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I. THAT Supply which is made of Flesh taken from a living Body, learnedly treated of by Gasper Taliacotius, the Bono∣nian Professor of Anatomy, is so difficult and painful, besides the necessary preparation for the Work, the Symptoms that fall out in the doing of it, and the danger that follows the least neglect; that it is seldom or never attempted in our Days: And therefore, by reason of the Difficulty and Unsuccessfulness thereof, we shall wholly preter∣mit it; referring those which are curious in that kind, to the Author himself.
II. However, Artificial Eyes, Nose, Palate, Teeth, &c. may be made to supply those Defects, of several other Materials; of which, Ambrose Parrey, lib. 23. cap. 1. ad 7. has spoken at large.
III. If therefore, the Eye hap∣pen to be broken, or put out by any Violence or Inflammation, or if it waste or consume, by reason of a Consumption of its proper Sub∣stance, there can be no hope to restore the Sight or Function of the Eye; but you may cover the Deformity of the Eye so lost, by another Eye Artificially made of Gold, Silver or Glass, coun∣terfeited and Enamel'd, so as it may seem to have the Bright∣ness, Decency, and Life of the Natural Eye; which may be put into the place of the Eye so lost.
IV. If it cannot be worn, being put into the place, you must make a stiff Iron or Brass Wire, like unto Womens Ear Wires; which may be so formed, as to bind the Head harder or looser (as the Patient shall see reason) from the lower Part of the Head be∣hind, above the Ear, unto the greater Corner of the Eye.
V. This Wire ought to be cover∣ed with Silk, and made somewhat broad at both ends, lest that the sharpness thereof should hurt any part it comes to; but the end in which the Artificial Eye must be put, ought to be broader than the other, and covered with a thin piece of Leather, that up∣on it the Colours and liveliness of the Eye may be shadowed and Counterfeited.
VI. If the Nose be lost, it is requisite to make a Nose-Artificial of Gold, Silver, Tin, Paper, or Linnen Cloth glewed together; and it ought to be Coloured, Coun∣terfeited and made, both for Fashion, Figure and Bigness,