XXI. Fasting is of use (whilst the Body is emptying) to lessen the quantity of Humors, by hindering their Generation, and this chiefly in universal ill habits, and el∣derly people: For Children are scarcely able to bear it, nor Cho∣lerick People; for Bile causes a vast Consumption of Humi∣dity.
XXII. This possibly is one of the most useful courses in the whole Art of Physick or Chirurgery; for as much as many Diseases may be cured by Fasting alone, which no other course could do any good in.
XXIII. Besides, the Stomach being empty, draw Humours from all other Parts of the Body; by which means they come to be removed, and so cast forth in the common Draught, with the other Recrements of the Body.
XXIV. More especially, it is to be used in all Diseases proceeding from fulness, for in them it makes an Alteration almost to a Mira∣cle; and therefore it is of great use in Surfeits of every kind, and Diseases proceeding from Gluttony, Gormandizing, and Drunkenness.