Ars chirurgica a compendium of the theory and practice of chirurgery in seven books ... shewing the names, causes, signs, differences, prognosticks, and various intentions of curing all kinds of chirurgick diseases ... : to which is added Pharmacopoeia chirurgica, or, The medical store, Latin and English ... / by William Salmon ...

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Ars chirurgica a compendium of the theory and practice of chirurgery in seven books ... shewing the names, causes, signs, differences, prognosticks, and various intentions of curing all kinds of chirurgick diseases ... : to which is added Pharmacopoeia chirurgica, or, The medical store, Latin and English ... / by William Salmon ...
Salmon, William, 1644-1713.
London : Printed for J. Dawks ... and sold by S. Sprint [and 6 others] ...,
M.DC.XCVIII [1698]

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Medicine -- 15th-18th centuries.
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"Ars chirurgica a compendium of the theory and practice of chirurgery in seven books ... shewing the names, causes, signs, differences, prognosticks, and various intentions of curing all kinds of chirurgick diseases ... : to which is added Pharmacopoeia chirurgica, or, The medical store, Latin and English ... / by William Salmon ..." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 31, 2024.


I. Oleum calefaciens.

℞ OLEI de Ben, vel Oli∣varum, libras duas; Oleorum seminum Anisi, bac∣carum Juniperi, Limonum, Ros∣marini, Sassafras, & Succini, ana uncias quinque; Campho∣rae uncias duas; misce, ac dis∣solve.

Corporis Doloribus & Vitiis frigidis, Convulsiones, Tetano, Nervorum distentione, & Para∣lysi conducit; Spinae & Renum dolores reprimit, atque Hemicra∣niam, Cephalalgiam, Podagram, & Gonagram levat.

II. Oleum Refrigerans.

℞ Olei de Ben, vel Oliva∣rum, libras duas; Sacchari Saturni (in Spiritu Aceti dis∣soluti) uncias quatuor; misce, pro usu.

Ad Ambusta, Erysipelata, Sca∣biem, & Cutis vitia à salsa Pituita & Bile usta enata, ad Prurigines, ac Pustularum eru∣ptiones commendatur.

III. Oleum Anodynum.

℞ Olei de Ben, vel Oliva∣rum, libras duas; Opii Thebaici (in Aqua dissoluti ad consisten∣tiam

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Mellis extracti) uncias duas, Camphorae sesquiunciam: misce.

Dolores mirificè levat, Inflam∣mationes, ac calidos quosvis Tumores reprimit; Arthritidi, Cephalalgiae, Hemicraniae, nec-non doloribus, Splenis, Renum, Ʋteri, Haemorrhoidarum, opem fert.

IV. Oleum Paralyticum.

℞ Oleorum Chymicè prae∣paratorum, Anisi, Foeniculi, Lavendulae, Sabinae, Pulegii, ana uncias quatuor; Olei Terebin∣thinae, Sassafras, ana uncias sex; Olei Succini rectificati uncias duodecim; misce.

Ad Spasmum & Paralysin con∣firmatam commendatur; valenter namque digerit ac emollit, ut Nervorum & Articulorum Tophos dissipet; eorundem etiam frigidos Affectus, & imbeciilitates, seu resolutionum membrorum, sanat.

V. Oleum Cosmeticum.

℞ Olei de Ben libram unam, Praecipitati albi, vel Mercurii dulcis laevigati uncias duas, Olei Tartari per deliquium unciam unam; misce.

Aspera laevigat, Faciei maculas & lentigenes exterit, Ephelides, ac Ʋstiones ex insolatu factas emendat, Lepram, Morphaeam, nec-non Pustulas in Cute à salsa Pituita sanat.

VI. Oleum Diacolocynthidos.

℞ Olei Olivarum libras duas, Vini rubri libram unam, pulpae Colocynthidis uncias duas; co∣quantur ad Vini consumptionem, vel per duas vel tres horas, lento igne, donec Oleum vim totam Colocynthidis attraxerit, tandemque exprimantur & co∣lentur;

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& addantur Olei Chy∣mici seminum Anisi, Carui, & Foeniculi, ana drachmae tres; misce, & reponatur ad Enemata.

