Horse-tail, Hounds-tongue, Hy∣pericon, Hyssop, Ladies-mantle, Mousear, Mugwort, Orpin, Per∣wincle, Pimpernel, Plantan, Ribwort, Rupturewort, Sanicle, Savin, Saxifrage, Scabious, Sage, Wood-Sage, Sena, Scordium, Self-heal, Solomons-seal, Speed∣wel, Strawberry-leaves, Tansy, Tansy wild, Vervain, Vipers-Bugloss, Wintergreen, Yarrow. 3. Flowers; of Clove-gilly-flowers, Hypericon, Lilly-con∣vally, Roses, Rosemary, Sage. 4. To these things add, Fine Bole, Cloves, Mace, Mummy, Winter's Cinamon, Guaiacum, Lentisk-wood, Sassafras, River-Crabs, Sperma Ceti, Vipers-flesh, Steel prepared, Vitriol of Mars, Crabs-eyes levigated. And out of these Simples, compound Diet-drinks are made, according to the following Examples.
XXIX. 1. A Vulnerary of Barbett. ℞ Roots of Comfrey ℥ss. Wintergreen M. ii. Sanicle P.ii. Strawberry-leaves, Ladies-mantle, Sage, A. M. i. red Wine q.s. boil, strain, and dulcify with white Sugar. Dose, ℥iii.
XXX. 2. ℞ Red Mugwort, leaves of Tree-Ivy, Sanicle greater and lesser, Wintergreen, Ladies-mantle, Saracens Consound, A. ℥i. Daisies ℥ss. cut all small, and infuse in the best Wine lbss. fair Water lbjss. digest in a close B.M. for three hours; after let them stand all night, then strain out, and add, Nutmegs Crabs-eyes, Mummy, A. ʒii. and dulcify with Sugar ℥iv. Dose, ℥iii.
XXXI. 3. Or, ℞ Red Mugwort, Sanicle, Ground-Ivy, Saracens Con∣sound, Ladies-mantle, A. M. i. of the best Wine lbvi. boil them them in a close Pot, over a gentle Fire, till a quarter is wasted; then strain out, and dulcify. Give a Draught Morning and Night.
XXXII. 4. A Vulnerary-Drink of Barbett, where the Bone is broken. ℞ Round Birth∣wort-roots ℥j ss. Sowbread ℥i. Self-heal, Cranes-bill, A. M. i. Savin, Crabs-eyes, A.ʒiv. Mummy, Galangal, A. ʒii. cut and pouder all grossly, and boil in red Wine lbiv ss. till lbiii. only remains; strain out, and sweeten with Syrup of Comfrey ℥ iv. Dose, ℥ iii. Morning, Noon, and Night.
XXXIII. 5. A Traumatick, from Sennertus. ℞ Winter-green, Perwincle, Bugle, Mugwort, Pim∣pernel, Agrimony, A. M.ii. boil in Wine q.s. to the wasting of a quarter-part. Dose, ℥vi. Mor∣ning, Noon, and Night.
XXXIV. 6. Another, from Sennertus. ℞ Tormentil, Straw∣berry-leaves, Sanicle, Ladies-bed∣straw, Wintergreen, A. M. i. boil in new Beer, q s. Dose, ℥viii. Morning, Noon, and Night.
XXXV. 7. Or thus: ℞ Win∣tergreen M. iv. leaves of Ground-Ivy, M.iii. roots of white Gen∣tian ℥iv. cut them small, and put them into six quarts of new Beer: after two days the Patient may drink it. Dose, ℥vi. Morning, Noon, and Night.
XXXVI. 8. Or thus: ℞ Sa∣racens Consound the whole Plant M. iii. boil it in Wine lbiii. to lbii. then strain out. Dose, ℥iv. Mor∣ning, Noon, and Night.
XXXVII. 9. A powerful Diet-Drink. ℞ Shavings or Saw-dust of Oak-wood, of Lentisk-wood,