A brief commentary upon the CIII Psalme with the severall axiomes or doctrines therein conteined [sic], and uses thereupon inferred.
Sterne, Richard, 1596?-1683.

5 Doctrine. The LORD healed all Davids diseases.

Here we have three things to be explained.*

1 Wherein this healing consists. As be∣fore it was said of diseases, so (there being the same reason of contraries) healing also [〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉] bath for its proper subject the body naturall ill affected by some disease or wound; but by Metaphor it may be transferred to other things also. For as in the proper sense he is said to heale, who takes away that which hinders the health of the body so in the me∣taphoricall, he who takes away from any thing that which hinders the well being of it. Page  71So 2 King. 2.21, 22. Psal. 60.2. And thus it is often transferred to the soule: though here the similitude holds not in every point. For in the body, nature being freed from the noxious humour doth of it self breed good blood, and supply it to the repairing the strength of the whole impaired by the dis∣ease. But in the soule after lapse, there is no power to any saving good.

2 How this healing is wrought: Namely by the Spirit of God using the Word and Sacraments. It is the work of the Spirit of God, Who is therefore called Holy, because He sanctifies the faithfull, and this work of healing is a part of sanctification. But the Spi∣rit doth not effect this without us, Rom. 8.13. That therefore we may be fitted for this work, the Spirit useth the word, which is compared to a medicine, Prov. 4.20, 21, 22. 1 Tim. 6.3. The Spirit therfore by the word and with the word 1 shewes us our diseases. 2 moves the will to seek to be healed, by disswasives from remaining under the do∣minion of sin, and perswasives to holinesse. 3 directs the action. It useth also the Sacra∣ments, by which we are united unto Christ, (Baptism for initiation, the Eucharist for pro∣gresse) and so we are gathered (as sometimes He would have gathered the children of Je∣rusalem) Page  72under his wings, wherein is healing, Mal. 4.2. Yea the Sacraments, sealing the great benefits of God to us, and our duty toward Him, do both encourage us to seek healing, and afford most effectuall arguments to move us to it.

3 How farre. In all that truly repent and beleeve, God heales all diseases, but not straightway perfectly, nor in all equally, but by different degrees. For the Scripture makes 3 distinct degrees of belee∣vers. 1 Beginners, who are called Children using milk, Hebr. 5.12, 13. 2 Proficients, Ephes. 4.14, 15. 3 Perfect or strong men, Rom. 15.1. But in all true beleevers this hea∣ling is so farre made, as to take away the do∣minion of sinne, and that it may not hinder their salvation; and in none perfectly or in every point in this life. The word in the Text is [〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 Who is healing] God so heales the diseases of our soules here, that He is still healing them more and more. Perfect health is not to be enjoyed but in heaven.

In this sense God is said to heale his people,* 2 Chron. 30.20. And in the same sense in proper termes he is often called The San∣ctifier of his people.

For God,* and God onely hath 1 perfect knowledge of all our diseases. 2 Power or Page  73ability to cure them, as being Omnipotent, and so nothing hard to Him. 3 Liberty and authority, His justice saved; which Christ by His obedience and death hath so farre sa∣tisfyed, that it not onely permits, but (upon the Covenant between Him and the Father) requires that all that beleeve in Him should be healed. 4 Will, as in this particular of David desiring his cheerfull obedience in his generall calling, and specially in the admi∣nistration of the Kingdome, and there∣upon

  • Davids salvation.
  • His owne glory.

So in every man according to his calling.


We see then 1 That the diseases of the soul,* though dangerous, yet are not incurable.

2 That they, who are qualifyed as David was, have their diseases healed. For there never are, nor can be any such but that God alwaies Omnipotent is able to heale them; and there is no respect of persons with Him.

3 That this healing is to be sought of God.

This reproves 1 Such who enjoying grea∣ter means then David had,* yet are not healed. 1 Not of all their diseases. Of some perhaps they are willing to be cured (as Herod) it may be out of some kind of conscience to∣wards God. But this they doe onely for Page  74feare of punishment; or that they may have something wherewith to stop the mouth of their conscience, that so they may the more sweetly sleep in their other sinnes; or be∣cause they are not so addicted to these sinnes, and therefore better contented to part with them &c. But whatever the cause be, it is e∣vident they doe it not out of a sincere con∣science: for then they would endeavour to have all healed, and those most especially, whereof they are most sick. 2 Not of grosse and foule diseases. 3 Not of any at all. 4 Who are so farre from being healed, that they grow every day more and more disea∣sed.

2 Such as doe not seek healing of God in due manner, that is, not diligently using the meanes by God thereunto appointed. 2 Not at all, but passing Him by rely upon other meanes, which cannot help them. 3 Who are so farre from seeking to be healed of God, that they daily more and more pro∣voke Him.

3 Such as are herein altogether unlike to God. 1 Negatively, who regard not to heale their brethrens diseases, but say, as the Priests and Elders to Judas, Mat. 27.4. What is that to us? See thou to it. 2 Positively, who hinder their healing, or also increase their dis∣eases.

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Let this exhort us to seek the healing of our diseases, and to seek it at Gods hands.*

Motiv. For the thing it self. 1 These disea∣ses are deadly to the soul, Rom. 8.13. give strength and sting to the diseases and death of the body, and to all afflictions; and whilest they continue in their vigour, make us unfit for any good, prone to sinne &c. 2 They being healed, we become temples of the Holy Ghost, fit and cheerfull to serve God, to work out our own salvation, to help others &c.

For the seeking it onely at Gods hands. 1 There are some diseases of the soul, which none but God (no not the sick man himself) can discover or find out, Psal. 19.12. 2 None but He can cure any disease of the soule at all. 3 He can sufficiently cure all: As before in the 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.

Meanes. See Explicat. 2.