynge forth. Yet alwayes by lycence they maye haue masse sayd in theyr house. And so it is to vnderstāde that may dens that marye / where it is so acustomed. ¶ Fourthly / when a towne or a castell is beseyged and in peryll and daunger of ene∣myes. And yf certayne persons be not there {pre}sent / the sayd towne or castell shuld be in daunger to be taken / or myghte haue some other euyll chaunce.
¶ Fyftly / all that which acordyng to good conscyence / is a iuste and a lawfull cause / dothe excuse man afore god and holy chur∣che / of not herynge masse / yet neuerthelesse
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suche a persone shall do some other good de∣de that daye or some other daye for it / wher∣fore whan the man can not go to the chur∣che / he shall rede in this lytell boke.
¶ The .ix. Chapytre: yf it be cōmaun¦ded to here Masse: as well of all other feestes and holydayes / as of the Sondayes.
WE haue it wryten in the law Canon / that where there is lyke and egall reason / there is also lyke and egall lawe. The reason wherfore it is cōmaunded to here masse the Sondayes: is bycause the man than shulde occupye hym selfe with god / whiche thynge can not be better done than by herynge of masse / and shulde not occupye hym selfe with other bo¦dely worke / the which also for the same rea¦son is defended & forbyde in other feestes & holy dayes. Yet neuertheles as the doctours do wytnesse & wryte: there be some lytel fee¦stes ordeyned by the bysshop / wherin (after the masse is herde) a mā may worke a lytel for another / but not for hym selfe. And this he may do by foure maners without synne.
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¶ Fyrste / whan it is a lytell worke so that by the same he dothe not ouercome his herte with laboure / and be not euyll dysposed in his body therby.
¶ Secondaryly / whan it is great necessyte & that the busynes can not be dyfferred to a¦nother day / for the peryl & daūger that may come therof: As whan the corne is in the fel¦des: & that it is lyke to be great rayn & other tempestes / or for fere of enemyes ī the tyme of warre. Than a man maye gather togy∣ther his corne and brynge it in to the barne without synne. Also bochers / bakers and other vytellers maye sell theyr vytaylles / without the which the people can not passe or abyde vnto the next daye folowynge. ¶ Thyrdely / whan it is for the cōmon pro∣fyte of any towne or vyllage / as to make cōmon wayes / brygges / or churches / or su∣che other.
¶ Fourthly / whan suche a worke is done for the loue of god / as for poore folkes / whi¦che can not helpe them selfe / that is to saye to serue them / to laboure for them / to cary wode or any other maner of thynge for the loue of god / this maye a man do withoute synne: yet neuerthelesse he muste alwayes here masse.
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¶ The .x. Chapytre / Yf a man maye go on pylgrymage the Sondayes and other feestes. And yf ser∣uauntes be bounde to here masse the Sondayes.
SAynt Hierome saythe / that that thynge which man doth is not acceptable to god whā he leueth that thyng vndon whiche he is bounde to do: to go in pylgrymage the Sondaye / excepte that it be great nede / and cheyfly afore that a man here masse / can not be done without synne. Thā moche more do they synne whi¦che do go for theyr marchaūdyse on the son∣daye without herynge masse / and without necessyte. Yf the mayster cōmaunde his ser∣uaunt to ryde or go / or to worke on the son∣daye / and yf necessyte requyre it / than the mayster nor the seruaunte do not offende / but yf it were not for necessyte: thā the may¦ster doth offende. Yf the seruaunt do it with out cōmaundement and that he myght here masse yf he wolde in rysynge a lytell erlyer in the mornynge / than the mayster is excu∣sed / and the seruaunt onely shall make acō¦pte therof afore god.
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¶ The .xi. Chapytre: Yf it be suffycyēt that a man here one masse the Sondaye / in leuynge the sermon and euenson¦ge the same daye.
AFter the cōmaundement of god: man is bounde to kepe & sanctyfye the holy daye by good work{is}: not onely by one good wor∣ke as to here masse / but rather by many good workes / for as Doc∣tours do saye / that man whiche wyll accō∣plysshe the thyrde cōmaūdement of god / as to sanctyfye the sondaye: he shall do that sa¦me daye after his power / syxe thynges.
¶ Fyrste he shal here masse as is aforesayd. ¶ Secōdaryly: he shal also here the sermon yf it be possyble / for yf the man dyde leue or lease it by contempte or custome / he shulde syn̄e greatly. And yf he can not here the ser∣mon / he shall rede in the stede of the sermon some other good thynge.
¶ Thyrdly / the man also shal gyue that sa¦me daye an almous for the loue of god / yf he be of power. And in case that he be not of substaunce to gyue almous it is suffycy¦ent / yf he haue a good wyll so to do.
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¶ Fourthly / the man shall praye that same daye for his greatest helth.
¶ Fyfthly / he shall remembre that daye the goodnesse and benefytes that he hath recey¦ued of god / princypally that god hath creat hym of nothynge / and hath called hym vn¦to the holy catholyke fayth: And delyuered hym by his precyous blode / and this doyng the man shall loue god with all his herte. ¶ Syxtly / the man is also bounde the sa∣me daye / to make a generall confessyon of all his mortall synnes / the whiche he hathe done sens his last confessyon / and therof to haue contrycion and repentaunce bytwene god and his conscyence. For this cōmaunde¦ment of god / to sanctyfye the Sondaye / no man maye accomplysshe beynge in the sta∣te of deedly synne. Yet neuertheles the man is not bounde to confesse hym but at the ty∣me ordeyned and instytute by the churche but in certayne causes hereafter in the fyfth Chapytre of this boke wry∣ten. Yet he is bounde that same daye to make a generall con∣fessyon and to haue contry¦cyon / and to purpose ne¦uer after to synne.
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¶ The .xii. Chapytre / howe the man shall behaue hym selfe in the masse tyme / after the ordynaunce of the holy churche and the lawe Canon.
WE fynde wrytten in Canon lawe in dyuerse places / that oure mother the holy churche hath ordeyned nyne ordinaū¦ces or maners of the masse / the which all chrysten people ought to kepe. ¶ Fyrste / the man albeit that he haue herde one masse / yet he shall here the hygh masse / yf it be not that he be lawfully excused for certayne necessyties / as is aforesayde.
¶ Secōdaryly / the mā shal also here masse in his parysshe churche / and he shall not go by contempte to any other.
¶ Thyrdly / those that wyll deuoutly here masse / they shall leue theyr hawkes & theyr dogges at the churche dore / or elles at home in theyr howses.
¶ Fourthly / the laye people shall not sytte or stande by the hyghe aulter / pryncypally whyles that the masse is sayd. And aboue all the women shall absent them from the aulter.
¶ Fyfthly / the man shal kepe scylence / and
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shall make no trouble nor noyse ī the masse tyme / but shall praye with a feruent herte. ¶ Syxtly / euery man whan he heryth the gospell red: shal stande vpryght redy with his body to defēde the holy catholyke fayth / whiche god hath spoken in the holy gospell. ¶ Seuenthly / euery person herynge the na¦me of Ihesus: shall knele or bowe with his knees / or he shall inclyne with his heed in sygne and token of reuerence / for so ofte as the person doth it / he doth meryte threscore dayes of pardon / gyuen by two popes.