Dosis, ab uncia una ad duas, prout majori vel minori operandi efficacia opus fuerit, cum Jure pingui permixtum, summum Me∣dicamentum erit ad omnes sopori∣feros Affectus, Apoplexiam, Le∣thargum, & similes; & effectus praestantes foelici cum successu ostentabit in sedandis potissimum intolerabilibus doloribus & pas∣sionibus Colicis, ut-plurimum à Pituita vitrea in Intestinis sub∣ortis; in quibus Purgantia leni∣tiva sola exhibita, inefficacia prorsus & invalida comperientur. Oleum enim hoc Medicamento mi∣rificè contemperat acrem & vene∣natam Colocynthidos qualitatem; adeo ut sic praeparata, neutiquam noxia aut damnosa sit Intesti∣nis.

VII. Oleum ad Vermes.

℞ Olei Olivarum libras duas, succorum Absinthii, Cardui be∣nedicti, ana libram unam; pul∣pae Colocynthidos uncias duas; Aloes (in Aqua dissolutae) un∣ciam unam: misce, & coquan∣tur ad Succi consumptionem, donec Oleum vim ingredien∣tium totam extraxerit, deinde exprimantur & colentur: post∣ea addantur Fellis Bovis defae∣cati unciae octodecim, Oleorum Chymicorum Anisi, Cumini, & Foeniculi, ana semiuncia: misce, & servetur ad usum.

Hoc Oleum mixtum cum La∣cte, aut Jusculo Capitis vervi∣cini, in quantitate sufficienti ad fingendum Enema, summa erit medela adversus Lumbricos quos∣vis.

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Infantibus trium, quatuor, aut quinque annorum, sufficiet exhibere pro Dosi semiunciam, vel drachmas sex, cum Lactis unciis quatuor aut quinque, ut fiat Clyster: mediocriter robu∣stis uncia una satis erit, ro∣bustioribus sesquiuncia, imo & robustissimis unciae duae. Hoc Oleum excellentissimum est ad expellen∣dos Vermes, ad demulcendos & leniendos Dolores à causis frigi∣dis, Cruditatibus, Flatibus, ac Humoribus mucilaginosis, tar∣tareis, & arenosis sive calcu∣losis suscitatos; atque ad edu∣cendam foetidam Humorum il∣luviem & putridinem: ad Aegros etiam excitandos in Comatosis & Soporiferis Symptomatis & Affectibus; & ad validius ex∣purgandos omnes Humores, ci∣tra tamen calefactionem nimiam; qualem inducere solent Hierae Logadii, vel Pachii Diacolo∣cynthidos, & hujus alia ge∣neris.

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1. The Heating Oyl.

OYL of Ben, or Oyl of Olives, lbij. Oyls of Aniseed, Juniper, Limons, Rose∣mary, Sassafras, and Amber, a. ℥ v. Camphir ℥ ij. mix, and dissolve.

It is good against cold Aches and Diseases of the Body, Con∣vulsions, the Tetanos, or cross Convulsion of the Neck, Dis∣tention of the Nerves, and the Palsy; it eases the pain of the Back and Reins, and gives relief in the pain of the Head, Me∣grim, Gout in the Feet and Knees.

II. The Cooling Oyl.

Oyl of Ben, or of Olives; lbij. Saccharum Saturni (dis∣solved in Spirit of Vinegar) ℥ iv. mix them for use.

It is said to be of good use for Burnings, an Erysipelas, Scab∣biness, or Breakings out, and other vices of the Skin, arising from salt Phlegm and Melancho∣ly, as also Itchings, and Pustles or Pimples breaking out.

3. The Oyl easing Pain.

Oyl of Ben, or of Olives, lbij. Theban Opium (dis∣solved in Water, and extracted

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to the consistence of Honey) ℥ ij. Camphir ℥ j ss. mix them.

