Poems on several occasions. Humbly dedicated to the right honourable the Marchioness of Tavestock. By the author.
Walwyn, Herbert.

Against Gluttony.

HAil to the Man whose Loaf and good Old Cheese,
To pay his Nature are sufficient Fees.
Let Parsons on gross Veal and Bacon Feed,
Think as a Calf, and get a Hoggish breed.
They by as Licence from themselves may do't,
Dissect the Corps, and Eat the Flesh to boot,
To see what Wisdom in their Fabrick lies,
And what consent of Tastes will thence arise.
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Hence taught the God of Truth, and god of Lust,
To Serve the Last, and Complement the First.
But I those Purer Substances will Chew,
Whose Alimental Humor's Calm and few,
Shall let my Thoughts run ever ev'n and true.