¶ Eyghtly / all good catholyke people shal knele downe of both theyr knees: whan the preest doth lyft our lord Ihesu in the masse and shal worshyp the holy sacrament with great reuerence.
¶ The .ix. euery good chrysten mā and wo¦man shall offre some thynge at the masse / for god spekyng in the olde testament sayth Ye shall not come in my presence voyde or Idle / that is to saye / that at the leste ye shal offre vnto god a feruent prayer and oray∣son. And there where it is the custome / the man shall gyue ī the masse tyme temporall goodes and offrynges. But to this no man is bounde except in great & hygh feestes: af∣ter the custome of the countre or place.
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¶ The .xiii. Chapytre / Yf the man be bounde to here masse of his Cura¦te / and in his owne parysshe.
IT is wryten ī the Canon lawe / that he whiche con∣tempneth his owne curate & churche / and goth to here masse ī another place: shal be chased out of that chur∣che where he goth vnto. This cōmaunde∣ment hath our mother holy churche gyuen / for to cōstrayne them that do rebell agaynst theyr curates / in contempnynge them and also theyr mother the holy churche / and to brynge them to subieccyon and humylytye. Yet neuerthelesse yf any man do go to here dyuyne seruyce in any other churche / with∣out any contempte / but rather that he hath greater deuocyon there or better place / or yt he doth here the sermon there and other seruy¦ces / whiche he can not here in his parysshe churche or for any other iuste cause / he dothe not offende / in case that his bysshop or cu∣rate haue not forbyd hym the same.
¶ The .xiiii. Chapytre / Yf masse maye be sayde in places not halowed / as within the howse.
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WE haue it wryten ī the Ca¦non lawe / that in as mo∣che as is possyble / a man shall not say masse with∣oute places dedycate and halowed / and pryncypal¦ly in the shyppes beynge vpon the see / for the daūger that maye come therof. It is bet¦ter to be sayd in the feldes vpon a stone ha¦lowed or dedycate & sette in a case of wood with two fayre to welles spred vpon the same / or one to well doubled. &c. There can no masse be sayde in a howse or a chambre / without lycēce of the bysshop: but the freers whiche be called freers prechers / & myneurs haue pryuylege and lycence to say masse in the howse / in tyme of necessytye / howe be it they maye not mynyste the sacrament to no person vn∣der the payne of excomyny∣cacyon / withoute lycence of the Curate.
¶ The .xv. Chapytre / yf a man the sondaye in the masse tyme may saye that thynge / whiche is cō∣maunde hym in penaunce.
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SOme doctours do saye / that the sōdayes whā a mā hereth but one masse that he ought not to say or rede any thynge ioy∣ned to hym in penaunce The reason is / for with one peny a man can not paye two credy∣tours or dettours / & so also a man can not at one tyme accomplysshe two cōmaunde∣mentes / for ye be bounde to here masse and to saye your iniūccyon. Agaynst this there be certayne other doctours whiche do saye / that there is none apparēce nor reason ther∣in / for man maye obserue and kepe all the cōmaūdementes of god at one tyme / wher∣fore a man maye at one tyme here masse & also say his iniūccyon: for otherwyse amon¦ges an hondreth persones / there shulde not one here masse well / nor shuld not also say well his iniūccyon / whiche be so symple yt they knowe none otherwyse to do. Wherfo∣re he that knoweth howe to do / he shall say his iniūccyon eyther afore or after the masse for the suretie therof. And that sayd he shal cōmende it vnto god / in remembrynge in the masse tyme the passyon of our lorde / as hereafter is wryten.
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¶ The .xvi. Chapytre / Yf the man whiche cōmeth after that the masse is begon / be yet bounde on the sondayes / to here another masse.
BYcause that al the workes of god be parfyte / So he wyll also that ours in ly∣kewyse be parfyte & not dyuyded nor broken / for an hondreth peaces do not make one hole peace. It is cōmaunded in the spyrytuall lawe / that euery man shall here one hole masse to the ende on the son∣dayes and holydayes. He that heryth than but a peace of the masse doth not accomplys¦she the cōmaundement of the holy churche. But he that cōmeth a lytell to late / after cō¦fiteor / or kyryeleyson / or there aboutes and no further / he is not bounde to here another masse. For a lytell is in maner as nothyng pryncypally whan it is not done by cōtem∣pte / yf he com after that the halfe or the thyr¦de parte of the masse be done / than he is boū¦de to here another hole masse. Those that do helpe and serue at the masse / whiche ofte tymes be letted in the masse tyme / rēnynge for insence / wyne / or any other thynge tou∣chynge
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the masse / be excused / & they be not bounde to here another hole masse.
¶ The .xvii. Chapytre / yf it be requysy∣te that the man here and vnderstan¦de the wordes of the masse.
AFter Canon lawe / it is cō¦maunded to all chrysten peo¦ple to here masse / howe be it the preest doth somtyme rede so lowe: that those whiche be but a lytell from hym can not here nor vn∣derstande the wordes of the masse. Wherfo∣re the doctours do saye / that it is suffycyent yf the man be present at the masse whyther he here and vnderstande the wordes or no. And whyther he be farre of or nere / so that he be present: and it is suffycyent yf he do se the preest. But yf there be any that vnder∣stande Latyn / he maye go nere to the aulter whan the preest dothe rede the holy gospell to here it. Therfore many symple folkes do euyll / whiche do make noyse and rumoure in rennynge here and there whan the preest doth lyft our lorde / and do trouble both the preest and other persones of theyr deuocyon. He that can not se our lorde without rēnyn¦ge
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here and there and troublynge other fol∣kes / he shall tourne his face to the preest / in castynge his iyes deuoutely towardes the grounde thynkynge with the Publycane / whiche beynge farre of in the temple / dyde esteme hym selfe that he was not worthy / to lyft vp his iyes in to heuen: but knockyn¦ge on his brest sayd. O good lorde haue mer¦cy of me poore synner / for the synner shall oft tymes cast his iyes towardes the groun¦de by humylyte / whan the preest doth lyft our lorde in the masse / estemynge hym selfe not to be worthy to beholde the holy & blys∣sed sacrament with his iyes.
¶ The .xviii. Chapytre / what profyte cōmeth by the masse / and what per∣sones maye haue and vse it.
OF the masse do come honour: glory / and helth: Honoure to god / glory to the aungelles / and sayntes / And helthe to the men and women.
¶ Fyrste of the masse / the holy & blyssed try¦nyte receyueth glory / honour / & prayse / ī the honour & glory wherof the masse is sayd & done and the holy trynyte is there present.
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¶ Secondaryly / the aungelles and all the sayntes in heuen do reioyse of the masse / for they be glad of all thyng that is done in the erthe to the honoure and laude of god / and pryncypally whan god is honoured by thē and in them.
¶ Thyrdly / of the masse doth come profyte and conforte to the soules lyenge in purga∣torye. For there is no vertue nor prayer so profytable vnto them: as the masse done or sayd for them / for by the same / theyr deedly synnes be forgyuen & also venyall synnes. And that is by the holy sacrament / whiche the preest doth offre in remembraunce of the passyon of our lorde Ihesu chryste.
