A brief commentary upon the CIII Psalme with the severall axiomes or doctrines therein conteined [sic], and uses thereupon inferred.
Sterne, Richard, 1596?-1683.

Here then we see 1 How miserable our condition is in this life.* How many troubles and dangers our bodies are subject to by dis∣eases &c. we are not ignorant. The soule also hath her diseases too, and those sinfull diseases (the tympany of pride, the burning feaver of filthy lust, the dropsy of covetous∣nesse, the consumption of envy &c.) which as they are in number not inferiour to those of the body, so in their nature they are farre more dangerous. The diseases of the body tend onely to the death of the body, which of it self must necessarily dy, and by the power of God shall most certainly rise Page  66again; but the diseases of the soule tend to the eternall death and destruction both of body and soule.

2 That those places of Scripture, where the faithfull are said to be dead unto sinne, buried with Christ, to have the world cruci∣fied unto them, and themselves unto the world &c. are to be understood not accor∣ding to rigour, but according to the 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 or equity of the Gospell.*

Here come to be reproved 1 Such as are not sensible of the diseases of their soules; like men who having their brain distempered by some hote and violent disease, know not that they are ill, when they are even hard at deaths doore, but sometimes raile at the physician, sometimes are merry and laugh, whilest their friends stand about them with teares in their eyes. But here is the dif∣ference, that these mens ignorance of their disease is invincible, they can not help it: but those we speak of, are ignorant of their estate either affectedly, or of extreme negligence, which can neither excuse nor be excused. For if they would examine themselves by the Scriptures (as they might & ought to do) they would easily discerne, if not straightway all, yet many of their diseases, and the rest by degrees. Which because they doe not, their Page  67condition is farre worse then theirs, to whom we liken them; not onely because the death and destruction of the soule, whereof they are in danger, is far worse then that of the body, but also because they are in more danger of it. For they who are bodily sick, by how much the lesse sensible they are of their dis∣ease themselves, have their friends so much the more solicitous for them: and the phy∣sick which is administred to them, (though they desire it not, neither perceive when they take it) working by the naturall vertue which God hath put into herbs &c. may restore them to their health. But they who are spiri∣tually sick and yet wilfully refuse to know or acknowledge it, can not whilest they so con∣tinue, receive any good by spirituall physick, neither will Christ the great Physician of souls take in hand to cure them, Luk. 5.30, 31, 32.

2 Such as daily cast their soules into new diseases. There are two principall means of preserving health and preventing diseases, Diet and Exercise. But for the former (as it is Hos. 12.1.) many so feed themselves with vain and impious principles not onely specu∣lative but practicall, that thereby the mind and heart and whole man fall into sun∣dry and great distempers. Some eat the bread of wickednesse and drink the wine of Page  68violence, Prov. 1.17, 18, 19. & 4.17. Some eat the bread of deceit, which is sweet at the first tasting, but afterwards fills the mouth with gravell, Prov. 20.17. Some swallow down riches ill gotten, which prove the gall of aspes within them, Job 20.14, 15. Some by oppression swallow up the needy, Amos 8.4. And is it any wonder, if such diet breed diseases? So for Exercise, many giving themselves to spirituall idlenesse altogether neglect the exercises of piety; and so both of themselves contract abundance of ill hu∣mours, and also give the devil opportunity to infect their souls with his temptations, yea tempt him to it. Standing waters putrifie, breed frogs, noisome vermine &c.

Again this doctrine as it informs us of our misery,* so it ministers unto us some comfort. I Against the trouble which ariseth from the sense of these diseases. For as the diseases themselves are common, lesse or more, to all Gods children in this life, so the sense and trouble arising thereupon is a good both sign & cause of amendment. We may and ought, whilest we live here, to be daily gathering strength against these diseases: but perfect and uninterrupted health is to be expected onely in heaven.

2 Against the imperfection of our good Page  69works, if grieving for what is wanting in them we seriously and diligently endeavour to grow in grace, and holinesse. He were a cruell master that should require the same work of a sick, which he doth of a sound servant. The Father of mercies (Who knowes our mold and temper, how weak and sickly our soules are) doth not expect from us a conversation so every way perfect in all points, as He did from Adam in the first co∣venant: but if He sees us truly sory for our imperfections, and daily to our power en∣deavouring towards greater perfection, He accepts of our endeavours in Christ, and par∣dons what is wanting.

Two things we are here to be exhorted to.* 1 To withstand these diseases as much as may be, both by way of prevention, and by way of remedy.

Motiv. 1. From the worth and price of the soul the subject of these diseases. 2 From the great and imminent danger wherein it is by reason of them. 3 From the difficulty of overcoming them. 4 From the possibility (notwithstanding) of doing it in some com∣petent measure by the power of Gods grace.

Meanes. 1 Withdraw whatsoever may nourish or foster these diseases. 2 Feed upon the sincere milk and solid meat of Page  70Gods word, and exercise the graces of His Holy Spirit.

2 To search diligently what diseases we have.

Motiv. 1 It is too certain we have our dis∣eases, we shall not seek a knot in a bulrush. 2 Unlesse we know them, we cannot be healed of them; as we heard before Repr. 1. 3 The sense of them will humble us, will excite us diligently to seek after the means of health, will make us more ready to pity and help others.

Means. 1 Consider out of Gods word what is required to the health of the soule. 2 Examine our selves according thereunto.