A brief commentary upon the CIII Psalme with the severall axiomes or doctrines therein conteined [sic], and uses thereupon inferred.
Sterne, Richard, 1596?-1683.

Here 1 See how greatly God loves those that feare Him;* seeing He cannot satisfy Himself in doing good to them onely in their own persons, but doth it also to their chil∣dren Page  296and posterity for their sakes, 2 Sam. 7.19.

2 See how good a thing it is to be borne of good parents.

3 See the best way of providing for thy chil∣dren: which consists not in heaping up wealth, honour &c. for them, but in being thy self such an one as feares God, and tea∣ching them also to keep His covenant.

4 The mercy of God, at least in bestowing eternall happinesse, is not promiscuously to all the posterity of those that feare Him.

Here are reproved 1 Parents who feare not God;* such stopping the way to Gods mercy from descending upon their children and posterity, or at least not opening or ma∣king way for it.

2 Children, 1 Relying too much upon the piety of their parents, as if for their sakes it should be well with them, though they fol∣low not their stepps but work iniquity. And it may be so indeed in temporalls, but not so in eternalls; as was sayd before. Yea they shall be so much the more grievously tor∣mented in hell, by how much the greater temporall mercy God hath for their fathers sakes bestowed upon them for to winne them, and by how much the greater meanes their parents have used to bring them to salvation; which notwithstanding, they Page  297have gone on in their wickednesse. See what Christ answered to the Jewes boasting of their father Abraham Joh. 8. and Abraham to the rich man Luk. 16. 2 Who hate or contemne their parents for this very thing, because they feare God. Such an one seems Cham to have been Gen. 9.22. For that his deriding his fa∣ther in his drunkennesse seemes to have pro∣ceeded from his hatred of him for his piety.

3 Any, who so hate them that feare God, that for their sakes they extend their hatred to their children also.

Here also is comfort for them that are poore,* and have litle or nothing to leave to their children. If they feare God, they shall leave them for an inheritance Gods first love; and a greater measure of it, together with His second love also unto eternity, if they teach them to keep Gods covenant.

Lastly,* this should exhort 1 Parents to feare God, as for Gods sake and their own, so here for their childrens sake also.

2 Children to keep Gods covenant, that upon them may come the blessing promised to their parents. Gen. 18.19. 1 King. 2.3, 4. & 8.25. 1 Chron. 28.7, 9. Psal. 132.12.