¶ Fourthly / the masse also gyueth conforte and socoure to the lyuynge persones / for by the same the man is oft tymes delyuered frō many perylles of the body: as is declared in the .xxiii. Chapytre in the last condycyon or degre: & in the .xxiiii. Chapytre folowynge. ¶ Fyfthly / the man also ī his lyfe doth get and obtayne pardon of many venyall syn¦nes whiche he doth cōmyt dayly / wherof he is contryte and sory.
¶ And this is in the masse tyme in seuen maners.
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¶ Fyrste all those that do saye Confiteor with the preest.
¶ Secondaryly / he that doth inclyne in bo¦wynge his knees / & doynge reuerence whā he hereth the swete name of Ihesus.
¶ Thyrdly / he that kneleth downe to the grounde / whan the preest dothe rede in the Credo. Et homo factus est.
¶ Fourthly / he that with great deuocyon / beholdeth the holy sacramēt whan the prest doth lyfte it.
¶ Fyfthly / he that with contrycyon and re¦pentaūce of his synnes / doth knocke vpon his brest whan the preest sayth in the Pater noster / Et dimitte nobis debita nostra / or the man maye saye the Pater noster with the preest / And whan he shall saye / Et de∣mitte nobis debita nostra / he maye knocke on his brest.
¶ Syxtly / he that doth with humylyte re∣ceyue the benedyccyon of the preest / at the ende of the masse.
¶ Seuenthly / he that after the masse dothe receyue of the preest or by hym selfe / the ho∣ly water with repentaunce of his venyall synnes. And accordynge to the quantyte or greatnes of the deuocyon: the venyal syn̄es be pardoned and forgyuen to the man.
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¶ The .xix. Chapytre / yf a man maye without synne saye or cause a masse to be sayde for moneye.
WE haue it wryten in the ho∣ly scrypture / that it is Sy∣monye to sell that thynge / whiche is sanctyfyed and de¦dycate vnto god. And that he which doth sell it / hath receyued it of god for no thynge: And so both he that doth sell it & that dothe bye it do cōmyt deedly synne. For it is agaynst al lawes / as agaynst the lawe of god / the lawe of man / & the lawe of nature. Wherfore whan the intent of the preest is pryncypally vpō money / and ma¦keth marchaundyse of the masse: And that those whiche cause the masse to be sayde / do take it that they do bye it for so moche mo∣ney / they do both cōmytte Symonye and is deedly syn̄e. Therfore whan a man wyl haue a masse sayd for hym or for his frēdes / he shall say to the preest. Syr we maye not make marchaundyse of the masse / but I praye you say so many masses for me or for my frendes / and I wyll prouyde for you and recompence your payne. And than ye shall prouyde hym of an honest lyuynge ac¦cordynge
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to his estate and degre. For as the apostell saynt Paule sayth / he that serueth at the aultre / he must lyue by the aultre / for the preest hath none other occupacyon.
¶ The .xx. Chapytre / In what thynge & wherby a man may consydre the great¦nesse and dygnyte of the masse.
THe dygnyte & holynes of the blyssed masse maye be consy∣dered by fyue reasons.
¶ Fyrste: for in the masse is 〈…〉〈…〉 the same blyssed flesshe / that Mary the mother of god dyd conceyue and the precyous blode shed vpō the crosse on good frydaye. And therfore sayth Cryso¦stome / that touchynge the holy sacrament of the aulter: the masse is not of lesse dygny¦te and value / than the deth of our lord god vpon the crosse for the helth of the man. For as the deth of our lorde hath delyuered man from euerlastynge deth / so is euerlastynge lyfe gyuen to them / whiche be delyuered by the masse.
¶ Secondaryly / a man maye consydre the dygnyte of the masse / for there is alwayes present all the holy cōpany of heuen. That
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is to say / the holy trynyte / Mary the mother of god / with all the holy aūgelles & saynt{is}: beholdynge and worshyppynge the holy & blyssed sacrament. For as saynt Gregorye sayth / who is he that wolde doubte yt whā heuen doth open / at the tyme that the preest doth consecrate the sacrament / and that the sone of god as the kynge of glory / doth de∣scende vpon the aulter / that there doth not come a great multytude & company of holy aungelles with hym. For a myghty kynge or prynce whan he wyl showe his mageste he doth take with hym / his nobles / his kny∣ghtes and other his seruauntes. Shuld thā the kynge of glory descende hym self alone and without company / I do not byleue it. ¶ Thyrdly / ye shall consydre that without lyght the preest maye not say masse / whan there shulde be bothe Sonne / Moone / and sterres shynyng vpon the aulter. And that doth sygnyfye / that there shall be in vs a hote and feruent loue of god / and a ferme & stedfast fayth & byleue. Also the ornamēt{is} of the masse ought to be dedycate and halo∣wed. And also the chalyce / the corporas / the aulter clothes and towelles / and other pre∣parementes / ought also to be halowed / or elles a man maye not saye masse. Also he
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that shall say the masse / ought to be a preest consecrate: and otherwyse he maye not / we¦re he as holy as our lady the mother of god. For all the sayntes and aūgelles in heuen can not saye nor do one masse.
¶ Fourthly / ye shall consydre that all that is done and sayd in the masse: hath a syngu¦ler mystery and deuocyon in it / so that the preest doth not say one worde / nor doth not moue ones his hande ī the masse: but it doth sygnyfye some thynge of the lyfe of our lor¦de. For as Aureolus sayth in Cōpēdio theo¦logie / in the syxt boke in the .xviii. Chapy∣tre / that the masse (in a maner of spekynge) is as full of dyuyne mysteryes / as the see of droppes of water / & the sonne full of lyght & the skye full of sterres. And also all chry∣sten people beynge here in erthe and in pur∣gatorye / and all the sayntes in heuen / haue a synguler ioye and gladnesse of the masse. And some doctours do saye / that there is ne¦uer a masse sayd here ī erth / but there is one soule delyuered out of purgatorye / or a syn¦ner conuerted / or a good and iuste man pre∣serued and kept from fallynge in to temp∣tacyon.
¶ Fyfthly / ye maye also consydre the hygh dygnyte of the masse / for it is aorned with
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many dyuerse languages & prayses. Fyrste Hebreu / as Amen / alleluya / sabaoth / osan¦na: also Greke / as kyry eleyson / chryste eley¦son / also Laten / as dominus vobiscū / pax tecum. Also ye here the voyce of oure lorde in the gospell: the whiche euery person ought to here with great deuocyon / not syttynge nor knelynge / but standynge vpryght / re∣dy to fyght vnto deth for to defende it and the holy fayth. And as ye do here god speke in the gospell / so ye here also the voyce of aungelles / as in Gloria in excelsis deo. Al¦so the voyce of the apostelles / as in the epy∣stelles. Also the voyce of the synner / in the Cōfiteor. Also ye here the voyce of the iuste man / as in the graduall or grayle / alleluya offetorye & cōmunyon or cōmon. And ther∣fore euery good chrysten person shall dyspo¦se hym selfe deuoutly to here masse / with a feruent herte and with great reuerence / as yf he were vpon the mount of Caluerye / & there dyd se our lorde god hangynge vpon the crosse. O with what and howe great deuocyon shulde we be at the masse / and shuld remembre the blyssed passyon of our lorde god: the whiche is represented & showed in the masse.
