XVIII. Ʋniversals must be premised, as in the cure of Strumae; purging the Body with our Family Pills, Pilulae Catharticae, Pulvis Cornachinii, Tinctura pur∣gans, or an Infusion of Sena and Rhubarb.
XIX. Give also Clysters every other day, to make a more ef∣fectual Revulsion of the Humors from the Part affected. ℞ Broth, or Posset-drink lbi. Tincture of Colocynthis ℥jss. brown Sugar ℥iv. mix, for a Clyster.
XX. And in the intervals of Purging, give this following Pou∣der. ℞ Aethiops mineralis, Be∣zoar mineralis, native Cinnabar, A.ʒvi. Myrrh, Orrice root, Ze∣doary, A. ʒiv. Alum burnt, Bwax, Ens Veneris, Scammony, A. ʒii. Cloves, Long-pepper, Spicknard, A.ʒi. make all into a fine pouder, and mix them; to which add treble refined Sugar ℥v. Dose, ʒii. every Morning, when Purging is intermitted.
XXI. Outwardly apply over the Tumor a Plate of Lead, besmeared with Quick-silver; or, Empl. de Ranis, with treble Mercury; or, our Emplast. Mercuriale, Em∣plast. Diasulphuris Rulandi; or, Ceratum è Gummi Elemi, Ce∣ratum Spermatis Ceti, Ceratum ad Tophos, Emplast. Diachylon cum Gummis; or, Emplast. ad Strumam, which is inferior to no other: see them in Our Pharm. aforegoing.
XXII. These things, whil'st recent, may prevail: but if they do nothing, there is no other Re∣medy (as to Internals) but Sa∣livation; which yet let be care∣fully performed, for fear of Suffocation. If none of these things do, you must remove it by Section. See the following Example.