Milke for children, or, A plain and easie method teaching to read and write together with briefe instructions for all sorts of people ... : as also an appendix of prayer
Thomas, Lambrocke.


He humbled himselfe as if thereby to teach us to be humble x. And first in that glorious manner, as if thereby to teach the glory of Humility y. Then by many an hard take thus huble he was for us, that we might undergoe any hardship for him, to be content in what ever state, so as to serve him z. And humbling thus him∣selfe fr us, that we like hi a should be humble to each other b. Whose thus Con∣ception shews him God, and that his birth man: thus God and man in one Person, without confusion of both natures, with∣out mixture of either: but both perfect God, and perfect man. One person that had the power of God c, and the parts of man d. The power of God to preserve man for God, and the parts of mans soule and body for mans soule and body to present man unto God. Without either of which power or parts or either of them he could not have beene the Redeemer. Page  77 That he was borne of a Virgin that was poore shews the riches of his grace and power so to enrich our poverty e. Then of a Virgin betrothed, to honour marriage, as in token of that honour at a marriage shewing his first miracle f. And then a Virgin a woman of the Linage of David and betrothed to a Man of that Linage, as if thereby to shew, that great∣nesse hath not all the preheminence with God, but that the poore also may have right to an inheritance with him. In both this conception and birth may we read lessons of the great love of God, that would have our salvation wrough in this manner, in this exhibition of Christ do∣ing all that might be done for his chosen, as he did for his Vineyard g, leaving un∣done nothing that might be done for them. Nor Christ leaving any step un∣trod, any degree not undergone, whereby to effect mans salvation, as in this article not only by these two steps of life, but as in the next, steps he out by five degrees of death for him. Of which next, and ther∣of in this.

IV. Fourth Article, Suffered under Pon∣tius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried, he descended into Hell. 3. That he suffered un∣der Pontius Pilate, as we said the other two Page  80 were steps of life, so may we say these two be steps of death. And this is his first step to it, those two others of life being little lesse then presently an exhibition to death, from his Cradle to his Crosse un∣der-going still as it were deadly suffe∣rings. That he trod every these wea∣ry & wofll steps, the Scriptures also shew as how 1. he suffe••d (not onely desertion of God h, but also i many other tyrannous persecutions of men, but this worst of all) under Pontius Pilate k as that 2. He was Crucified l, 3. dead m, 4. buried n, and 5. He * descended into Hell p. 1. Suffered many as we said tyrannous persecutions of men as his flight from Herod p, the Pharisees reviling q and way-laying r him: yea his own Country mens contemning of him s, but this worst of all under Pontius Pilate, the true Messias suffering under a false Judg, the King of Heaven under an earth∣ly petty President. And that no onely betrayed by a Disciple t, apprehended as a Theife u, accused, arraigned, condem∣ned, yea crucified as a most accursed ma∣lefactor, crucified because to suffer the most accursed death w, and that to redeem us from the curse x: crucified because the most shamefull y, most painefull z death, and that to redeem from shame and pain a. Page  81 Thus ere he dyes for us enduring most bitter torturings, as the piercing b hands and his feet, distention and nay∣ling them to the Crosse, and the like: and that to turne away our tormentings, and crosse out the guilt of our sins c. Also 3. dead, to satisfie Gods justice for mans sins d, and confirme to Beleevers the pro∣mises of God in the Gospell e. Then 4. bu∣ried, to ratifie that confirmation, that as, when Jonas was cast into the Sea, then and not till then did it cease raging f: so Christ being buried, then and not till then is Gods wrath appeased g. Jonas cast into the Sea to appease its raging, so Christ into the grave to appease Gods fury. And then 5. He descended into Hell, that is, being dead and buried (when as to our redemption he had sealed its con∣summation) as if to shew his lowest e∣state, and that come he was to the bot∣tome of these steps or degrees, he was in the Grave under the power of death and darknesse untill the third day, although in the garden h and on the Crosse i having suffered the most hellish paines, he yet by this thus continuance in the grave, would consummate all his sufferings, and for a time be Captive, that after he might ap∣peare the more glorious Conqueror o∣ver Page  80 Death and Hell for ever.