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¶ The .xxi. Chapytre / what the persone shall rede in the mornynge whan he doth ryse from bedde.
O Lorde god Ihesu chryste / I thanke the most humbly yt thou haste preserued & kepte me this nyght from sodeyn deth / and also from euerla∣stynge dāpnacyon / by the whiche neuerthe∣les moche people must be seperate from the: the whiche haue not done so many greuous offenc{is} & synnes as I haue done. But thou hast preserued me to the entent that I may amende myne euyll lyuynge. Wherfore I praye the good lorde / by thy incomparable mercy / and by the merytes of thy most blys∣sed mother & of all sayntes / that thou wylt kepe and preserue me this daye from all ma¦ner of deedly synne and euyll thoughtes & wordes / and from all vnlawfull workes to the entent that I maye so with a pure cō¦scyence / entre in to thy temple / and there to fynde thy great mercy / wherby I shall be worthy to be the temple and habytacyon of the holy ghost / where thou desyrest to dwell And that I maye come to the soueraygne temple of Ierusalem / there to gyue the lau¦des
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and prayses euerlastyngly with all the sayntes. Amen.
¶ The .xxii. Chapytre / what the man shal saye for all chrysten soules / whan he doth passe by the churcheyarde.
HElth and conforte be to you all christen soules: whose bo¦dyes do rest here and in eue∣ry place. Ihesu chryste whi∣che hathe boughte you with his precyous blode / delyuer you from the innumerable paynes of pur∣gatorye / and brynge you amonges the blys¦sed company of heuen. And there do ye re∣membre vs / in prayenge humbly that we maye be in your company / and crowned in heuen with you euerlastyngly. Amen.
¶ Pater noster. Aue maria.
¶ The .xxiii. Chapytre / howe the mā shall dyspose hym selfe to here masse.
HE that wyll deuoutly and me¦rytoryously here masse in the temple of god / he shall mount or ascēde .vi. steppes or degrees that is to say: that he shall haue in hym selfe
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syxe vertues / the whiche be fygured vnto vs in the temple of Salomon / whiche had syxe degrees or steppes goynge vpwarde. ¶ The fyrste degre or condycyon is / to desy¦re to be incontynent and without any tary¦enge at the seruyce of god / That is to saye / that as soone as ye here that they rynge the fyrste pele to masse / ye shall cast downe all maner of thynges out of your handes / and shall go to the seruyce of god / takyng exam¦ple at the thre kynges / whiche dyde leue all maner of thynge / and came from the Eest parte serchyng the lytell chylde ī Bethleem at the fyrste token & warnynge of the sterre. Wherfore all busynes that come and chaun¦ce to man goynge towardes the churche / & that he maye well let it passe / he shall let it be vndone vnto another tyme. And yf he can not let it passe without shame / he shall answere quyckely / as Dauid the prophete sayd. Good lorde thou haste made my fete lyke to the fete of a harte. Vpon this saynt Gregorye saythe / that whan a harte dothe renne vpon a hygh mountayne / he doth le∣pe ouer all that he dothe mete / and so shall we do in lykewyse. For the enemye of god and man whiche is the deuyll of hell / doth serche somtymes many wayes for to drawe
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man from the seruyce of god / as from the masse / sermon / euen songe / and other dyuy∣ne seruyce. Or elles yf he can not lette hym from the hole / yet he wyll let hym from as moche as he maye: so that many folkes do tary in the waye talkynge or chydynge / or otherwyse occupyed tyll that the seruyce of god is halfe done. Therfore our lorde god dyd forbyd his dyscyples / to talke or reason with any person in the hygh waye. Wherfo¦re it is good that the man erely in the mor∣nynge do go to masse afore that any person maye let hym. For as Iob sayth / he that ere¦ly in the mornynge dothe serche for god / he shall fynde hym: for than man hath greater deuocyon / thā at any other tyme of the daye whan the wyttes be occupyed.
¶ The seconde degre or condycion is humy¦lyte: so that the {per}son ought not to entre in to the churche or temple of god / by great pom∣pe and pryde as the Pharazen dyd. For ma¦ny folkes (which god amēde) go to the chur¦che more to be seen or to se other / than for de¦uocyon or the helth of theyr soules / the whi∣che be afore god: as the proude Lucyfer was in heuen and Adam in paradyse. Therfore man shall come to the churche with humy∣lyte / as dyd the Publycane knockynge on
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his brest sayenge. O good lorde haue mercy of me poore synner. And than god shall he∣re & exalte his prayer. For saynt Bernarde speketh a notable worde / sayeng that man that doth humylyate & meke hym selfe here in erth as lowe as he can / god wyll exalte hym as hygh as he can in heuen. And he yt doth exalt hym selfe here in erth as hygh as he can / god shall humylyate and caste hym as depe in hell as he can. O mercyfull god / howe depe shall some folkes descende in to hell / which be ashamed through theyr great pryde to humylyate them self afore the. So that ī heryng masse / some persones do wal¦ke vp and downe in the churche: other some do sytte at theyr most case / and other some do knele but of one kne / theyr bonettes fast nayled to theyr heddes / & so dyd the Iewes knele of one kne / whan they mocked oure lorde and dyd spytte in his face. O what ly¦tell knowlege / loue and fere haue suche fol¦kes of god: for the holy aūgelles be standyn¦ge vpryght with great reuerence and fere / afore the face of god. And the proude & styn¦kynge creature of god the man / doth swell with pryde and without any fere or drede. Ye do se that whan a man shall be hedded / that he doth knele on bothe his knees / with
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his handes ioyned togyther afore hym that shall do the execucyon: and the poore & wret¦ched synner / is ashamed to humylyate hym selfe afore god. Here what our lorde Ihesu doth speke of the man / he that is ashamed to serue me afore the worlde / I wyll be a∣shamed of hym afore my father celestyall. Wherfore the man as soone as he is entred in to the churche: shal knele on both his knees with great humylyte and mekenes of herte in showynge to god his synnes / sayenge. O good lorde haue mercy of me poore syn∣ner / or other lyke wordes as ye shall fynde hereafter wryten / in the .xxx. Chapytre: for suche prayer god doth exalte / and doth ascē¦de in to heuen afore the face of god / & dothe not departe from thens / vnto it hath obtey¦ned all thynge that it doth demaūde for the helth of the soule.
¶ The thyrde degre or condycyon / to here masse deuoutly / is contrycyon or repentaū∣ce of al the deedly synnes that the man hath done. And whan the man shall thus haue mekened & humylyate hym selfe afore god / he shal haue made his peace with god: afore that he wyl praye for any thynge / For god doth hate the syn̄ers / & cannot se them whi¦che do not repent them of theyr syn̄es with
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all theyr hertes. Therfore our lorde speketh by the prophete Esaye and sayth. Whan ye entre in to the churche and do lyft your han¦des on hyghe to me / I wyll tourne myne iyes from you: and whan ye crye to me / I wyll not here you / for your handes be full of blode: that is to say full of syn̄e. Of this ye maye haue example / yf ye wyll desyre & obteyne any thyng of a prynce or of a great lorde / the whiche is angry with you & doth hate you: so that he can not abyde the syght of you / ye muste fyrste fynde the meanes to content and pacyfye hym. And that done / desyre what ye wyll reasonably & ye shall obteyne. For otherwyse as saynt Gregory sayth / ye shulde prouoke hym to be more an¦gry and dyspleased with you. Therfore as Iohan Gerson chaunceller of Parys doth wryte / euery man oughte one tyme of the daye saye this orayson & prayer folowynge with all deuoute premedytacyon. For yf it do chaunce that the man dye sodaynly that same daye or nyght: he shal not be dampned nor pryuate of the syght of the gloryous fa∣ce of god / in case that he do saye this prayer with all his herte / and with cōtrycyon and repentaunce of his synnes.
