LX. When these Ʋlcers proceed from the French-pox, you will find the Cure of them very difficult, unless the Cure of the Disease causing them be attempted at the same time.
LXI. However outwardly you may apply this. ℞ Honey of Roses strain'd ℥i. of our Hercules, Cin∣nabar levigated, A. ʒii. Aloes ʒss. mix them.
LXII. Renodaeus in Pharm. Lib. 5. Cap. 11. has this. ℞ white Wine lbi. Plantane and Rose wa∣ter, A. ℥iii. Auripigment ʒii. Verdigrise ʒi. Aloes, Myrrh, A. ℈i. make the dry ingredients into fine pouders, and mix them with the Wines and Waters.
LXIII. This is yet a more ex∣cellent thing. ℞ White-wine lbi. Honey of Roses strain'd, Bul∣locks, Gall, A. ℥iss. Nightshade, Plantane and Rose waters, A. ℥i. juice of Centory the less, of Smallage, of Scordium and of To∣bacco, A. ℥ss. Cinnabar leviga∣ted Vitrum Antimonij, Aloes, Myrrh, A. ʒii. mix. digest two days, then use them.