A brief commentary upon the CIII Psalme with the severall axiomes or doctrines therein conteined [sic], and uses thereupon inferred.
Sterne, Richard, 1596?-1683.

1 Doctrine. The LORD satisfyed Davids mouth with good.

These words contain the Benefit, viz. an abundant supply of all things necessary for this life.

That God did so supply David see Psalm 23.5.*

For 1 God had much work for David to doe,* in fighting his bettells against so ma∣ny bitter enemies, in administring justice and judgement to so great a people &c.

2 Though the soule or spirit be willing and ready to performe these actions, yet (they being to be done by the ministery of the body) it can not, unlesse the body be vi∣gorous and able.

3 God knew, that as all men have need Page  108of these things, Mat. 6.32. so a King much more, and in greater abundance.


For our instruction.* 1 In the word (〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 good) we see what David looked at in the things of this life, viz. the goodnesse of them. Some men so little practise self-denyall even in the smallest things, that they let loose the raines to their appetite, and deny it not any thing, though it be such a thing which reason and common experience tells them is hurt∣full to the body. Others out of curiosity &c. seek after those things, which for the no∣velty, rarity, or dearnesse, may serve for pompe, or to please dainty palates, rather then to minister true and solid good to the body. Not so David, who in these things looked at the goodnesse, that is, the fitnesse to nourish the body and give it health, strength &c. as in the latter part of the verse.

2 In the word (〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 satisfying) we see 1 That David was not a man of an unsatiable appetite (as they Isa. 56.11.) but rested not onely contented, but amply filled and sati∣ated with the portion that God had given him. 2 That he did not sordidly hoard up his riches, but used them to those ends for which God had given them: which also is the gift of God (and indeed the greater gift Page  109of the two) Eccles. 5.18, 19, 20. as the contrary is a vanity and an evill disease, in the words immediately following, chap. 6.1, 2.3 David ascribes this benefit (viz. the giving of these things for the quality good, for the quantity satisfying) to God.

This reproves 1 Such as hinder God from bestowing this benefit upon them:* as idle persons, or niggardly towards themselves &c.

2 Such as are unlike to God, not onely not satisfying the empty soules, not filling the hungry soules with good, but by injuri∣ous meanes taking away from them that which God hath given to satisfie them. See Job 24.2, 3, 4, 9, 10.

It exhorts us 1 To seek this benefit of God,* Mat. 6.11.

Motiv. 1 It is necessary for the sustentati∣on of life, good, and satisfying, that we may cheerfully perform the duties of our calling. 2 We need it daily, seeing it perisheth with the using. 3 God can abundantly give it.

Meanes. 1 Seek first the kingdome of God and His righteousnesse, Mat. 6.33. Prov. 13.25. 2 Be diligent in thy parti∣cular calling Prov. 13.4.

2 To imitate our heavenly Father in satis∣fying the mouthes of our needy brethren with good things.