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¶ The prayer.
O Most benygne and mercyful god / I knowlege & confesse that I haue greuously syn∣ned agaynst thy wyl and cō¦maūdement / aboue the nom¦bre of sterres. Wherof I am very sory and contryte ī my herte / and am sory that I can not repent me a hondreth tymes more than I do. Wherfore good lorde / I vndertake from hensforth / that yf I do lyue a hōdreth yeres more / I wyll kepe me (with thy gra∣ce) from all deedly synne. And also I haue a good and a ferme wyll to confesse all my synnes at the tyme ordeyned by the churche / & wyll also do penaunce for all my synnes after the counceyll of my confessoure.
¶ The fourth degre or condycyon is / to con¦sydre that the man beynge ī the churche shal cast all temporall & worldly busynes from his herte / in as moche as he can possyble / & onely shal occupye hym selfe with god and that thynge that he doth rede or saye / to the entent that he maye saye with Dauyd. O good lorde I haue cryed vnto the with all my herte. And that is yt thynge / to the whi¦che the preest dothe monysshe & exhorte vs in the masse sayenge / Sursum corda / that
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is to saye / lyft vp your hertes to almyghty god. And than the clerke doth answere in the name of all them that do here the masse / Habemus ad dominum / whiche is to saye / we haue our hert{is} towardes god. O wold to god that it myghte be alwayes so: for yf we dyd praye as we ought to do / we shuld obteyne all thynge that we wolde desyre. And therfore god doth not regarde the wor¦des that we do speke in prayenge / but he de¦syre the herte of the mā. Wherfore Isodorus sayth: that a prayer made and sayd onely of the mouthe withoute any premedytacyon / doth as moche preuayle as the kackelynge of a henne. Wherfore whā ye wyll rede any thynge in prayenge to god for grace ye shal say thus. O good lord gyue me thy dyuyne grace to rede & saye my prayer deuoutly / to the entēt that it may be exalted of the. And yf any other thynge come in my mynde / I do reuoke now as for thā: this prayer sayd. God (as saynt Thomas doth wryte) shall receyue it all for the beste. And therfore the man shall not coueyte to rede moche / as so∣me do whiche haue sackes full of bokes / & great longe bedes / as they wolde tarye all the daye in the churche. Yet neuertheles they wyll rede all in one masse tyme / not regar∣dynge
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what they do rede. But the mā must praye with a very pure herte / for the prayer ought to be feruēt deuout / & shorte of word{is} as our lorde doth showe vs in the gospell. Therfore saynt Ierome saith: yt one Pater nr̄ / sayd with deuocion / is better & more pro¦fytable thā an hondreth without deuocion. ¶ The fyfth degre or condycyon is scylence so yt the man ought to kepe hym from moch talkynge in the churche / as many folkes do not / as well men as women / yonge & olde great and small / but there do talke and ian¦gle as they were ī the hygh strete. And other some do walke vp and downe in the chur∣che showyng them selfe as they were in the market / wherby they do let & trouble other of theyr deuocyon / the whiche they haue not in them selfe. And other some there be / whi∣che do speke vnhonest & vycyous wordes / no more regardyng the temple of god than a tauerne / wherof the deuyll doth reioyse & is glad. Nowe is accōplysshed that Dauid doth speke of the Infydels and Sarazyns sayenge. Deus venetūt gentes / hoc est gen¦tiliter viuentes. &c. that is to saye: the Sara¦zyns and Infydels / that is to saye / the cry∣sten people lyuynge lyke vnto Infydels / become in to your herytage: that is io saye /
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in the catholyke fayth / and haue maculate the holy temple. And without doubte / the Iewes haue greater reuerence in theyr syna¦goge / than many chrysten people haue ī the tēple of god: where god is alwayes {pre}sent in the holy sacrament of the aulter / cōsyderyn∣ge / seynge / and herynge all your wordes & thoughtes. Wherfore whan ye do entre in to the churche which is the temple of god / tour¦ne your iyes from the people and remembre your synnes / and the passyon of our lorde / and rede some good thynge.
¶ The syxte degre or condycyon that man shall haue to here masse deuoutly / is perse∣ueraūce / so that ye shall here the hole masse from the begynnynge to the endynge / and shall not out of the churche vnto it be fynys¦shed / and that the preest haue gyuen the blys¦synge / excepte great necessyte requyre it / & specyally on sondayes and other holy dayes for it is so cōmaūded by the lawe. Agaynst this some do offende which do walke in the churcheyarde there talkynge and iangelyn¦ge / and whan the preest doth lyft oure lorde in the blyssed sacrament / they do renne and entre in to the churche / as the dogge in to the kechynge / and incontynent they do go out agayne. All those that so do by custome &
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doth not regarde the cōmaundement of the holy churche / they do cōmyt a deedly synne at euery tyme. O good lorde what small de¦uocyon / loue / & fere haue the people of god: they be lothe to bestowe one houre to here masse / serue god / and norysshe the soule: but they be not lothe to myspende thre or foure houres at the table in eatynge and drynkyn¦ge / for to norysshe the body the whiche shall rote and be eten with wormes. O man re∣membre of what vertue the blyssynge whi¦che the preest dothe gyue after the masse is / for his hādes haue mynystred at the aulter: the blyssed body of our lorde Ihesu chryste. So god in the olde Testament dyde blysse the chyldren / whiche were blyssed of theyr fathers / as Abrahā blyssed his sone Isaac: Isaac blyssed his sone Iacob / and Iacob all his chyldren of the .xii. generacyons of Israell / by the whiche blyssynge god oft ty¦mes dyd saue and delyuer them from many perylles and euylles. Moche more god wyl be mercyful vnto vs and kepe vs from so dayne deth: yf we do receyue with all humy¦lyte the blyssynge of the preest / at the ende of his masse / for his handes be moche more holy / thā were the hādes of the olde fathers. And by the blyssynge of the preest / we be
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made worthy of the blyssynge of our lorde god in heuen. Therfore whan the preest gy¦ueth the blyssynge after masse / ye shall kne¦le downe vpon your knees: with your heed bare and inclyned towardes the grounde / in receyuynge the same. Wherof we haue many fayre examples / the whiche shuld be to prolyxe and longe to descrybe. Yet neuer theles ye shall haue twayne in shorte wor¦des here declared.
¶ Example.