It gives great ease in Pains, represses Inflammations, and all sorts of hot Swellings: it gives help in the Gout, Head-ach, Megrim; as also in Pains of the Spleen, Reins, Womb, and Haemorrhoids.

4. The Palsy-Oil.

Chymical Oils of Anise, Fennel, Lavender, Savin, Peny∣royal, a. ℥ iv. Oil of Turpentine, Sassafras, a. ℥ vj. rectified Oil of Amber ℥ xij. mix them.

It is said to be good for Cramps and Convulsions, as also a confirmed Palsy; for that it powerfully digests and softens, so as to discuss and softens, so as to discuss Knots in the Nerves and Joints: it cures also the cold Affects of those parts, and the weakness or resolution of the members.

5. The Beautifying Oil.

Oil of Ben lbj. white Praecipitate, or Mercurius dulcis levigated ℥ ij. Oil of Tartar per deliquium ℥ j. mix them.

It makes smooth a rough Skin, and takes away Spots, Freckles or Lentils of the Face, and Sun-burnings; and prevails against the Leprosy, Morphew, Scurf; as also Pustules breaking out in the Skin from salt Phlegm.

6. Oil of Coloquintida.

Oil Olive lbij. Red Wine lbj. pulp of Coloquintida ℥ ij. boil to the consumption of the Wine; or for two or three hours, with a gentle fire, till the Oil has drawn forth all the virtue of the Colo∣quintida; then strain out by pres∣sing, and add Chymical Oils of

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Aniseeds, Caraways, and Fennel-seeds, a. ʒ iij. mix, and keep it for Clysters.

The Dose is from ʒ j, ad ℥ ij. more or less, according as the occasion may require; being mixt with fat Broth, (and given Clyster-wise) it is an excellent thing against all Sleepy-Diseases, as the Apoplexy, Lethargy, and the like; it operates upon the spot, and with good success, in easing the most vehement pains and disorders of the Colick, chiefly those which proceed from a kind of glassy Phlegm in the Bowels; in which cases, lenitive Purges being only given, are ineffectual, and do no kind of good. For the Oil-olive in this Composition does admi∣rably allay and qualify the acrid and (as it were) venene quality of the Coloquintida; and so being thus prepared, it is not in the least hurtful or prejudi∣cial to the Intestines.

7. The Oil against Worms.

Oil-olive lbij. juices of Wormwood, Carduus benedictus, a. lbj. pulp of Coloquintida ℥ ij. Aloes (dissolved in Water) ℥ j. mix, and boil to the consumption of the Juices, and till the Oil has extracted all the virtue of the ingredients, then strain out by pressing: afterwards add Ox or Bulls Gall defecated ℥ xviij. Chy∣mical Oils of Anise, Cumin, and Fennel, a. ℥ ss. mix, and keep it for use.

This Oil, mixt with a sufficient quantity of Milk, or the Broth of a Wethers-head, and given as a Clyster, is an excellent thing to kill all sorts of Worms,

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To Children of three, four, or five years old, you may give ab ℥ ss, ad ʒ vj. mixt with ℥ iv, or v. of Milk, for a Clyster: to those who are moderately strong, it may be given to ℥ j. such as are stronger, may re∣ceive it to ℥ j ss. and the strongest Bodies or Constitu∣tions, may have it exhibited to ℥ ij. This Oil is a most excellent Medicine for expel∣ling Worms, and to abate and ease Pains proceeding from a cold cause, from Crudities, Wind, and mucilaginous, tar∣tartarous, or viscous and lapi∣descent Humors; and to expel the fetid nastiness and putrid∣ness of the Humors: it is given also to rouse up such as are sick of a Coma, or afflicted with Sleepy Symptoms or Dis∣eases; and for the more effe∣ctual purging forth all sorts of Humors, without exciting too much heat; which is usual where the Hierae Diacolocynthi∣dos of Logadius and Pachius, with other things of like kind, are given.

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