XXVII. Leeches are said to be more advantagious than Scari∣fication, and safer than Bleeding, because they draw forth the Extra∣vased Blood, which is in the Flesh; and they may with benefit be applied, as well in weak as strong Bodies, they drawing chiefly from the Cutaneous Parts, by which means they often Cure Cuticular Diseases.
XXVIII. Leeches are applied to the Veins of the Arms and Legs, to Haemorrhoids, Vulva, Gums, Lips, Nose, Ʋlcers, after sca∣rifying in Gangrenes, Herpes, &c. and that in general Evacuations of the whole Body.
XXIX. When you apply them, make the place clean with Milk and Sugar, rubbing it till it grows red; then hold them near the Head in a Rag, and so apply them to the place, it being first moistned with Pigeons Blood.
XXX. If you would have them fall off before they have done, cast Salt on them: If you would have them suck longer than full, cut off their Tails.
XXXI. Chuse them in clear Water, sandy and gravelly Ponds, whose Heads are little, Bodies small, Bellies red and round, and Backs streaked like Threads of Gold. They ought to be kept twelve days at least before they are used.
XXXII. You may keep them a Year in Water with a few Crums of Bread, changing the Water once in four days.
XXXIII. Those in muddy, fil∣thy and stinking Ponds, with great Heads, greenish colour, and blew streaks on the Back, are poysonous and dangerous, exciting Vene∣mous Tumors, Inflammation, Ulcers, Convulsions, and some∣times Death.
XXXIV. They are often used in Melancholy Diseases, Leprosie, Ringworms, repletion of malign Matter, Pleurisies, Inflammation of the Lungs, Phagedena, Fu∣runculus, Vertigo, Epilepsie, Apoplexy, Megrim, old Head∣achs,