WE rede that there was a coue¦reur of howses: whiche beyn¦ge vpon the toppe or hyghte of a howse there workynge / sodaynly fell downe to the grounde / without hurtyng hym selfe or ha∣uynge any maner of harme. The people se∣ynge this dyd renne vnto hym / thynkynge that he was dede / and they dyd fynde hym hole & sounde: and they dyd say vnto hym. Thou haste ben well blyssed this daye / He answered and sayd it is true: for I had this daye the blyssynge / whiche the preest gaue after the masse / whose handes had touched the body of our lord Ihesu chryste. And my fayth & byleue was / that after the blyssyn∣ge which I receyued hūbly after the masse
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I shulde not dye sodaynly without confes∣syon / as nowe ye maye se.
¶ Example.
WE rede moreouer of two men whiche were cōpaygnons & felowes in mar¦chaundyse / of the whiche the one receyued alwayes the blyssynge of the preest / and the other neuer dyd regarde nor care for it. And one day as they were goynge in theyr iourney / there came a great tempest of thon¦dre and lyghtnynge / of the whiche tempest he that was neuer wont to receyue the blys¦synge of the preest nor to regarde it / was stryken to deth / and the other whiche was alwayes wonte to receyue the blyssynge / was saued and not hurte.
¶ The .xxiiii. Chapytre / what thynge a man shall rede whan he cōmeth fyr∣ste before the holy sacrament.
¶ Orayson.
O Blissed and mercyfull lord Ihesu chryste / I cōmende this daye in the presence of thy holy body and at all ty∣mes: my soule and my body by the vertue of thy holy natyuyte: thy blys¦sed crosse / and sharpe and bytter passyon / &
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thy gloryous resurreccyon. O father euerla¦stynge god almyghty / thou arte the begyn∣nynge and the ende of all creatures / thou art the waye and the trueth and the helth of al men. O father euerlastynge / I crye and call pryncypally vnto the for my helpe & ayde / by the vertue of the holy sacrament / to the entent that thou wylt defende me frō all thynge that may be hurtfull to the helth of my soule. Albeit that I am a poore syn∣ner / Yet neuerthelesse I am thy vnwor∣thy creature / redemed and delyuered by the precyous blode of thy sone. And I byle∣ue stedfastly in the: wherfore good lorde de∣fende me alwayes from all perylles and daūgers of myne enemyes vysyble and in∣uysyble / and from all venom and poyson in metes and drynkes / from shame and so∣dayne deth / by the vertue of the holy sacra∣ment / in the whiche I put all my hope and byleue. O holy and most worthy sacramēt in the which be vnyed ī godhed / the father / the sone / and the holy ghost / thou dost exalt all that do crye and call vnto the and that do byleue in the. Therfore exalte me nowe specyally in all that is necessary & helthful for my soule / & that from hensforth I maye accomplysshe and fulfyll thy wyll.
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¶ The .xxv. Chapytre / what thynge the man shall rede / whan he cō∣meth before the holy crosse of our lorde Ihesu chryste.
O Lorde Ihesu chryste / I pray the by the vertue of the same orayson & prayer / that thou dyddest make in great an∣guysshe and payne of herte / vnder the mount of Olyuete: where for fe¦re & drede of deth / thou dyddest swete drop∣pes of blode rennynge downe to the groun¦de. Offre and show that same blode to thy father celestyall / agaynst the multytude of my synnes / and delyuer me at the houre of deth / from all fere and drede whiche I ha∣ue deserued for my synnes.
¶ Pater noster. Aue maria.
O Lorde Ihesu chryste whiche hath dy¦ed vpon the crosse for me poore syn∣ner / I pray the yt thou wylt showe & offre to thy father celestyall / all the payne and bytternes of thy passyon / and specyal∣ly whan thy blyssed soule departed out of thy blyssed body / agaynst the multytude of my synnes. And delyuer me at the houre of deth from all payne / whiche I haue deser∣ued
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for the multytude of my syn̄es. Amen.
¶ Pater noster. Aue maria.
O Lorde Ihesu chryste / I praye the by the inestymable loue: that caused the to descende from heuen vnto erthe / there to suffre deth vpon the crosse most cru¦elly for me poore syn̄er / to showe and offre the same vnto thy father celestyal: agaynst the multytude of my synnes. And after this lyfe to open me the gate of heuen. Amen.
¶ Pater noster. Aue maria.
¶ The .xxvi. Chapytre / what thynge the man shall rede / whan he doth come before the Image of our Lady.
O Moste benygne Mary dou∣ghter of the father of heuen mother of the sone of god / espouse of the holy ghost: I praye the that as the father celestyall of his great myght & power hath exalted the in the hyghest trone of heuen / so I pray the most benygne vyrgyne and mo¦ther mary / to socoure and helpe me and all my frendes. And to defende vs from the tē¦ptacyons of our enemye. Amen.
¶ Aue maria.
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O Most humble mother of Ihesu chry∣ste Mary: thou art a paradyse of ioye & the hyd treasor of the secrete of god: I pray the yt as the son of god of the myght & power of his incōprehensyble wysdome hath aorned the / that ouer and aboue al the saynt{is} thou shulde vse & haue the fruycyon most perfytly / of the face & presēce of the ho¦ly trynyte: so I pray the most pure virgyn mary / that thou stande by me & assyste me and all my frendes at the houre of deth / in remplysshynge and in puttynge in our sou¦les / the lyght of the holy catholyke fayth / to the entent that oure fayth / be not occupyed with erroure.
¶ Aue maria.
O Most swete mary / beaute of the aun¦gelles / flower of the patryark{is} / may¦stres of the apostelles / courage of the martyres / swete foūtayne of the cōfessours honoure and ioye of vyrgynes / consolacy∣on & solace of all synners / I praye the that as the holy ghoost hathe remplysshed and fylled the of his swetnes and dyuyne grace to the entent that thou be the most benygne and mercyfull next after god / so I beseche the most holy & imaculate vyrgyne mary / that thou wylt be present by me and all my
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frendes after the tyme of our lyfe: in shedyn¦ge and puttynge in to our soules the swete¦nes of the dyuyne dyseccyon & loue / so that we maye ioye with the and with all saynt{is} euerlastyngly. Amen.
¶ The xxvii. Chapytre / how he that doth helpe the masse ought to behaue hym.
FYrste he that dothe serue & helpe the preest at masse / he muste beware that he do not beholde the preest / in the face.
¶ Secōdaryly / that whi¦che he doth gyue to the preest / he shall gyue it with both his handes.
¶ Thyrdly / he shall be dylygent to proue and knowe the water from the wyne.
¶ Fourthly / he shall absteyne in as moche as he maye / from to moche spyttynge and kowghynge or makynge any noyse / specy¦ally whan the preest is in his Memento.
¶ Fyfthly / he shall not greatly gyue his mynde to rede any prayers in the masse ty∣me: but rather shal take hede dylygētly that there do lacke nothynge / and shall kepe dog¦ges from the aulter.
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¶ Syxtly / he shall not knele betwene the courteyne & the aulter / in beholdynge what the preest doth vpon the aulter. Also he shal not knele behynde the curteynes: but shal be of the one syde of the preest / partely behyn∣de hym.
¶ Seuenthly / he shall take hede that he do answere the preest perfytely: and that he do lyghte the candell of waxe in tyme / and to put it out whan the preest after the masse hath gyuen the blyssynge. And whan the preest hath fynysshed his fyrste Memento / he shall prepare hym selfe to lyght the torche or candell in tyme / and to rynge the lytell bell to the eleuacyon.
