VII. You ought to cleanse the Bowels well by Clysters cast in, made either of Wine Vinegar, Sea Water, Salt Brine, or Solution of Niter, or a strong Decoction of Co∣loquintida; and these to be often repeated; then hanging the Body up by the Arms, that the Ordure, or Faeces may drop out.
VIII. If the Body be laid in warm Water almost scalding hot, for a season, after the Exhibiti∣on of the Clyster, it will work so much the better.
IX. The Bowels being cleansed, let all the Passages of the Body be stopt up with hurds dipt in the Com∣position prepared for the Cere∣cloth, and over them lay Cloth fitted, and dipt in the same.
X. Lastly, wrap up the Body in a Cerate, made of new Cloth; so large as it may go four, or five, or more times round the Body, as you think fit; and then Cord it up, putting it into a strong well made Coffin, well and firmly Pitcht all over the inside.
XI. But here note, 1. That in thin and lean Bodies, it is not al∣ways necessary to use the Cly∣sters, being chiefly for fat and gross Bodies.
XII. 2. That some Cord not the Body, being wrapt in the Cere-cloth;