Physick refin'd, or, A little stream of medicinal marrow flowing from the bones of nature wherein several signs, particular rules, and distinct symptoms whereby the most ordinary diseases may be distinctly known, and truly judged, are perspicuously delineated : and the most proper way, safe method, and simpathetical care, whereby nature may be helped, the sick eased, and languishing patients relieved (without the use of poysonous purging potions, and venomous medicaments) is succinctly demonstrated
Yarwood, John, 17th cent.

The Cure.

Put a Tent into the bleeding Nostril dipt in the white of an Egg, and cover'd over with Bole Armoniack. Give the Patient inwardly Syrup of Vi∣negar, and apply Sticticum Pa∣racelsi to the Crown.

Burn blew wooling cloth Page  56to Ashes, and snuff them up the Nose, and cast cold water in the face.

Tye up a spider in a linnen Cloth, bruse it a little, and hold it near the Nose, but touch it not.

Dry the Patients blood to powder, and snuff it up the nose, and take Inwardly six grains of Salt of Lead.

Take Vinegar and Plantain water, of each two pound, mix it, dip folded Linnens and apply them to the soles of the feet, palmes of the hands, and against the Liver; drinking Vinegar, and holding some of it in the mouth, or take twenty drops of Tincture of Corals in wine or ale.

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Bind the Head very hard with Incle, and let the knot be in the neck, and lay a spunge dipt in Vinegar to the Nose. Wet a Linnen cloth in Vine∣gar and wrap it about the Members of him that bleedeth.

Take Century, Green Rue, and red Fennel, of each a like quantity, stamp them, strain the juice into Ale; and so drink it. Wet a Cloth of Linnen in sharp Vinegar, burn the cloth, and blow the Ashes into the bleed∣ing nostrils.