¶ Eyghtly / he shall take hede that he be pu∣re and clene in his conscyence / that is to say that he haue contrycyon of all his synnes / & also that he be clene without ī his body and in his handes: so that he do not fyle the boke towelles / aulter clothes / or other aornemē∣tes. He shall take hede also / that he do not touche the chalyce / patyne / or corporas / for yf he do he doth offende.
¶ Nynthly / he shall folde the vestementes & the aornementes honestly after the masse: and shal laye them in theyr place. And this done he maye deserue and meryte moche.
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¶ The .xxviii. Chapytre / howe euery man shall gladly helpe and serue at the masse / for syxe reasons.
THe fyrste reason is / for the seruy¦ce that we do to the preest in the masse tyme / god wyll rewarde vs for it as we had done it vn¦to hym selfe: for the preest is not there before the aulter as syr Iohn̄: but he is there as the sone of god hathe hanged vpon the crosse
¶ The seconde reason is / that to serue god the man of hym is made. And therfore there is no man so myghty of power nor so no∣ble / that ought to be ashamed to serue god. For oure lorde Ihesu chryste sayth / he that is ashamed to serue me: I wyl also be asha¦med of hym afore my father celestyall. O with what loue and dylygence shulde we serue hym / whiche hath gyuen syght vnto vs beynge blynde / the whiche (we beynge pryuate of our handes & fete) hathe restored them agayne vnto vs: and we beyng deed he hathe resuscytate vs to lyfe / and moche more hath god done for vs.
¶ The thyrde reason is / for to the entent yt we serue our lorde god / he hath cōmaunded his aūgelles to serue vs and to kepe vs / to
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the entent that we may come to heuen / whe¦re the sone of god hym selfe shall serue vs. ¶ The fourth reason is / for to the entent yt we shulde be more bounde to serue hym / he hath made hym selfe man mortall / & hathe serued vs in his owne persone / by the space of .xxxiii. yeres in great pouertie and myse∣rye / wherfore by all ryght we be bounde to serue hym. And yet moche more hath he don for vs / he hathe shed his blode for vs / and suffred dethe for vs / to the entent that we maye reygne with hym in his glorye.
¶ The fyfth reason is / for god hath made all thynges to serue vs / as in heuen the aū∣gelles / the sonne / the moone / and the fyrma¦mēt / in the ayre the byrdes / in erth the beest{is} and other creatures: in the water the fysshes to the entent that by them we shulde be mo¦nysshed to serue hym.
¶ The syxte reason is / for god shall gyue hym that gladly doth helpe and serue at the masse / a synguler rewarde in heuen / more than to other herynge the masse onely / as it is wryten.
¶ The .xxix. Chapytre / what fruytes he receyueth of god / that serueth gladly and deuoutly at the masse.
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THe fyrste vertue is / that god doth neuer suffre suche a per∣sone to fall so farre in synne / but that he shall ryse sooner out of the same by true penaū¦ce / than another that doth not helpe ne ser∣ue at the masse.
¶ The seconde vertue or fruyte is / that su∣che a persone is not onely preserued & kepte as another man of his propre aungell / but also there be many other aungelles nyghe vnto hym: and alwayes redy to helpe hym and prayenge for hym.
¶ The thyrde vertue is / that the good wor¦kes whiche he doth / be more acceptable vn∣to god and more profytable to men / as wel lyuynge as beynge deed / than of other whi¦che do not helpe and serue at the masse.
¶ The fourth vertue is: that he which doth helpe and serue at the masse / shall be in all his busynes and causes more dyscryte and wyse than other men.
¶ The fyfth vertue is / that the mercye of god shall neuer forsake that man ī his great necessyte / but shall alwayes be redy at his most nede.
¶ The syxte vertue is / that god shall gy∣ue hym / whiche deuoutly and dylygently
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helpeth and serueth at the masse: a synguler grace here in erthe / and a great rewarde in heuen / as he sayth ī the gospell / he that doth serue and mynystre vnto me in the erth / he shall be honoured of my father ī heuen. For to helpe and serue at the masse / is a seruyce appertaynynge vnto aungelles. Yet neuer∣thelesse god wyll be serued of man in erth. Therfore euery man ought gladly helpe & serue at the masse / for it is no shame / but great honoure to serue god. The fathers ou¦ghte to cause theyr chyldren to lerne to helpe masse / for that person shall not serue god in heuen: whiche hath not serued hym in erth.
¶ The .xxx. Chapytre / yf women maye helpe and serue at the masse.
YT is prohybyte & forbyd in the Canon lawe / for women to preche openly / or to gyue insence vpon the aulter / or to touche the chalyce / the patyne / or cor¦poras. And therfore the women shall not wasshe the lynnen clothes of the same afore that the preest hath wasshed them. But that women maye not helpe the masse / we haue
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not so great cōmaūdement in the lawe / for the holy churche doth admyt the spyrytuall persones: and maydens maye helpe and ser¦ue at the masse ī necessyte / whiche they shal not do yf there be any man present that can do it. wherfore the maydens whā they shal helpe the masse in necessytye / they shall al∣wayes loke deuoutly afore them / and shall not beholde the preest in the face / But they shal knele down honestly behynde the prest and shall not come to nere the aulter for the dygnyte of the holy sacrament.
¶ The .xxxi. Chapytre / yf the mynyster maye helpe and serue and here the ho∣ly masse all togyther. And also yf a man maye here many masses togyther & at one tyme with as great meryte / as yf he herde euery masse by it selfe.
AS the doctours do wryte: the lyfe of all good and iuste ca∣tholyke people is as a cōpa∣ny of marchaūtes in the whi¦che that yt the one doth wyn the other doth lease. So it is with all them
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that be in the loue and grace of god and of holy churche / so that they be not onely parte takers of the masse at the which they be pre¦sent with theyr iyes / but also so longe as they be in the state of grace and ī the loue of god / they be parte takers of all the good de∣des that be done in the holy churche through out all this worlde / of all good and iust ca∣tholyke people. And the cōtrarye is of them whiche be in deedly synne / which do not me¦ryte for them selfe any rewarde ī heuen / for they be deed afore god and also theyr good workes. O yf the syn̄er dyd remembre this in takynge it to the herte / what goodnesse shulde come vnto hym.
¶ The .xxxii. Chapytre / what the aornementes of the preest / dothe sygnyfye.
FYrste the aulter where the preest sayth the masse / doth sygnyfye the crosse of oure lorde god.
¶ Item the preest at the aulter / doth sygnyfye our lorde vpon the crosse. ¶ Item the chalyce afore the preest / doth sy∣gnyfye the sepulchre of our lorde.
¶ Item the corporas sygnyfyeth the lynnē
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cloth / in the which our lorde was wrapped in the sepulchre.
¶ Item the lynnen cloth of the chalyce / sy∣gnyfyeth the lytell cloth put vpon the face of oure lorde in the sepulchre / for to wype the swete.
¶ Item the patyne of the chalyce sygnyfy∣eth the stone that dyd couer the sepulchre. ¶ Item the amys which the preest doth put on his heed / sygnyfyeth the cloth whiche the Iewes dyd bynde afore the iyes of our lord whan they dyd mocke hym.
