℞ FINE Aloes lbxv. Colo∣quintida in pouder lbiv. Tur∣peth-Mineral, Cambogia, A. lbiii. dissolve the Aloes and Cambogia in a strong decoction of Coloquintida, and evaporate to the consistency of Honey; to which add the pouders of Coloquintida, and Tuxpeth; and make with Oil of Caraways a mass of Pills.
They purge all Humors, chiefly serous and watery; as also Choler and Phlegm very much; they are a specifick in a Gonorrhaea, and the Whites in Women: they are given with great effect in the Dropsy, Gout. Scurvy, Kings-Evil, Rheuma∣tism, Cachexy, Jaundies, Ob∣structions of the Liver, Spleen, Mesentery, Womb, and Reins; and chiefly to such which can∣not be purged with gentler Me∣dicines: they are good against all impurities of the Brain, Sto∣mach, Bowels, and Blood, Dose, à ℈ i, ad ʒ ss. in the morning fasting.