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LVIII They are either External, which being opened, diminishes the Plethora of the Part, and are of good Effect in Diseases of the internal Parts, &c. Or Internal.
LIX. Hemorrhoids are opened by Frictions, Fig-leaves, course Cloths, Juice of Onions, &c. If outward; but by sharp Clysters and Suppositories, &c. if in∣ward or blind; being opened, they help Diseases of the Bow∣els, Womb, Reins, Bladder, Joints, Liver, Spleen, Mesen∣tery, &c.
LX. Being suppressed, they are tumified and painful, of various Magnitudes and Colours, and in some not very much unlike a small bunch of Grapes; whence they have various Names.
LXI. If they swell and inflame, they are in danger to Gangrene; to prevent which, you must imme∣diately apply Leeches: And, if the Tumour be very great, you must apply many Leeches, by which a great quantity of Blood is to be drawn away; after the removing of the Leeches, to prevent Fistulating, you must foment for an hour or more with hot Red Wine.
LXII. If they suppurate and open, they may possibly leave a Fi∣stula in Ano, which is many times incurable, especially with∣out cutting: ℞ Juice of Mullein, Oil of Ben, Oil of Roses a. ℥ss. Yolk of Eggs No i. Honey, Turpen∣tine a. ʒij. beat them well toge∣ther, and keep it for use; apply∣ing it with Lint or Linnen Cloth, and give every day Electuarium Lenitivum.