¶ Item the albe whiche is whyte and lon∣ge / sygnyfyeth the whyte and longe robe / wherwith Herode dyde cloth oure lorde in derysyon.
¶ Item the longe stoyle that the preest hath aboute his necke / sygnyfyeth the corde the whiche the Iewes dyd cast about the necke of our lorde / and afterwarde about his bo∣dy whan they dyd take hym in the garthen. ¶ Item the short stoyle or maniple the whi¦che the preest hath on his left arme sygnyfy¦eth the corde with the whiche the handes of our lorde were bounde / for whan they dyde vnbynde hym they left the corde hangynge at the left hande.
¶ Item the corde / wherwith the preest is
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gyrde / sygnyfyeth the corde wherwith oure lorde Ihesus was bounde to the pyller. ¶ Item the chesuble whiche is the vpper vestement of the preest / closed behynde and before and withoute fasshon open of bothe sydes / sygnyfyeth the robe of purple / wher¦with Pylate dyde cloth our lorde whan he dyd mocke hym.
¶ Item the crosse vpon the chesuble vpon the sholdres of the preest & goth to the groū∣de behynde / sygnyfyeth the heuye crosse of our lorde of .xv. fote of length / the whiche he bare vpon his sholdres vpon the mount of Caluarye.
¶ Item the crowne of the heed of the preest doth sygnyfye the crowne of thornes / whi∣che our lorde ware vpon his heed.
¶ Item the lytell peac{is} vpon the albe vpō the handes of the preest / and also hangyng behynde and before at the fete of the preest / do sygnyfye the great nayles / whiche were stryken through the handes and fete of our lorde vpon the crosse.
¶ Item the breade whiche is consecrate / is verely the blyssed body of oure lorde / And the wyne after the consecracyon / is the pre∣cyous blode of our lorde habundaūtly shed vpō the crosse. This may a symple person
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whiche can not rede thus thynke and remē∣bre in the masse tyme / and to occupye hym selfe with the passyon of our lorde.
¶ The .xxxiii. Chapytre / what vertue or fruyte doth consyst and lye in de∣uoutly herynge masse: the whiche vertues be in .xii. maners.
THe fyrste vertue or fruyte is / as some doctours do wryte / that the man doth meryte mo¦re whyles that he dothe here masse deuoutely / than yf he shulde gyue for godes sake / as moche groū¦de & lande as he could passe and go ouer in the space of the same masse. O what maye he than deserue whiche doth here euery daye thre or foure masses. And what doth he lea∣se / & what compte shall he make afore god at the daye of iugement / whiche hath not so great busynesse / but that he maye here one masse at the left euery daye. O what it shal greue you that ye haue lost so moche. This ye shall vnderstande accordynge to the dy∣gnyte and excellentnes of the masse.
¶ The seconde vertue is / that the holy aū∣gelles be glad to be nyghe vnto that person
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in kepynge hym whan he hath herde masse. As Dauid sayth / god dyde cōmaunde his aungelles to kepe and preserue you / in all your wayes and busynes.
¶ The thyrde vertue is: that the man behol¦dynge with deuocyon and reuerence the ho∣ly sacrament in the masse / as saynt Austyn sayth / god doth gyue hym that same daye al thyng{is} necessary for his body. Item vayne wordes and vnaduysed othes be forgyuen and pardoned / and he is preserued from so∣dayn deth. A man doth lease no tyme why¦les that he doth here masse. All the steppes in cōmynge and in goynge / be compted of the holy aungell. And yf the man dyed the same daye that he hath herde masse without receyuynge the sacramēt / god shall compte it as spyrytually receyued.
¶ The fourth vertue is / that the person be¦ynge in synne ofte tymes in the masse tyme by the presence of the holy sacrament / doth receyue a good īspyracion: so that from thēs¦forth he doth conuerte hym from his synnes As the good thefe vpon the crosse / Mary Magdaleyne afore the fete of our lorde. Yf they had not ben present with our lorde / per¦auenture they shulde not haue had pardon of theyr synnes.
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¶ The fyfth vertue or fruyte is: yt the man herynge masse deuoutly / receyueth spūally the holy sacramēt so that he desyre it deuout¦ly. And so it maye chaunce that the man he¦rynge masse deuoutly / shall obteyne more grace than the preest whiche doth it / for the preest is not alwayes egally well disposed And so maye the man euery daye / receyue the holy sacrament spyrytually.
¶ The syxte vertue is / that the man heryn¦ge masse and beynge in the state of grace / is parte taker of all the masses done through∣out all the worlde / and that is more or lesse after as the man is in the loue and fauoure of god. For it is one of the artycles of the ho¦ly catholyke fayth / as in the cōmunyon of the holy churche.
¶ The seuenth vertue is / that the prayer of them whiche do here the masse / is sooner her¦de and exalted of god in the masse tyme / than at any other tyme / for than the preest & the holy aūgelles which be about the aulter do helpe you to praye.
¶ The eyght vertue is / that the soules be∣ynge in purgatorye / whyles that the man doth here the masse and doth praye for them haue a synguler absolucyon durynge the sa¦me masse / for there is nothynge that dothe
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brynge them so shortly out of the paynes of purgatorye / as to cause to saye or to here de∣uoutly masse for them.
¶ The nynth vertue is / that it is better to here one masse in our lyfe tyme: than to cau¦se an hondreth to be sayd or herde for vs af¦ter our dethe. And also that it is better that the man cause a masse to be sayd for hym in his lyfe: thā an hondreth after his deth. The reason is / for the man maye nowe deserue & meryte moche with a masse / but not after his deth: but onely that he dothe fynde that thynge / whiche he hath deserued in his lyfe. An hondreth thousāde masses nowe done can not augment one moment of glory & ioye after this tyme: but by a masse whiche I do here / I maye obteyne that I shall not come in purgatorye / but after our deth / the masse delyuereth onely from purgatorye. Is it not better than not to come in to pur∣gatorye / than whan a man is there to tary and loke for ayde & helpe to be delyuered. ¶ The tenth vertue is / that a woman he∣ryng masse deuoutly / yf it chaunce that she do labour of chylde that same daye / she shal be delyuered (without faulte) the more ease∣ly & with lesse payne / for the holy aūgelles be veray busye and dylygent aboute her.
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Therfore all women beynge with chylde / yf it be possyble shall here masse euery daye for by the vertue of the same / the fruyte or chylde is preserued. And thā shall put theyr trust in the holy sacrament & in our blyssed Lady the mother of god / and in none other thynge.
¶ The eleuenth vertue is / that all thynge that man doth enterpryse after that he hath herde masse / doth prospere and com to good ende. And that whiche the man doth eate & drynke after he hath herde masse / dothe pro∣fyte more to the necessyte of nature.
¶ The twelfth vertue is / that yf the man dye the same daye that he hathe herde masse / god shall gyue hym a synguler grace which otherwyse he shulde not haue had. That is say to that god hym self or his aungelles at the laste houre of his deth: shall helpe & con∣forte hym as the man hath serued god at the masse. For it is wryten in the holy gospell / with the same measure that ye haue measured / with the same also I wyll measure you euerlastyngly. Amen.
¶ Thus endeth the fyrst boke of the masse. And here foloweth the seconde.
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